
旗鼓相当  qí gǔ xiāng dāng








  • 旗鼓相当, 胜负难分。
    The two sides were so well-matched that neither could gain the upper hand.

  • 最后的结果应该是两者旗鼓相当
    The net result should hopefully come out equal.

  • 正象反复强调的那样,性反应在两性之间旗鼓相当
    As repeatedly emphasized, the sexual responses are comparable in both sexes.

  • 被视为最佳球员,部分因素是要有旗鼓相当的对手。
    Part of being considered the best is having rivalries.

  • 如果两个对手旗鼓相当,那么什么因素会打破这种平衡呢?
    When two opponents are evenly matched, what's the factor that tips the balance one way or the other?

  • 这份工作会和你现在的工作旗鼓相当,也许可能更适合你。
    The job would be on a level similar to the level you are on now, but that might be fine with you.

  • 很显然,车辆的承重能力也不过与其最差的部分旗鼓相当
    Obviously, the load-carrying capacity of the vehicle is only as strong as the weakest part.

  • 两个对手并不是那么旗鼓相当,他们拥有的军事力量很不对等。
    These two antagonists were poorly matched, insofar as they had very unequal strengths;

  • 一方面有丰富的经验,另一方面有坚定的决心,彼此旗鼓相当
    The rich experience of one side and the firm determination of the other balance each other out.

  • 这场比赛旗鼓相当,比分很接近。最后结果是98比96,我们赢了。
    It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor.

  • 麦凯恩将在俄亥俄参加几个活动,这个州的几次投票,两人都是旗鼓相当
    McCain has several events in Ohio where several polls have the two nearly tied.

  • 就好像是两个旗鼓相当的重量级选手在冠军争夺赛中的第六轮或第七轮比赛。
    The two finalists are well matched and it should result in a nail-biting finish to the tournament.

  • 其他人的成就可能高于你,而且无论你多努力,似乎也不可能与他们旗鼓相当
    Others might have better achievements than you, and no matter how hard you tried, it might seem impossible for you to match them.

  • 因此,关键是要伪造出一个新的数字,让苏联和美国看起来在军费开支上旗鼓相当
    The point was to come up with a new figure that did not make the Soviet Union an unequal partner of the United States.

  • 他补充到;“英超联赛和西甲的确是旗鼓相当——在那里比赛的确对我有吸引力。”
    He added: "The Premier League is definitely on a par with La Liga — and playing there absolutely appeals to me."

  • 我们的目标是,成为与迪斯尼、梦工厂、皮克斯、维塔电影巨头旗鼓相当的世界影视中坚。
    It is our aim to grow this company to be a world force in filmmaking –rivaling Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar and Weta Digital.

  • 很多分析人士预期,选举结果将是各派旗鼓相当,从而导致黎巴嫩成立某种形式的联合政府。
    Many analysts are expecting a close vote that will result in some form of coalition government.

  • 这一数据与知道1941年日本袭击珍珠港和1945年美国在日本投下原子弹的人数旗鼓相当
    A figure matched only by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in 1945.

  • 使用怀疑时的审慎和使用圈套时的精明要旗鼓相当,绝对不必心地太好,以至于别人能对你使坏。
    Prudence should use as much suspicion as subtlety uses slaves, and none need to be so good as to enable others to do him ill.

  • 但射正球门的次数,阿森纳只有6次,桑德兰是5次,从进攻质量上来说,双方实际上旗鼓相当
    Shots on goal but the goal the number of times, Arsenal 6, Sunderland 5 times, from the attack on the quality, the two sides evenly matched in practice.

  • 尽管它有着怯懦的声誉,但它与狮子旗鼓相当。事实上,它在非洲的捕食者中仅排在百兽之王之后。
    Despite its cowardly reputation, it's a fitting rival to the lion. In fact, it's second only to the King of Beasts among the African predators.

  • 众所周知,世界上讲汉语的人数和讲英语的人数旗鼓相当,英语分布的地理区域则比汉语要广阔得多。
    As is known to all, the Chinese-speaking population is very close to the English-speaking population in the world, English has abroader scope than Chinese in terms of geological distribution.

  • 《不公平合同条款法案》该不该适用于[雇佣合同],我觉得,法律界在这一问题上正反两方旗鼓相当
    I suspect the legal profession was evenly split on whether UCTA applied [to employment contracts].

  • 显然,早在抗日战争结束之前,*就持有这样的看法,即他们能够在旗鼓相当的基础上,与蒋介石争夺天下。
    It seems quite obvious that the Communists had decided before the end of the war with Japan that they could compete on an equal basis with Chiang Kai-shek for power in China.

  • 两者的机身控制钮的使用感觉旗鼓相当,M6的快门释放感觉比G2稍好,G2的快门速度调节转盘感觉好一些;
    The controls of each are comparable in feel. The shutter release of the M6 feels slightly better than the G2. The shutter speed dial of the G2 feels better.

  • 这几乎和股市回报率旗鼓相当了。但如果利率再度开始迅猛回升,那么债券基金的投资收益就会迅速转变为大笔亏损。
    That's almost on par with the stock market's gains. But those gains will quickly turn into big losses if interest rates start rising briskly again.

  • 这些邮件还显示,阿里和萨瓦尔两人的角色完全不同,但重要性旗鼓相当,他们完全接受巴基斯坦方面的控制和指令。
    They demonstrate also that Ali and Sarwar had entirely different but equally important roles to perform, and they were entirely under the control and direction of Pakistan.

  • 在我们的读者中,持相左观点的人数旗鼓相当,支持减少与反对相比仅仅是56%对44%,这又表明同惩罚政客相比还有更重要的去做。
    Our readers, however, remain relatively evenly split on this question, supporting a cut by only a margin of 56% to 44%, suggesting again they have other priorities than punishing politicians.

  • 小悟空和天津饭在力量和技巧上显得惊人的旗鼓相当,但场外发生的一系列事件激怒了天津饭,让他重新下定决心,全力以赴地投入比赛。
    Goku and Tien's power and technique seem to be amazingly equal, but a dramatic turn of events enrages Tien to a new level of focus and determination.

  • 这种联系是文化上的,在公众的眼里,国会议员和银行家如今旗鼓相当,都是脱离真实的世界,享受巨大的特权并把这一切视为理所应当精英。
    The link is cultural. In the public eye, MPs and bankers now look equivalent as elites, detached from the real world, enjoying massive privileges and thinking of them as entitlements.

  • 旗鼓相当造句相关
