
揠苗助长  yà miáo zhù zhǎng








  • 例如,谚语“揠苗助长”就是基于下面的故事。
    For example, the proverb, "plucking up a crop to help it grow", is based on the following story.

  • 这当中,有的地区和部门,甚至还出现过揠苗助长的现象。
    Somewhere, some localities and departments, and even experienced kill phenomenon.

  • 即便是你亲生的孩子,你也千万别揠苗助长,更别穷瞎操这个心吧!
    Even they are your children; you don't need considering it for them.

  • 一个好的园丁不会揠苗助长,而会耐心等待,因此我们必须有耐心。
    A well-cultivated garden does not materialize overnight. It takes time so we must be patient.

  • 我们不想揠苗助长,当然我没有说我不喜欢他们,也没有说我不信任他们。
    We don't want to push them and I am not saying I don't like them or I don't trust them.

  • 在中国,我们有一个古老的寓言:揠苗助长,当然他只能是杀死了那颗植物。
    A stupid person was trying to pull the plant as he wished it could grow faster. And of course this will only kill the plant.

  • 治理国家的难处,其中除了揠苗助长的错误外,最大的盲点就在于管理者的私心。
    Excepting excessive promotion, difficulty on governance of country is manager's selfishness that is the biggest blind point.

  • 对这样的一颗种子,我们根本就不必大费周章,花费心力去做任何揠苗助长的事。
    During the growth, we indeed make no effort to help it grow.

  • 这种揠苗助长或叫包办婚姻式的组合前途有二:一是其组合确实有违经济规律,结果必然是解体。
    This kind of exhausted or a combination of arranged marriage-is two-fold: first, the future is its combination indeed contrary to the economic rules, the result must be disintegration.

  • 其实,修行的人最好不要太在乎结果,默默地做就好,太注意成果进度,反而会有揠苗助长的坏处。
    In fact, man of practice has better not care for the result, just doing it silently. If he pays much attention to the progress, it would be harmful to his practice.

  • “我不想揠苗助长,因为我还是需要安全的恢复状态,但是离奥运会开幕只剩下70多天啦。”姚明说。
    "I don't want to push that too much because we need to do that in a safe way, but the Olympics are only 70-some days to go, " Yao said.

  • 不要不惜血本请名师做家教、开小灶,这样不仅挤占了孩子自由消化复习内容的时间,而且有揠苗助长之嫌。
    Please teacher at Xueben not do …, a Xiaozao, not only diverted the children free time to digest the contents of the literature, but also Yamiaozhuchang of suspicion.

  • 揠苗助长”这个成语,现在多写成“拔苗助长”,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄遭。
    This idiom is now often written . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.

  • 忙碌儿童综合症/揠苗助长综合症)指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求孩子在学业上取得佳绩,并且希望孩子像小大人一样行为和做事的现象。
    Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents over schedule their children's lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults.

  • 揠苗助长造句相关
