
君子之交  jūn zǐ zhī jiāo







  • 朋友间保持一定距离最好(君子之交淡如水)。
    The friendship between gentleman appears indifferent but is pure like water.

  • 所谓真心,就像古人所说的“君子之交淡如水”般圣洁纯净。
    So-called sincerely, like the ancients says "a wall between presenves love" holy purity.

  • 不喜欢刻意朋友,相信君子之交淡如水,如果欣赏和喜欢我。
    Does not like becoming friends sedulously, Believes junction of pale like water the gentleman, If appreciates and likes me.

  • 我就是我,我希望的友谊是像君子之交淡如水,生活如此美好。
    I am a student, I want to make friends with those who wants to be my friend.

  • 君子之交淡如水,所以每到节日的时候,我总不忘记对你送上一句:节日快乐。
    The gentleman hand over thin such as water, so arrive each time the time of festival, I am total not to forget to send to you previous :The festival is happy.

  • (不要与朋友太亲密,因为有时「太溼反而黏不住」。)(如果太好,往往出毛病,似同「君子之交淡如水」。)
    Don't be too intimate with your friends because some-times ?珧too thick does not stick. ?

  • 我的好朋友是这样一个人,是即使过了一年不联系也不会觉得生疏的人,君子之交淡如水,我还是希望有如细水常流的友谊。
    My best friend is such person, the one cannot feel strange not to contact even a year. I will cherish the eternal stream friendship.

  • 朋友分好多种,有些人,你明明不喜欢TA,却还是无奈地跟TA一起玩,因为一种缘分,你无法和那些君子之交的朋友绝
    Friends are multiple, some one, you don't like TA, but you have to be together with TA, because of the predestination, you can't break up with those honest friends.

  • 为了不辜负好心把我推上这友网络的朋友们,希望能够认识同样热衷音乐和艺术、愿意且不介意作单纯却真诚的君子之交的朋友。
    I hope know someone who likes me to like music and art, and wish to make friendship or relationships in sincere and character, then all go by affinity, feeling and fate.

  • 真的不对,潘石屹跟我有约,我们要尽快见一面,只是没约好到底谁做东,我可不喜欢“君子之交淡如水”什么的,这老说法是因为那时的君子都没钱。
    Really wrong, Panshige told me about, we should soon see side, but did not agree to Who plays, I would not like "Junkoujiaodanrui" what, this is when the old gentleman had no money.

  • 渴望这样的一种感情,一种君子之交淡如水的感情。没有执手相看泪眼的凝咽,亦无一日不见如隔三秋的刻骨的思念,只是一份淡淡的,悠悠的,带点落寞飘忽的感觉。
    Desire such a feeling, They do not Shouxiang Leiyan the condensate swallow, or if not on the 1st of the San-Qiu at the deep-seated yearning, is only a light, long, somewhat Luomopiaohu feeling.

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