
接连不断  jiē lián bù duàn








  • 我因狂暴而受挫接连不断地打着他。
    I beat at him with rage and frustration.

  • 战役接连不断,尾声遥遥无期。
    One battle followed another, and the end never came.

  • 你的世纪,接连不断,完美了一朵小小的野花。
    Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower.

  • 从此,宁县农民武装起义接连不断,抗税斗争如火如荼
    Since then, the County of farmers armed uprising after another, in full swingkang shui struggle.

  • 从三月起,电车,公共汽车,纱厂工人,罢工接连不断
    Since March there's been one strike after another-the trams, the buses, the cotton mills.

  • 同时,低价竞争也使中国家电业遭遇接连不断的反倾销。
    At the same time, the low price competition also causes China electrical industry suffering continuous instead dumps.

  • 这就容易解释为什么最近几个月接连不断地发生并购交易了。
    This explains many of the deals that have taken place in recent months.

  • 最近几个月来,经济麻烦的消息接连不断,上个星期也不例外。
    Recent months have seen a torrent of troubling economic news, and last week was no exception.

  • 由于接连不断地收到新订单,他们现在一天三班工作来加快生产。
    As new orders keep coming in, they are working three shifts to step up production.

  • 它所要表达的是:现有的物理定律就能解释接连不断的膨胀和收缩。
    What it says is that existing laws of physics can account for a succession of expansions and contractions .

  • 但起假誓、不践前言、杀害、偷盗、奸淫、行强暴、杀人流血接连不断
    By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

  • 对我们而言,审计服务并非单指年度性的工作,而是一个接连不断的过程;
    For us, the auditing service is a continuous process instead of only fiscal year job.

  • 我知道比赛中问题会接连不断,但我想前15到20分钟我们可以坚持不失球。
    Problems would always arrive in the game but I was wishing we could play the first 15 to 20 minutes without conceding.

  • 接连不断的到访英国的人回国后描述了他们在那里看到的科技和商业上的创新。
    A succession of visitors to Britain would go back to report to their countries on the technological commercial innovations they saw there.

  • 人们没有仔细分析这项决议的优劣之处就接连不断表示反对,我对此感到十分惊讶。
    "I'm surprised by the immensity of the battle from people who are against it without really analysing the pros and cons, " he said.

  • 探索这个游戏世界及其规则的同时,无限的高度会让玩家接连不断地感受到惊心动魄
    When exploring the world of this game and its rules, the view into endless depths gives the player a continuous thrill.

  • “如果你接连不断的出现平局,你就不会拿到冠军,我们大家都很清楚。”阿格说道。
    "You are not going to win a title if you are drawing every second game - we know that, " said Agger.

  • 近年来,国内液化气船恶性事故接连不断,已严重危害液化气海上运输事业的健康发展。
    There are frequent vicious accidents on vessels for liquefied natural gas, which harm the healthy development of sea-transportation for liquefied natural gas.

  • 中国历史,自古至今,接连不断的饥馑一直为其痼疾。在饥馑年代,工农大众受害尤甚。
    China's history had been characterised by periodic famines, peasants and workers worst hit.

  • 建国后17年的意识形态领域有一个显著的特征,那就是大批判运动此起彼伏、接连不断
    It is an outstanding feature in the ideology field during the 17 seventeen years after founding of the PRC that the big criticism movements were tortuous and continuous.

  • 从我们第一次嘹亮的哭声起,人生中数不尽的第一次便接连不断地来到我们身边,又悄然逝去。
    Loud and clear from our first cry, the endless life the first time they came to us one after another, and gone quietly.

  • 正当以色列从黎巴嫩南部撤出更多军队时,难民们接连不断地蜂拥回家,看看自己的家园是否还在。
    As Israel pulls more of its troops out of southern Lebanon, refugees continue to stream home to see what's left.

  • 一天,他从学校跑回家,一头扑到她的怀里,她叹了口气,知道他的生活会是接连不断的悲伤与痛苦。
    When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother's arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks.

  • 白洋淀旅游越来越好,游客接连不断。在好的气氛下隐藏着“阴影”。白洋淀旅游应该注意什么呢?我们来讲一讲。
    Baiyangdian getting better and better tourism, tourists after another. Hidden in the good atmosphere of "shadow. " Baiyangdian Tourism should pay attention to what? Let's talk about.

  • 接连不断的意外事件影响着梅姨,也使得原来存在于律师史密斯先生和梅姨之间基于合同的裂痕又再次遭到了腐蚀。
    Continuous contingency contributed Aunt Mei, and also made the crack about the contract lying between the counsel Mr. Smith and Aunt Mei corroded again. At this crisis point Mr.

  • 然而,就在当晚及第二天接连不断传来闻所未闻的死亡消息,损失半数军队的消息,这样,新的战役因兵员不足而不可能进行。
    But all that evening and next day news was coming in of unheard-of losses, of the loss of one-half of the army, and another battle turned out to be physically impossible.

  • 小泉纯一郎上台后,接连不断地参拜靖国神社,这是新国家主义思潮泛滥的必然结果,是一条通往“国家主义”的“精神隧道”。
    Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiros successive paying homage to Yasukuni Shrine since being in office is the result of the spread of neo nationalism and a "spiritual tunnel" to "nationalism".

  • 身体状况尚可,虽没有严重疾病,但小毛病会接连不断,这都是因你过度紧张工作所致,閒时可找些娱乐放松一下,有助精神减压。
    Fair physical condition, although there was no serious illness, but minor defects will be incessant, this is because you work due to excessive tension, more relax to help the spirit of decompression.

  • 他自己从没有像现在这样怀疑过:这些一本正经和访问,接连不断地拜访完全陌生的人,会对他正在进行的精神毛病的治疗有多大的帮助。
    Privately he doubted more than ever whatever these formal visits with a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing.

  • 不过,唉…一个著名地既不能以天赋去踢球亦不能阻止其他球队这样做的球员,不论在俱乐部和国家队层面上,他的命运也只能是接连不断的为不同的球队上阵。
    But, alas, it was his destiny to play for a succession of teams, both at club and international level, who, famously, could neither play with flair nor stop other teams from doing so.

  • 接连不断造句相关
