
杳无音信  yǎo wú yīn xìn








  • 她爸爸离开了家,从此杳无音信
    Her father left home, never to be heard from.

  • 两年后,她父亲失踪了,从此杳无音信
    Two years later, her father disappeared, (since then he had )never (been )heard from again.

  • 几个月过去了仍杳无音信
    As the months went by, still no letter arrived.

  • 整整一年时间,我们天各一方,杳无音信
    For a whole year, we have lived far apart and failed to hear from each other.

  • 整整一年时间,我们天各一方,杳无音信
    We are separated with each other in different regions without information for a year at large.

  • 整整一年时间,我们天各一方,杳无音信
    For the whole year, we lived far away from each other with no message at all.

  • 整整一年时间,我们天各一方,杳无音信
    In the whole year, we live far apart from each other and without the messages .

  • 4个月了,儿子杳无音信,做母亲的很担心。
    His mother is disquieted that she has received no letter from him for 4 months.

  • 第一次是因为忙,接下来的两次那边就杳无音信了。
    The first time it was busy. The next two times there was no answer.

  • 一月又一月,孟姜女等待她的丈夫归来,却杳无音信
    For months months, Meng Jiangnu waited for her husband to return there was no news of him.

  • 一月又一月,孟姜女等待她的丈夫归来,却杳无音信
    For months and months, Meng Jiangnu waited for her hu and to return but there was no news of him.

  • 于是,我们写信到小册子上的地址,很长时间杳无音信
    So we wrote to the address on the pamphlet, and we heard nothing for a long long time.

  • 两天过去了,卡玛莉仍是杳无音信,我召来了努洛,她父亲。
    When two more days had passed with no sign of Kamari, I summoned Njoro, her father.

  • 是短信成就了爱,是短信让爱成长,然而杳无音信葬送了爱。
    Love begin with a message, growth with more messages, and end with no message.

  • 不久,该商家拿着照片在当地大肆宣传,但承诺的别墅却杳无音信
    Soon, the local businessmen carrying photographs publicized, but the commitment has heard villa.

  • 心里很是不安。去见那个朋友,已经五天了,杳无音信。或许去哪玩了。
    feel disturbing. He went to see that friend who just committed suicide. 5 days, nothing. maybe he's just having fun. damn it.

  • 希望贵方已安然收到我方报盘。杳无音信使我方担心是否邮寄途中出了差错。
    We hope you received our offer safely. Not hearing from you gives us cause to wonder if it has gone astray in the post.

  • 几天我之后,我向这家公司多次致电和发电子邮件进行咨询,但都杳无音信
    Over the next few days, several phone calls and emails went unanswered.

  • 为了能够有一个自己的家,他们上过法庭,也赢了官司,可拆迁费还是杳无音信
    In order to have a home, they go on the court and win, Caqianfei or teachers.

  • 然而,这一消息很快没了下文,有关中芯国际引入战略投资者一事再次如泥牛入海杳无音信
    However, the news quickly lost below, the SMIC has re-introduction of strategic investors such as Niniuruhai, heard.

  • 据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,他的这一建议(提交后)便石沉大海(或杳无音信/不了了之)。
    Professor Wang was quoted as sating that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death.

  • 区内住户曾提出成立业主委员会的要求,对小区的管理和收费进行监督和指导,但至今仍杳无音信
    Household formation in the region made the request of the Commission, small fee for the management and oversight and guidance, but still ran.

  • 尽管手册中附了一张我的房子的漂亮相片,还提到从我家可以眺望海景,但还是石沉大海,杳无音信
    Despite a lovely photo of my house in one of them mentioning sea peeks , nothing eventuated.

  • 不料就在第二天,那名保姆竟趁着顾先生夫妇外出之际,将家中价值数十万元的珠宝钱财等窃走,之后便杳无音信
    Unexpectedly, on the following day, that the nanny had occasion Mr KU on the occasion of the couple will house tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewellery stolen money, and then ran.

  • 她是这样向我解释的:“我一直在想,他是不是在什么地方有一位妻子,等着他,盼着他,又杳无音信——就像我一样。
    This is how she explained it to me:"I kept wondering if he had a wife somewhere, waiting and hoping, and not knowing——just as I was."

  • 过去 的伊丽莎白,连同她失去了的、杳无音信的父亲以及她的姨母一起, 已经 埋葬在那远方的理查德的坟墓里了。
    The Elizabeth that she had been was buried far away-with her lost and silent father, with her aunt, in Richard's grave.

  • 从此,玫瑰在我的心中盛开、在我的梦中飘香。整整一年时间,我们天各一方,杳无音信。那种相思之苦,常痛彻心扉!
    Ever since then, the rose blooms in my heart and gives out its fragrance in my dream. over the year around, we departed and got no information from each other. how painful the bitterness of missing.

  • 人们每次给你发送电子邮件都只有寥寥数语,你要么自己从这片言只语中去寻找重点,要么他们从此就再也杳无音信了。
    The men cannot mail you more that 10 words at a time, you simply have to drag something out of them or you simply do not hear from them again.

  • 六年过去了,接着七年、八年过去了,那位法国艺术家仍杳无音信。看来他肯定已离开这个国家去了唯有上帝知道的什么地方。
    Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.

  • 最后,大家都忘记了坏仙女的愿望,所有的纺车和纺锤也都被销毁了,所以,没什么能让他们想起这件事了。这位仙女也再一次杳无音信了。
    Eventually, the bad fairy's wish was forgotten. All spinning wheels and spindles had been destroyed , so there was no reminder. And the fairy was not heard of again.

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