
外强中干  wài qiáng zhōng gān








  • 他是披着狼皮的羊,外强中干
    He is sheep in wolf's clothing.

  • 一切反动派都是外强中干的纸老虎。
    All reactionaries are paper tigers which look strong, but are really weak.

  • 一切反动派都是外强中干的纸老虎。
    tigers which look strong, but are really weak.

  • 他是披着狼皮的羊,外强中干
    He is a sheep in wolf's clothing.

  • 他是披着狼皮的羊,外强中干
    He is a sheep in wolf ' s clothing.

  • 坚强是棉里的针,不是外强中干的虚伪;
    Is a strong cotton in the needle, not the forcible-feeble hypocrisy;

  • 对小泉的评价也可以用另外四个字“外强中干”。
    Koizumi's evaluation can also be used other words, "Waiqiangzhonggan."

  • 其实,很多欧元区那些所谓的强国通常都是外强中干
    In truth many of the euro area's supposed strengths were always more apparent than real.

  • 美国现在像是一个外强中干国家。伯南克评论也证实了这点。
    America tends to be a country that sees the glass as half full rather than half empty, and Bernanke's comments are meant to play to that.

  • 外强中干。也许一个人看起来很可怕,事实上,不见得如此。
    His bark is worse than his bite. Maybe a person appears to be dangerous, but in reality, they are not.

  • 一个人没有一份好心情,物质上再富有也是一种“外强中干”。
    A person does not have a good mood, then the richest material is a "forcible-feeble."

  • 因此,用“外强中干”这个词来表述他们的内心状态是再合适不过了。
    Accordingly, with " outwardly strong and inwardly weak " the inner status that this word will come state them is again likely did not pass.

  • 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“外强中干”这句成语,比喻外表强壮,内里很虚弱。
    Today the idiom "Strong on the outward, weak on the inward" refers to that which is strong in appearance but weak in reality.

  • 从绝望的城市走进绝望的乡村,你得表现出一种外强中干的勇敢之态,来勉强安慰自己。
    From the desperate city you go into desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.

  • 自唐代柳宗元的寓言《三戒》创作之后,“黔之驴”遂用来形容一切外强中干、大而无当的事物。
    Among the fable three exhort, wrote by Liu Zongyuan, "the ass of Qian "have been become the symbol of the thing which is very strong outside but very weak inside.

  • 自唐代柳宗元的寓言《三戒》创作之后,“黔之驴”遂用来形容一切外强中干、大而无当的事物。
    Among the fable three exhort, wrote by Liu Zongyuan, "the ass of Qian" have been become the symbol of the thing which is very strong outside but very weak inside.

  • 从长远来看,那些能够威胁麦肯恩的竞争者都有致命弱点,就犹如朱利安尼一样,“外强中干”。
    The Giuliani bubble is as much a proof of the weakness of the other anti-McCain candidates as it is a long-term threat to Mr McCain himself.

  • 而另一学派则认为,共产主义外强中干,会随着冷战结束而消亡,里根总统是这一学派的忠实拥护者。
    The other school, to which Reagan belonged, sensed that communism was weaker than it looked and that the cold war would die with it.

  • 而从小接受的无产阶级革命教育也告诉我们,主人向来都是外强中干,真有点像这个虚胖浮肿的奴隶。
    And the proletarian revolution education that we received from childhood also tells us that the master is always strong outside, but weak inside. It is really a bit like this false-fat slaves.

  • 它的领导者小泽一郎愈加外强中干,他的大部分事业都是在为自民党效力,使得党内的年轻改革家忧心忡忡。
    Its leader, Ichiro Ozawa, an increasingly ineffectual bully who spent most of his career in the LDP, dismays younger reformists in his party.

  • 不过身处风波之外,我也觉得影片有太多太多的问题,与当年啊等等大片一样都是属于外强中干类型的画面堆砌。
    But in turmoil, I think there are too many films too, and then ah, and so large are the same type of screen and a pile of Waiqiangzhonggan.

  • 他对3,500名士兵说,他们将制止在伊拉克的持续的暴力事件以及平息阿富汗的叛乱,因为敌人是外强中干的。
    He told 3, 500 soldiers that they will overcome persistent violence in Iraq and insurgency in Afghanistan because the enemy is vulnerable.

  • 真实地反映了处于封建末世的亡国之君的垂死挣扎,深刻地揭示了在农民起义的沉重打击下,外强中干的封建统治阶级必然灭亡的历史规律;
    It depicts the desperate struggle of the monarchy and implies that the feudalist ruling class is sure to perish under the severe struggle of peasants' uprising.

  • 外强中干造句相关
