
好为人师  hào wéi rén shī








  • 聪明的人好学习,愚蠢的人好为人师
    A wise man likes to learn from others, while a fool likes to teach others.

  • 聪明的人好学习,愚蠢的人好为人师
    A wise man likes to learn , while a fool likes to teach others .

  • 聪明的人爱好学习,愚蠢的的人好为人师
    A wise man likes to learn, while a fool likes to teach others.

  • 当代开发商的“好为人师”也算有的放矢。
    Contemporary developers "good parenting division" also is targeted.

  • 人之患在好为人师。人最怕总喜欢做人家的老师。
    The trouble with people is they are too eager to become teachers.

  • 孔子虽好为人师,我见识浅,却没听过他有给人免费授过课的。
    Although Kong Zi likes to lecture to people, I experience shallowly, actually has not listened to him to have for the human free has taught.

  • 好为人师者称,“这车是上世纪五十年代中国造,如今在市面上的不足20辆。
    There are people who division, said, "This car is the 1950s in China, now on the market in less than 20."

  • 我的弟兄们,不要处处好为人师,因为我们知道,那些好为人师的必遭更多的谴责。
    My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

  • 这就是艾伦·沃尔特斯爵士好为人师的风格。1月3日,82岁的沃尔特斯爵士与世长辞。
    Such was the pedagogic style of Sir Alan Walters, who died on January 3rd, aged 82.

  • “你知道吧”是北京人的口头禅,多少透露出皇城根的人不自觉的优越感与好为人师的心理。
    "Do you know?" is perking man's pet phrase. It more or less leak some unconscious superiority complex of royal person. The guangdong man's " is it right?" is take some gentle and doubtful feeling.

  • 科学的态度是“实事求是”,“自以为是”和“好为人师”那样狂妄的态度是决不能解决问题的。
    To "seek truth from facts" is the scientific approach, and presumptuously to claim infallibility and lecture people will never settle anything.

  • 年轻人宜于创造而非止于评判,宜付之行而非好为人师,宜勤与创业而非限于固守。----培根。
    Youg men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.

  • “啊,时间不很长,”这个老成的小伙子微笑着说,带着一副行家的好为人师的态度:“只需九分钟。”
    "Oh! Not so long, " smiled the precocious lad, with a superior and patronizing air, "only nine minutes. "

  • “啊,时间不很长,”这个老成的小伙子微笑着说,带着一副行家的好为人师的态度:“只需九分钟。”
    long, " smiled the precocious lad, with a superior and patronizing air, "only nine minutes. "

  • 还有毛地黄----常有人在林子里拔毛地黄。一些好为人师的太太们,甚至刨地采毒菌,好在星期一拿到班上示人。
    Foxgloves, too—people will pull up the foxgloves, and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class.

  • 不过我们还是可以看出,李开复和刘允在性格上是有着明显的区别,李开复高调、好为人师,而刘允低调、埋头做事。
    However, we can still see Kai-fu Lee, and Yun-personality is an obvious distinction, Kai-fu Lee high-profile and become much more, but Yun-low-key, hard at work.

  • 很多人其实并不了解情绪的振动背景(甚至不知情绪为何或它对人意味着什么),就好为人师的强烈反对“发动中的愤怒”。
    There are many who do not yet understand the vibrational content of emotions (or even what an emotion is or its reason for being) who counsel with great forcefulness against the projection of anger.

  • 我们要找到圣经里的教训,以改变我们的生活,更接近耶稣。耶稣时代有很多文士并不象以斯拉那样。他们好为人师背道而驰
    When we read the Bible we must try to find lessons which we can use to change our lives to make them more like Jesus.

  • 当然,会以一种居高立下的姿态,好为人师的心理来进行炫耀。打击你的自信并不是他们滴目的。不过他们绝对会影响团队滴效率,甚至把讨论引离方向。
    If you don't know much about what they're talking about, they may mislead you into trouble or throw a project off track.

  • 好为人师造句相关
