
楼台亭阁  lóu tái tíng gé







  • 宁静的引子,表现了晨雾依稀,苏州的楼台亭阁时隐时现;
    The introduction is quiet which embodies the fog in the morning and the gloriette and pavilion in Su Zhou.

  • 当年有石舫、湖泊、假山,以及楼台亭阁等。在清军攻破天京时被毁。
    In the garden, there had been a stone-boat on the pond, many rockeries, pavilions, kiosks and balconies at that time.

  • 街两侧深宅大院,鳞次栉比,楼台亭阁,相映成辉,雕梁画栋,蔚为壮观。
    Street on both sides ofshen zhai da yuan , row upon row, Rendezvous Pavilion, matched Cheng Hui, diao liang hua dong , magnificent.

  • 湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。
    The water of the lake is exuding the ripples, which around the wooded mountain , is embellishing the tower pavilion Chinesestyle pavilion, it is the most famous of our country's view .

  • 琼楼仙境大雄宝殿北侧的五云楼、雷祖殿等楼台亭阁依悬崖峭壁而建,极似琼楼仙境。
    Qionglou Fairy View At the north side of the Main Hall is a pavilion and stairway constructed along the bend of cliff, which is reminiscent of an enchanted land.

  • 山上还有景福阁、重翠亭、写秋轩、画中游等楼台亭阁,登临可俯瞰昆明湖上的景色。
    King Fuk Court, there are mountains, Tsui-Ting, writing autumn Hin, such as painting the middle reaches of楼台Tingge, boarding overlooking the scenic Kunming Lake.

  • 后来辟为公园,园中林木茂密,风光明媚,建有楼台亭阁,与黄河景色互相映衬,十分壮美。
    Later turned into parks, gardens lush forests, beautiful scenery, has a loutai Tingge, and the Yellow River scenery mutual Ying Chen, is sublime.

  • 4《走进鬼城》鬼城里林木苍翠,建筑精美,鼓磐时鸣,庙宇殿堂神像森罗,楼台亭阁依山而立。
    Walk into the ghost town When you walk into the ghost town, you will find verdant trees, delicate buildings, temple carillons, temples, josses, and pavilions there are so wonderful.

  • 宾馆设计别致新颖,鸟语花香,楼台亭阁,古朴典雅,是景区最好的一家园林式、生态型宾馆之一。
    An exquisitely designed new hotel, Jade, the Rendezvous Pavilion, the flavor is the best area of a garden-style, one of the eco-hotel.

  • 中华人民共和国成立后,山上更增添了许多新的景点,葱茏翠柏之中,隐藏着许多楼台亭阁,还有供人们游玩的歌舞场、游乐场。
    After the founding of People's Republic of China, the mountains more added many new attractions, verdant Cui Bo, there are many楼台Tingge, song and dance for people to play the field, playgrounds.

  • 楼台亭阁造句相关
