
深谋远虑  shēn móu yuǎn lǜ








  • 我看你这个人倒很有深谋远虑呀。
    You are a provident person, I see.

  • 处理任何事情,他总是深谋远虑
    Whatever he does, he always thinks deeply and plans carefully.

  • 生活,就像下棋,深谋远虑才会赢。
    In life , as in chess , forethought wins.

  • 深谋远虑审视一闪而过的念头;
    Forethought: a look at emerging ideas.

  • 谨慎小心是好事;深谋远虑是明智。
    Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom.

  • 深谋远虑的人会将一部分工资存起来。
    A prudent man saves part of his wages.

  • 有了智慧和深谋远虑,最终才会赢得胜利。
    In the end, wisdom and forethought will win.

  • 变得更加深谋远虑的是受过磨难的人的特权。
    To have become a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered.

  • 深谋远虑对未来的准备或''。'思虑'。''。
    Preparation or thought for the future.

  • 深谋远虑是明智。
    forethought is wisdom.

  • 公司如此定位:公司深谋远虑;经营信心百倍;展望国际业务。
    To position Company as: Forward looking company; Reliable to do business with; International business outlook.

  • 经营好一个星球需要深谋远虑—而不仅仅只担忧像火山这类小事。
    The business of looking after a planet requires being bothered in advance—and not just about little matters like volcanoes.

  • 在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。
    During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries.

  • 需要深谋远虑的策略的远大目标;用长远的眼光看待地理政治学问题。
    large goals that required farsighted policies; took a long view of the geopolitical issues.

  • 万一巫婆在他的女儿以后,来了深谋远虑的农夫用银色子弹装载了他的枪。
    The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter.

  • 这就是伟大的蚂蚁哲学的全部:从不放弃,深谋远虑,积极进取及全力以赴。
    Wow, what a great seminar to attend - the ant seminar. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.

  • 加强党的执政能力建设,是一项深谋远虑的历史决策,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。
    Strengthen a party be in office ability construction, it is a foresighted history decision-making, it is a great and urgent strategy task.

  • 杰克逊将军的雕象仍然高高屹立在石座上,以一副深谋远虑的神态望着脚下的一堆水泥炮弹。
    The statue of General Jackson stands on its pedestal and looks with calculation at the cannon balls pyramided in cement.

  • 如果我们要反抗英国国民党散布的偏见的话,我们有必要认清深谋远虑的英国国民党的说服手段。
    We need to understand the tools of persuasion used by members of the far-right British National Party (BNP) if we are to combat the messages of prejudice they spread.

  • 深谋远虑的国王却担心当他死后,人民是不是也能过着幸福的日子,于是他招集了国内的有识之士。
    Foresight are worried that the king when he died, people are not able to live a happy life, and he has been recruiting people home.

  • 2004年欧盟的扩员行动将波兰和匈牙利等国家纳入麾下,这在战略上是难得一见的深谋远虑之举。
    It ought to be quite a party: the enlargement of 2004 to take in countries like Poland and Hungary marked a rare moment of strategic wisdom.

  • 西部大开发并不仅是一项经济发展战略,其中体现出的深谋远虑、高瞻远瞩,是必须深刻认识、体会的。
    Big development is not strategy of an economy development only western, reflect the foresighted, take a broad and long-term view that give among them, be must of deep knowledge, experience.

  • 天王星相位,经常会留下一个伤疤,但即使如此,经过深谋远虑之后,也许会对从前的处境说:“太好了!”
    Uranus, in aspect, often leaves a scar, but even so, upon reflection afterward, you may say, "Good riddance! ""

  • 人类大脑最后进化的部分,与我们认为人类有“高等的”理性和深谋远虑的能力相关联,对社会生活也是必不可少。
    The parts of the human brain that evolved most recently, and which are connected to what we consider to be our "higher" faculties of reason and forethought, are also essential to social life.

  • 职业规划是一个包括很多步骤的过程,包括充分地了解自己,了解你正在考虑的职业,这样才能做出深谋远虑的抉择。
    Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an informed decision.

  • 另一种是部落的军事首长,由拥有战功、深谋远虑、甚至熟谙吉凶占卜的长者担任,一经选出都是终身职,其儿子并没有继位的权力。
    He also presided over ceremonies and rites. There was also a military affairs leader who was an experienced warrior and able to plan strategy and to carry out divination.

  • 一向深谋远虑的操纵和对他的,其他人如何,他应该感到他对压迫者?只要他有更多的权力,他可以证明那些傲慢愚蠢的程度,他的愤怒和复仇!
    Always scheming and manipulating against him, how else should he feel towards his oppressors- If only he had more power, he could show those arrogant fools the extent of his rage and vengeance!

  • 如果他们能进一步在今年金秋时节让达赖喇嘛顺利访华,并能深谋远虑,给出一揽子双方都同意的规划西藏未来的方案,这将成为更值得铭记的丰功伟绩。
    If they can also bring the Dalai Lama back to China in November and engineer a deal to resolve Tibet's future, that would be an even more monumental achievement.

  • 看看人类能帮上你什么忙吧。”他们还用他那取意为“深谋远虑”的名字取笑他:“你需要比以前更‘普罗米修斯’,想想你能不能弄坏这些锁链获得自由吧。”
    "You will need more forethought than you have, " they said, "if you are ever to break out again into freedom from these eternal chains.

  • 深谋远虑造句相关
