
男尊女卑  nán zūn nǚ bēi







  • 男尊女卑”是中国古代社会男女关系的定位。
    The concept that man were superior to women was a precise orientation between man and women in Chinese ancient society.

  • 奴隶制社会、封建制社会公然实行男尊女卑、夫权统治。
    Slavery society, feudal society men openly implemented, husband the right to rule.

  • 传统男尊女卑的观念渗透中国农村,贫穷地区尤其严重。
    The traditional low view of women is pervasive in most villages, especially the poor regions.

  • 艾尔索普得知后,于是一条古老的男尊女卑的习俗淘汰了。
    Alsop got the message--and an old and condescending custom was cast away.

  • 艾尔索普得知后,于是一条古老的男尊女卑的习俗淘汰了。
    Alsop got the message――and an old and condescending5) custom was cast away.

  • 男尊女卑、夫尊妇卑的性别角色定位模式在先秦时期便已形成。
    The patterns of gender roles orientation like "man is superior and woman inferior", "husband is superior and wife inferior", have formed in the pre-Qin period.

  • 随着父权等级制度的建立,男尊女卑的传统儒家女性观也逐渐形成。
    With the establishment of patriarchy, the traditional Confucian concept on women that men are superior to women has taken shape.

  • 在欲望面前没有所谓的男尊女卑,这有助于达到水乳交融的最高境界。
    What did not call somewhat before the desire is male honour female low, this conduces to reach harmonious highest state.

  • 实现性别和谐需要改变“男尊女卑”的两性关系,形成和谐的性别文化。
    For realizing the gender harmony, we must construct new gender culture instead of the old culture of gender inequality.

  • 我们很心痛的发现已经告别封建制度几百年的欧洲依然无法摆脱男尊女卑思想的束缚。
    We very grieved discovery already said goodbye to a feudalism several hundred year Europe to be still unable to get rid of the treatment of women as inferiors thought the fetter.

  • 卡罗尔:听着,你也许注意到了,我们是在一个男尊女卑的社会里,妇女没有一点权利。
    Carol: Now, as you may have noticed, we live in a male dominated society where in women are mere chattel.

  • 男尊女卑的中国古代,女性缺乏独立的审美观念,制衣择服深受男子审美意识的影响。
    The style of female's costume was deeply affected by male's aesthetic standard in ancient China because of female's lack of independent aesthetic perception.

  • 《女诫》标志着男尊女卑成为女性道德的基本原则。协调性道德,奴化色彩成为其主要内容。
    "the daughter warns" indicates the men's superiority to women becomes ethical basic principles of women. harmony and enslave become the main parts of it.

  • 然而吴起杀妻在男尊女卑、夫尊妇卑的性别角色定位模式和政治利益的双重作用下却得以无罪。
    However, owing to the pattern of gender roles orientation and political interests' disturbance, Wu Qi escaped accusation.

  • 在男女角色没有明显划分,家务事或多或少由双方共同承担的家庭中,男尊女卑的观点是很难维持的。
    In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greaterorlesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.

  • 在男女角色没有明显划分,家务事或多或少由双方共同承担的家庭中,男尊女卑的观点是很难维持的。
    of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.

  • 后期狭邪小说体现了金钱带来的这种现代性思想,传统“四民”尊卑、男尊女卑、主尊仆卑等级模糊;
    Conventions and ideas such as "being superior " or "being inferior" were challenged and became blurred.

  • 传统社会中的男尊女卑、妇女无经济地位现象还相当严重,典妻、卖妻、停妻再娶等现象仍然大量存在。
    A lot of unfair phenomena still existed, such as pledging wife, selling wife and getting rid of wife which were abnormal appearances in the traditional society.

  • 中国几千年来根深蒂固的男尊女卑思想,让大家都觉得“女人”这个词应该和弱者之间划上必然的等号。
    "China for several thousand years, deeply rooted patriarchal ideology, Let us think "woman" and the term should be between the weak will draw parallels.

  • 男权制思想认为,这种男尊女卑的性别秩序不仅是普遍存在的,而且是不会改变的,因为它是自然形成的;
    That the right-thinking men, this patriarchal gender order is not only widespread, and will not change, because it is naturally formed;

  • 在这些男尊女卑的国家,一个家族的男人们可以决定女人很多日常生活中的大小事务,从是否外出家门到婚嫁。
    The practice of male guardianship continues, whereby male relatives are able to decide on many aspects of women's daily life, from whether they may travel to deciding on whether marriage is permitted.

  • 在这个存在着性别歧视,讲究男尊女卑的社会,为了实现自身的价值,女人必须比男人付出多一倍甚至是几倍的努力。
    In the absence of gender discrimination, stress patriarchal society, in order to realize their own value, women than men must pay double or even several times efforts.

  • 谚语中的中国古代女性文化内容复杂多样,但贯穿其中的一个最主要的特点就是男尊女卑,相比男性来说毫无地位可言。
    The culture of Chinese ancient feminality is very rich, but the most important is that the feminality possesses a very low status.

  • 中国古代的大家闺秀想必西方人一定毫无想象,更不必说中国古代的“男尊女卑”及古时的家法等一切束缚主义的思想。
    Ancient Chinese people Guixiu presumably Westerners must not imagine, not to mention ancient China's "patriarchal" and the ancient and all the lessons of the ideological shackles.

  • 对女性主义立场的分析主要从她对男尊女卑的反抗和批判、对感性的描写、以及消解男权中心的叙事策略等三个角度切入。
    This chapter analyzes the feminism stand in three aspects: her criticism to patriarchy, the description of sensibility, and the narrative strategy destructing patriarchy.

  • 男尊女卑这似乎牢不可破的教条深深地植根于她们的脑海里,任劳任怨的妇女们日以继夜地劳动,伺候着他们的丈夫和孩子们。
    Buring the unbreakable rules into their heads - Man superior, Women inferior, the obedient women worked hard day and night to serve their husband and children.

  • 英汉性别歧视语是“男尊女卑”的封建思想在语言中的具体体现,要消除语言中的歧视现象,必须首先根除社会上的封建观念。
    And it is the concrete reflection of the traditional thought of "male superiority to female" in language and it can be eliminated with the prerequisite of the elimination of feudal ideas.

  • 女性主义却认为,男尊女卑的性别秩序既不是普遍存在的,也不是永不改变的,因为它并不是“自然形成”的,而是由社会和文化人为建构起来的。
    Feminists argue that men are neither the prevailing gender order, nor is it never changed, because it is not a "natural form", but by the social and cultural human construct up.

  • 但由于长期以来封建理学思想的禁锢束缚,特别是封建男尊女卑思想的根深蒂固,导致女性往往对此持错误的态度,认为房事是丑陋肮脏或者难以启齿的。
    But female always hold an error attitude of sexuality and they think it is dirty and shame to talk, due to the deep influence of feudalist ideology and the view that men are superior to women.

  • 再次,《二拍》打破了传统的婚姻观念,肯定了人正当合理的情欲,突破了男尊女卑思想的束缚,主张男女平等,认同婚姻自主,反映出晚明社会观念的巨大转变。
    Bravely the writer proclaims the equality of men and women and agrees to the freedom of marriage, which reflects the tremendous change of social ideology in the late period of Ming Dynasty.

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