
垂头丧气  chuí tóu sàng qì








  • 我讨厌看到妳这样垂头丧气的样子。
    I hate to see you in such low spirits.

  • 这么严重的失败使她非常垂头丧气
    So severe a defeat told sadly upon her nerves.

  • 你不必为了这一点小事而垂头丧气
    You must not sing small about such a trivial thing.

  • 这不幸的家伙第一次垂头丧气起来。
    For the first time, energy and hope forsook the poor fellow.

  • 那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相。
    Dejected because of a lack of companionship.

  • “他装得太到家了!”垂头丧气的河鼠说。
    'He did it awfully well, ' said the crestfallen Rat.

  • 我不知道这几天为什么她总是垂头丧气的。
    I don't know why she's singing the blues these days.

  • 他听到法官字字千钧的话,顿时垂头丧气
    His heart sank as he listened to the judge uttering the fateful words.

  • 吃早饭时,今天下船的那几位都垂头丧气
    During breakfast those disembarking were in low spirits.

  • 她像是在鼓励一位眼看就要垂头丧气的病人。
    She could have been trying to encourage a patient who threatened to despond.

  • 牙医在工作的时候老是往嘴里瞧/垂头丧气
    A dentist at work in his vocation always looks down in the mouth.

  • 过了一会,他们便垂头丧气地涉水回到小船上。
    In a few minutes they were paddling sullenly back to the boat.

  • 她看见莫法正垂头丧气地坐在一张不宽的坐床上。
    She noticed that Muffat was sitting resignedly on a narrow divan-bed.

  • 不要为这次金融危机垂头丧气,一切会好起来的!
    Don't let this financial crisis get you down. Everything will be all right!

  • 他回头就走,穿过大街,垂头丧气地回到了家里。
    He turns his head away, crosses the street and returns home sadly.

  • 露丝:别让你自己这么容易受到伤害。不要垂头丧气,伙计。
    Lucy:Don't let yourself be hurt so easily. keep yourself chin up, buddy.

  • 垂头丧气的时候,就想起约拿吧——他还是平平安安地跑出来了。
    When down in the mouth, remember Jonah: he came out all right.

  • 垂头丧气,怨天尤人了吧。尽到你自己的责任,你会得到报偿的。
    Don't be dismal or fret, but do your duty and you'll get your reward.

  • 亨利先生在病倒的第二天早晨,带着一副垂头丧气的神情到我这儿来。
    The second morning of his sickness, Mr Henry comes to me with something of a hangdog look.

  • 巴雷尔迷起眼睛,巨大的胸部贴紧柜台,突然露出一副垂头丧气的样子。
    Barrel's eyes narrowed as he pressed his huge chest across the bar, looking suddenly sad.

  • 正在我垂头丧气的时候,路过的朋友好心提醒我图书馆可以自助借还图书。
    The time being I am dejected, a passing friend kindly reminded me that the library can be self-circulation.

  • 坦白地说,我想我也宁愿活在一个人们激动过分而不是垂头丧气的世界里。
    An to be honest, I guess Id rather live in a world where people were overly excited than depressed.

  • 那个受刑的人,昨天是那样愁惨,那样垂头丧气,现在却舒展兴奋起来了。
    The sufferer, who had been so gloomy and cast down on the preceding day, was radiant.

  • 入选者意气风发,落选者垂头丧气——双年展的一张“入场券”足以令人为之疯狂。
    Selected are vigorous while losers dejected – only one "admission ticket" is enough to make people wild.

  • 当我看到(书中)一个称之为“消失”技巧中的第一步是“等你的对手睡着之后“,真是感到垂头丧气
    " I was crestfallen to read that the first step in a technique called vanishing was "Wait until your opponent is asleep.

  • 观众们垂头丧气地散回家去,悲惋于一个年轻人的风华正茂或一位老者的德高望重,就这样消泯于命运的戏弄之中。
    The audience went home with bowed heads and doleful hearts, sad that one so young and fair ( or so old and respected ) should have merited such a fate.

  • 如果你正为前途茫茫而缺乏信心,整日垂头丧气,沦陷在失落当中,请别灰心,相信自己,自信将给你的人生带来光彩。
    If you are vast and the lack of confidence in the future, all day dejected, lost them in the fall, do not become discouraged and believe in yourself and self-confidence will bring luster to your life.

  • 林达他可垂头丧气,威利。你知道他多么崇拜你。我看等到他真能够发挥他的长处的时候,你们两个就都高兴了,就不打架了。
    LINDA:He was crestfallen, Willy. You know how he admires you. I think if he finds himself, then you will both be happier and not fight any more.

  • 林达他可垂头丧气,威利。你知道他多么崇拜你。我看等到他真能够发挥他的长处的时候,你们两个就都高兴了,就不打架了。
    LINDA: He was crestfallen, Willy. You know how he admires you. I think if he finds himself, then you'll both be happier and not fight any more.

  • 嘿,我可了解你,要是遭到女同学的拒绝,你肯定会垂头丧气的。你连暑假结束也会感到烦恼。不过,这个单词很有用。我希望学期结。
    Ha ha. Very funny. But you are right, if I got turned down for a date I'd be bummed. I'm also bummed that summer.

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