
昭然若揭  zhāo rán ruò jiē








  • 日本侵华的野心.昭然若揭
    The ambition of Japan was obvious.

  • 上调印花税到千分之三使管理层的立场昭然若揭
    The tripling of the stamp tax, to 0. 3%, makes the position of regulators abundantly clear.

  • 他接受赃款的全过程被监控录像录下来了,罪行昭然若揭
    He was caught with his pants down, on video tape showing him accepting the money.

  • 而在他昭然若揭的表达下相机自身便成了他“视觉的延伸”。
    The camera itself, in his own famous phrase, became an "extension of the eye".

  • 西方的防止核武扩散政策有其限制,现在昭然若揭,教人心疼。
    The limitations of Western nonproliferation policy are now painfully obvious.

  • 在全球化背景下,现代社会面临的前所未有的新风险使科技理性的悖论昭然若揭
    Under the background of globalization, modern society experience unparalleled risks which make paradox of scientific and technical rationality abundantly clear.

  • 任何头上长眼的人都看得出来,你总给我带东西吃,这不是最昭然若揭的勾引么?
    The person of long eye all see on any come out, you be total to take thing to eat for me and is this to most abundantly clear seduce Yao?

  • 而且就像侦测运动轨迹一样,只要在变化发生之处微分出导函数,一切都可昭然若揭
    Just like detecting the trace of movement. As long as a derivative is differentiated at the point of change, everything is clearly revealed.

  • 近期,长三角各城市地方政府纷纷出台各项针对楼市的新举措,“托市”之心昭然若揭
    Recently, the city serves the local governments have been new initiatives aimed at the property market, "prop up" the heart soon.

  • 尽管这一问题对社会的严重影响已昭然若揭,但还是同过去的争论一样,吵不出任何结果。
    Just as before, the argument has produced no result, though the fatal effect of the problem to the society has been clearer than ever.

  • 法国在野党政客蜂拥赶赴瓜德罗普以“表示团结”,他们欲在本土制造事端的用心昭然若揭
    French opposition politicians have piled in to Guadeloupe to "express solidarity", implicitly linking the struggle to home.

  • 当萨达姆并没有大规模杀伤性武器变得昭然若揭时,美国只是声称这些武器已被运往叙利亚。
    When it became clear Saddam Hussein had no Weapons of Mass Destruction, the US right simply claimed they had been shipped to Syria.

  • 你的思绪就像这湖水一样,一旦起了涟漪就难以看清它,但是如果心平气静,一切就昭然若揭
    Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.

  • 因为,尽管我们没有亲手犯下那些昭然若揭的恶行,但我们却以冷漠的方式和邪恶串谋在一起。
    For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

  • 导演刻意将暴力的杀人行径和死刑并置,对暴力之严厉指控─不论那是基于任何名义─可谓昭然若揭
    Two acts of murder run in parallel in the film, and the director's indictment of violence -- no matter what are the reasons behind -- is crystal-clear.

  • 这使满清攻台的真正兴趣昭然若揭:即使把台湾拱手让给洋人,也决不能容忍这里有一个汉人政权的存在。
    This makes the real interest of the Manchu invasion of Taiwan all too clear: even if the foreigners losing Taiwan, and there must not tolerate the existence of a Chinese regime.

  • 二十年的统治最终把他带到了2000年的全民公投,而这一次的挫败让他的疯狂昭然若揭,开始大肆破坏。
    His madness became clear in 2000, when, to his amazement, he lost what amounted to a referendum on his two-decade rule. Mr Mugabe turned wrecker.

  • 一个政府未经公正审判就将某人监禁后,谁是受害者、谁是行凶者以及采取怎样的补救措施,随即昭然若揭
    When a government locks someone up without a fair trial, the victim, perpetrator and remedy are pretty clear.

  • 这样一来可以让违法建设昭然若揭,公布的违法建设还将遭到媒体广告的“封杀”,以防止消费者上当受骗。
    In this way allows illegal constructions obvious that the illegal construction will be announced by the media advertisements "smother" to prevent consumer deception.

  • 奥巴马说,麦凯恩数十年来在华盛顿支持的一直是金融机构,而不是他们的顾客;他的经济立场倾向昭然若揭
    McCain 'has spent decades in Washington supporting financial institutions instead of their customers, ' Obama said, very clear about where his economic sympathies lie.

  • 贺伯夹带的瞬间豪雨,在台北、台中、南投、高雄、花莲等地都酿成淹水灾情,至此台湾地质脆弱的面貌,昭然若揭
    Sudden downpours caused flooding in Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, Kaohsiung and Hualien. Taiwan's geographically fragile nature was exposed.

  • 当你把这一切都联系起来时,迪士尼乐园的实质就昭然若揭了:它帮助游客以虚构的方式实现人类最隐秘的梦想:超越。
    When you put all this together, it becomes obvious that Disney World offers visitors the fictionalized realization of humanity's deepest dream: transcendence.

  • 情况有可能是,还存在着其他类型的、或许不是那么昭然若揭的健康问题,例如癌症,正影响着居住在这些垃圾场附近的人们。
    It could be that there were other, perhaps not immediately noticeable health problems such as cancer affecting the people living near the sites.

  • 这并不是说,你一定会发现一位朋友曾做过让你如今十分光火的事;而是说,如果一位朋友对你曾有所隐瞒,那么现在一切将昭然若揭
    This is not to say you will necessarily learn things about a friend that make you upset, but if a friend has concealed anything form you, it will come out now.

  • 即使是像挪威这样老资历的盟国——该国担心随着冰层消融俄罗斯对于北极的野心将昭然若揭——也认为是时候重新平衡优先考虑事项了。
    Even an old ally like Norway, worried about Russia's polar ambitions as the ice melts, thinks it is time to rebalance priorities.

  • 第三站赛后,科比在休斯顿火箭头上轰下33分,并带领湖人108-94在丰田中心拿下胜利赛后,一切都昭然若揭——这次科比他可是玩真的。
    By the end of Game 3, after Bryant had dropped 33 points on the Houston Rockets and guided the Lakers to a 108-94 victory Friday night at the Toyota Center, it was clear that Bryant meant business.

  • 甚至于,那些选择不去想他人所想的人可能激活真正的恶魔。因为,虽然我们没有亲手犯下那些昭然若揭的恶行,我们却以冷漠的方式和邪恶在串谋。
    What is more, those who choose not to empathise enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

  • 九岁女童因奸成孕,性命垂危,天主教会竟出手阻止堕胎,但对强奸犯一语不发。僵化麻目至此,果真是金玉其外,败絮其中。宗教霸权,昭然若揭
    Life of a raped nine-year-old girl is now threatened by her pregnancy, but the Catholic Church still attempts to prevent the abortion.

  • 时为1585年,女王伊利沙白一世(姬蒂白兰芝饰)虽已统治英国近三十个年头,但其皇位仍被虎视眈眈,更受家族中人的背叛威胁,谋朝篡位之心昭然若揭
    It is 1585 and, having reigned over England for nearly three decades, Queen Elizabeth I (Blanchett) continues to face bloodlust for her throne and the lingering threat of familial betrayal.

  • 似乎事情一点儿都不严肃,在机械模具的催促下,一张空洞的脑花状的皮囊企图持续保持思考——在那可笑的若有若无地颤抖下昭然若揭,大玻璃罩子则是披着伪考古学的外衣。
    The funny vibration of the brain seems to reveal that the artist doesn't mean to be serious at all, and the big glass mantle is nothing but a pseudo-archeology veil.

  • 昭然若揭造句相关
