
安身立命  ān shēn lì mìng








  • 消息来源是新闻媒体赖以安身立命的根本。
    Information sources are the essence of what the news media depends upon to get the job done.

  • 这不仅是中国创业板安身立命的基础,也是未来发展成败的关键。
    This is not only a place to settle down in China the basis of the GEM, but also the key to the success or failure of future development.

  • 诚信是市场经济的基石,也是会计执业机构和会计人员安身立命之本。
    The sincere message is the market economy foundation stone , is also that the accountant holds a basis for job organization and the accountant to settle down and get on with self's life.

  • 自医学院年代起,港大已经是世界各地不少学者和学生安身立命的地方。
    Since the College of Medicine era, this university has become home to scholars and students from every corner of the globe.

  • 更重要的是绝大多数人仅仅购买了一套住房,而这是他的安身立命之地。
    What is more important is the purchase of a majority only housing, and this is his traps.

  • 房子是临时的,工作也无法固定,震后一无所有的人们渴望重新安身立命
    In this transient environment, people who have lost everything yearn for a new anchor.

  • 成仙得道的信仰使人们明确了人生的努力方向,找到了自己的安身立命之处。
    Attained immortality beliefs make it a clear direction in life, to find its own place to settle down.

  • 科学理性与人文价值的融汇是青年大学生安身立命之根本和应有的精神品格。
    The combination of scientific reason and humanistic values are young university students' life base and spiritual personality.

  • 儿子,听到这些我们感觉很难过。或许,我们可以帮他找到别的安身立命之所。
    I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.

  • 你的灵魂是你最深沉、完整的本体,是上苍之所居,也是你真实的安身立命之处。
    Your soul is your deepest, complete essence. It's where God dwells and where you are really you.

  • 我们必须牢记口语文字不只是工具,而且也是我们安身立命(深层文化认同)的助缘。
    We must bear in mind that language, spoken and written, is more than a useful tool.

  • 身为一位以色列犹太女性,我欣赏客家人漂洋过海,直到发现她们安身立命之处的过去。
    As an Israeli-Jewish women, I appreciate that the Hakka people have traveled great distances before finding their home places.

  • 中国是一个农业大国,土地是农民最基本的生产资料和安身立命之本,被喻为农民的命根子。
    China is a big agriculture country, the land is the most essential productive resource and fundamental way of living for farmers.

  • 因为所有奔波,所有求索,无非就是找到自己安身立命的场所,无论精神上的还是肉体上的。
    Because all day, all explorations, but they want to settle down is to find the place, whether mental or physical.

  • 房屋是人类安身立命之本,是一个国家中人们最重要的私有财产之一,是行使其它公民权利的物质基础。
    Houses as one of the most important private possessions in a state are the basic conditions to the people, which is the material basis to perform other civil rights.

  • 这些家庭信条是我和妻子努力用以持家和养儿育女的原则,也是我父亲深信并以此安身立命的生活原则。
    They are the principles on which my wife and I have tried to bring up our family. They are the principles in which my father believed and by which he governed his life.

  • 对自由的思考、对自由的追求,是一个人作为“人”的安身立命之本,是人能够得以不断活下去的最终理由。
    The thinking and pursuit for freedom are the foundation of setting and working for a human as a"human"and the terminal excuse for people to live on unceasingly.

  • 一位87岁的老人家,就很习惯透过其他人的善意、安身立命,今天,吴先生发现他的付出得到无价的回馈。
    One 87 year old man boldly confronted this situation through a commitment to others' well being. Today Mr. Wu finds his giving has brought him invaluable returns.

  • 在一个全球贸易频繁的大环境中,任何一种产业若要获得它安身立命的基础,则必然要拥有它在国际竞争大局的优势。
    In a big environment where has the most frequent and busiest global transaction, any type of industry needs to find its competitive advantage in the international arena in order to survive.

  • 一半的国民认为美国正在朝着人间天堂大步迈进,而另一半则宁愿倾其所有只求在“美好”未来能有一个安身立命之所。
    Half the nation thinks it is making straight for earthly paradise and that half will pay anything in the mere present for a lieu upon the wonderful future.

  • 其中,作为农民安身立命之本的宅基地,自农地承包经营权允许流转以后,也越来越成为解决“三农”问题的一个突破口。
    Especially, as the anchor of farmers' life and spirit, the homestead land increasingly become a key solution to "San Nong"problems after allowing the contractual right of land to transfer.

  • 每个人一来到这个世界,他就拥有安身立命所必须的住房用地,这是生存权的必然体现,这种生存权是他对国家的要求权。
    I went to every person in this world, he must settle down and get on with the housing site, which is the inevitable expression rights, such rights is his right to national requirements.

  • 这则标语好就好在它体现了党的群众观点,切中了一些党政干部两眼向上不向下的积弊。人民群众是我们党安身立命之本。
    This catchphrase is good with respect to the masses point of view that fortunately it reflected a faction, hit the point cadre of a few party card two long-standing abuse that are not down up.

  • 明乎此,我们才会理解“自繇”思想为何在中国社会难以安身立命,而不轻易地对中国自由主义的布道者们进行情绪化批判。
    Knowing this, can we understand why "freedom" thought is so difficult to take roots in China and not criticize the freedom preachers emotionally.

  • 第二章通过分析信任对注册会计师行业和资本市场的重要性以及信任危机的消极影响,说明信任是注册会计师安身立命的基础。
    The second chapter proves the idea that trust is the basis for the development of CPA by discussing the importance of trust for CPA trade and capital market and the negative effect of trust crisis.

  • 圈子一说,在百姓而言只是个生活范围的概念,但在政治系统中,却是一个官员安身立命的本钱。一个官员置身于这个系统中,或。
    For common people, circle is just a concept of life. However, in the political system, it is the most important thing for an official.

  • 日本在经济上的成功意味着日本十几岁的青年对此越来越少关心,而同时他们又默默掌握了在现代世界安身立命所需要的创造性技能。
    Its continued economic success suggests that Japan's teenagers are paying less heed to all this, as they quietly master the creative skills needed to prosper in a modern world.

  • 在留学生文学家园情结的物质层面上,作家们以“生存”作为他们安身立命的第一要义,他们对生存意义的理解,也使精神世界有了一种归属感。
    On the physical stratum of the literary sentiment knot of them, the writers make ? living ? their first element to consider their understanding of existence, also makes them have a spiritual homing.

  • 现年39岁的西甘凭借自己超级敏锐的“皇帝舌”为咖喱调味,每年伦敦有数百万就餐者享受到他烹制的美味咖喱菜。因此味觉可谓他安身立命无价之宝
    The 39-year-old uses his palate to offer flavor to his dishes, consumed by millions of pub-goers in London every year.

  • “有一个有实力的大个子是在这个联盟的安身立命之本,而马尔辛(哥塔特)非常的努力去成为那一类大个子。”魔术队总经理奥提斯-史密斯在一份声明中说。
    "Having quality big men is an absolute must in our league, and Marcin has worked very hard to fit into that category, " Magic general manager Otis Smith said in a statement.

  • 安身立命造句相关
