
泥塑木雕  ní sù mù diāo







  • 雕塑又有木雕、石雕、泥塑之别;
    Carving have the wood carving, stone carving and clay carving;

  • 寺内存有六尊铁铸、木雕泥塑菩萨。
    Inside there are six Tiezhu, wood carving, clay sculpture Buddha.

  • 官厅内置有铜铸、铁铸、木雕泥塑像共45尊。
    Guanting built-in Copper, iron, a total of 45 asme diao ni su .

  • 现存的历代雕塑,有许多就是妆銮过的泥塑、石刻和木雕
    Existing ancient sculpture, there are many that have clay makeup luang, stone and wood carving.

  • 没想到会在大街上突然遇见分别多年的旧情人,她像泥塑木雕似的呆住了。
    Never expecting to come across her old lover in the street after many years apart, she was stunned as wooden as a dummy.

  • 在我眼里,泥塑木雕的佛像并不具有无边的法力,只是精美的艺术品而已。
    To my mind Buddhist statues were no more than idols carved in wood or molded in clay—exquisite artefacts at best, but nothing to suggest they have boundless magic power.

  • 出土有泥塑木雕俑像,绢花、彩绘陶罐、丝、毛、棉、麻织物及各种文书等。
    Mud sculptures, wooden carvings, silk flowers, painted pottery pots, silk, woolen, cotton textile, hemp textile and various documents were unearthed there.

  • 精美的木雕、石雕、彩绘、泥塑,遍布全馆,交相辉映,具有重要研究价值。
    The fine woodcarving, the stone carving, the colored drawing on pottery, the clay sculpture, proliferate the entire hall, enhances one another's beauty, has the important research value.

  • 她就这样木雕泥塑般地又给带回监狱,从众人眼前捎失在钉满铁钉的牢门后面。
    With the same hard demeanour, she was led back to prison, and vanished from the public gaze within its iron-clamped portal.

  • 她就这样木雕泥塑般地又给带回监狱,从众人眼前消失在钉满铁钉的牢门后面。
    Wi the same hard demeanour, she was led back to prison, and vanished from the public gaze within its iron-clamped portal .

  • 她就这样木雕泥塑般地又给带回监狱,从众人眼前捎失在钉满铁钉的牢门后面。
    With the same hard demeanour, she was led back to prison, and vanished from the public gaze within its iron-clamped portal .

  • 她就这样木雕泥塑般地又给带回监狱,从众人眼前消失在钉满铁钉的牢门后面。
    With the same hard demeanour , she was led back to prison, and vanished from the public gaze within its iron-clamped portal.

  • 这伙年轻人没有遇到太大的阻力,他们冲进庙里,把那些木雕泥塑的菩萨从神座上拉下来,用石头砸烂它们的脑袋。
    Meeting little opposition, the more active village officials sprang into the temples, tore the idols from their foundations and broke their heads off with stones.

  • 他们目睹了老年人搞的那一套摧残身体的野蛮仪式,那种对木雕泥塑偶像的顶礼膜拜。他们过去从未见过这种场面。
    As the drought grew worse, they had witnessed the barbarous rites of their elders, which they had never seen before, the mutilation of their bodies, and their prostration before wood and clay idols.

  • 西藏寺庙也供奉石质佛像、木雕佛像和泥塑佛像。从工艺和风格上看,西藏神像的造像艺术也兼收了印度、尼泊尔和汉族地区的特点。
    Stone Buddha, wood-engraved Buddha and clay Buddha are also worshiped in Tibetan monasteries and temples, These images too exhibit the artistic characteristics of inland China, India and Nepal.

  • 藏传佛教雕塑艺术主要包括石雕、木雕、铜雕和泥塑等类型,包括摩崖石刻、玛尼石刻、建筑装饰木雕、印刷模具木雕、封经板木雕、大型泥塑和擦擦等。
    The art forms of the Tibetan Buddhist sculpture vary widely as there are the stone inscription, the woodcarving, the bronze sculpture , and the clay sculpture .

  • 你生命中的偶像并不一定是一个石像或泥塑木雕的东西,它可能是一件夺去你心的事物或某一个人,使你对这件事或这个人的专注更甚于上帝,于是不蒙应允祷告必然接踵而至、层出不穷了!
    An idol in your life need not be a statue of stone or wood. It can be anything (or anyone) that steals your heart, causing you to become more committed to something or someone than you are to God.

  • 泥塑木雕造句相关
