
清风明月  qīng fēng míng yuè








  • 明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。
    The moon was magpie, wind, don't branch at packing.

  • 我不愿放弃清风明月
    I won't forsake the wind and the moon.

  • 清风明月皆随我。
    Wind and the moon hug me.

  • 有的酒吧设有庭院,供你感受清风明月或暖暖的阳光;
    Some bars have the courtyard, you feel the breeze for the moon or the warm sunshine;

  • 陈亮《谪仙歌》:“李白字太白,清风肺腑明月魄。”
    " Chen Liang, "disgrace Sin Song": "Li Bai word Taibai, breeze po bottom of the moon.

  • 此后清风明月,纯真无垢。在一个遥远的地方,安详地微笑。
    From then onwards, under bright moon light, fresh breezes, just be pure and childlike, at a distant place, smiling peacefully.

  • 阳光永远照在你的身上,即使只有永远的黑夜,也存在着明月清风
    The sun never shone on your body, even if the only eternal darkness, there are bright and the breeze.

  • 在广元市区北45公里朝天镇南北明月峡和清风峡中,濒嘉陵江东岸峭壁上。
    Guangyuan City North in the air the town 45 kilometers north-south breeze Mingyue Gap and Gap, the Jialing River near the cliff on the east coast.

  • 愿你今夜能有一个好梦,如果你在梦中也露出甜美的笑容,那是我托明月清风祝福你。
    The wish your tonight ability contain a good dream, if you in a dream also peep out sweet smiling face, that is me to give bright moon pleasant breeze wish you.

  • 可是,亲爱的,流光脉脉,醉梦醒后,独上兰舟的呻吟,愁思永昼,明月清风何处舞桃红?
    However, Dear, Streamer Momo, drunk Mengxing, Lanzhou alone on the groaning, Chou Si-Yong day, the moon Qingfengdian where dance Taohong ?

  • 可是,亲爱的,流光脉脉,醉梦醒后,独上兰舟的呻吟,愁思永昼,明月清风何处舞桃红?
    However, Dear, Streamer Momo, drunk Mengxing, Lanzhou alone on the groaning, Chou Si-Yong day, the moon Qingfengdian where dance Taohong ?

  • 盛夏的一个夜晚,他在树下乘凉,但见长天如碧,白云舒卷,明月高挂,清风徐来,满院飘香。
    One summer night, when the moon was very bright, he suddenly saw a girl descending slowly from the sky.

  • 我喜欢清风吹拂,喜欢明月朗照,风起的时候,聆听时光的呢喃,撩人的月色下,怀揣单纯的盼望。
    I like the breeze blowing, like the moon, according to Lang, the wind, when the time to listen to the twittering, sultry moonlight carries a simple hope.

  • “此地有高山峻岭,何处无明月清风”相信明天的“福和企业”会以他坚实的功底,卓越的品牌创新发展。
    "Gaoshanjunling here and there, where no moon Qingfengdian" I believe tomorrow's "Fuk enterprises, " he will be a solid foundation, excellent brand innovation and development.

  • 这对夫妇对这儿太熟悉了,花草树木,清风明月,在他们漫长的日子里,已不再有风景的含义,而是成为习以为常的东西。
    The couple was too familiar with all those things, such as trees, grasses, flowers, cool breeze and bright moon, which were not nice views but ordinary things in their long days.

  • 听着喜欢的音乐,让忧伤的灵魂随着荡人心弦的节奏舞动,在这没有明月清风的夜,只是为了凭悼那已不再的丽日和风吗?
    Listening to favorite music, so sad soul who hearts with the rhythm of swing dancing, and in this there is no moon the night breeze, only to mourn that virtue is no longer the bright sun and wind do?

  • 清风明月造句相关
