
略见一斑  lüè jiàn yī bān








  • 胡杨林之美,由此诗可略见一斑
    Hu Yanglin the beauty of this poem may be slightly Evident.

  • 其刚正不阿的气概略见一斑
    It the standing on principles bearing slightly see one spot.

  • 一些人士对这个问题的谬误有多深,由此略见一斑
    Some people on the issue of how deep thinking, thus deduced.

  • 而外资投资仍旧集中在东部地区,占出口额94%可略见一斑
    Foreign investment remains strongly concentrated in the east of the country, which accounts for 94% of China's exports.

  • 这一点在美国救市方案刚刚出炉,美国政府就立即着手巡游兜售国债上可略见一斑
    This put the city in the United States has just announced the program, the U. S. government to immediately begin selling bonds on the parade can be seen slightly.

  • 说家装公司的可操作项目正在渐渐萎缩,可以从家庭装修的具体施工内容上略见一斑
    said Jia Zhuang company operational project is gradually shrinking, from the family construction decoration specific content foreigners see some.

  • 维吾尔族生态伦理的丰富内容在文学作品中的生动体现可以通过《福乐智慧》略见一斑
    Ecological Ethics Uygur rich content in literary works can be a vivid manifestation of "Happiness and Wisdom, " as seen.

  • 地产语境就有滥言的趋势,简要回顾一下地产业进入新世纪以来的一些话语纷争,“滥言”可略见一斑
    Estate speaking context is indiscriminate statement trends, a brief look at the real estate industry in the new century some words strife, "indiscriminate statement" may deduced.

  • 广州某大盘开发公司总经理在重庆相中了一块地皮,马上打电话叫公司董事长飞过来,重庆魅力略见一斑
    Guangzhou, general manager of a large development of a piece of land in Chongqing to one's liking, immediately called the company chairman fly around and Chongqing charm deduced.

  • 强国论坛因属于人民网,因此其性质也与猫扑网、天涯论坛等有很大的区别,这从网友年龄上可以略见一斑
    The forum because of PRC, so the nature of cats and flutter network, Tianya forum, and so there are great differences, from the age of netizens can slightly evident.

  • 中外史学交流研究内容宏富,它将为史学史研究开辟新天地,即从它与汉学、马克思主义史学及后现代主义思潮之关联就可略见一斑
    Sino-foreign historiography communication is very rich in its content and it has started a new era, which can be seen from the link of Sinology, Marxist science of history and post-modernist thinking.

  • 在这一整合过程中,中原汉族地区先进的政治、经济、语言文化等对土家族语言文化产生了深远的影响。从土家语中汉语借词占40%的比例以及借词丰富的义类可略见一斑
    In this process, Han nationality's culture has profound impact on Tujia language and culture, which is shown by the 40% of borrowed words in Tujia language from Chinese.

  • 略见一斑造句相关
