
少不更事  shào bù gēng shì








  • 不能依靠史密斯,他少不更事
    Don't rely on Smith, he's as green as a gooseberry.

  • 少不更事时期我的判断幼稚,常犯错误。
    During my salad days when I was green in judgement I often blundered.

  • 年幼无知,少不更事,缺乏情感体验和世道阅历。
    Young, ignorant, and lack of emotional experience and morals.

  • 他年经时,少不更事,以为人生不过是一盘樱桃。
    When he was young and still behind the ears, he thought that life was just a bowl of cherries.

  • 以前,是少不更事的小男孩,父母心中的无价之宝
    Little boy as I was before, Mon and Dad considered me as their most valuable treasure.

  • 我在一天一天的长大, 现在的我亦不像原来那样少不更事
    I am growing day by day, now that i am no longer fool as before .

  • 回想我那时,年少不更事,每个周六的晚上都和朋友们去跳舞。
    Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night.

  • 6月16日,在印度新德里,一名少不更事的女孩在泥浆中玩耍。
    A street child plays in a puddle during monsoon rain in New Delhi, India, Monday, June 16, 2008.

  • 遗憾的是,那时我们少不更事的时候,弱智与白痴并存的一段时光。
    Unfortunately, it is born yesterday in that time, the mentally handicapped and a section of idiots time.

  • 在高中少不更事的时期,我脾气也很暴躁。别担心,他将来会成熟的。
    I was quick-tempered during my salad days in high school, too. Don't worry; he will become mature in the future.

  • 这些男孩们真是少不更事,他们还不知道在洪水里捉鱼是多么危险的事。
    The boys are still wet behind the ears, and they don't know how dangerous it is to catch in the floods.

  • 年轻人少不更事,不知天高地厚,因此勇赴不可能之事,竟有所成,代代如此。
    The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible ---- and achieve it, generation after generation.

  • 位置坐定的官僚和政客根本瞧不上他带上来的少不更事的当年一同上街的示威者。
    Established bureaucrats and politicians despised the youthful, callow fellow-protesters he brought in with him.

  • 我感激她在那个少不更事的孩子身上付出的时间,我感激她的耐心、体谅和善良。
    I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

  • 你仍然是少不更事”有一天,我注意到我儿子正穿着大到可以三个青少年穿的裤子。
    You are still wet behind the ears. " The other day, I noticed that my son wore giant pants that three teen-agers could occupy."

  • 那时候,你可以自称青春期,叛逆时,少不更事,年少无知,初恋我们根本不懂爱情等等。
    At that time, you can consider yourself that you are still in early adolescence and experienceless or you know nothing about love when you pick the green apple…

  • 是的,如果你和网友在短暂的相识后见面,不能掉以轻心,即便对方是一个少不更事的孩子。
    Yup, if you meet up with an internet buddy just after knowing each other, you must not let your guard down, even if it's a harmless little girl.

  • 永创以一个少不更事的孩童在石油大亨面前搬门弄斧的时候,大家都无限怜爱的给了她长成长的机会!
    When Novel Trading Limited is like a child displaying his slight skills to an expert, everybody gives her endless love and chances to grow.

  • 在那些年里,收入或少或多,纳佐林高高兴兴地把会费交到堂在他少不更事时期组织的面包店联合会。
    And all through the years, lean and fat, Nazorine cheerfully paid his dues to the bakery union organized by the Don in his salad days.

  • 当站在讲台上面对那一群少不更事的孩子时,我心里想到的是,他们是父母的希望,是一个家庭的未来。
    When stands on the platform the child who few is not experienced facing that group, what I think, they are the hopes of parents, will be a family future.

  • 就这样,少不更事的丽丽不敢告诉任何人,包括最亲近的母亲,只能在恐惧与无助中过着以泪洗面的日子。
    In this way, the Lili Shaobugengshi dare not tell anyone, including the mother of the family, only lived in the fear and helplessness of the day with tears washbasin.

  • 可这些家长都忘了,自己也有青春年少的时候,控制性冲动,有时连大人们都掌握不好,更别提少不更事的孩子了。
    But these parents forgot, oneself also have when youth is junior, control sexual impulse, master even old people sometimes bad, more the child that does not raise wet behind the ears.

  • 少不更事的年岁,耳边常有人说,弄出个孩子来太容易了,容易得我甚至必须要保持警惕--不要一不小心当了爸爸。
    When I was a teenager, everyone said becoming a parent was easy — so easy, I had to be careful not to do it accidentally.

  • 他年经时,少不更事,以为人生不过是一盘樱桃。而如今,樱桃已经烂了。——在一辆开往华盛顿的火车上偶然听到的。
    When he was young and still behind the ears, he thought that life was just a bowl of cherries. Well, they're sour now. ——Overheard on a washington-bound train.

  • 也许更为有意义的是,我的心开始在某些女孩面前悸动--大约11岁的时候,我对詹妮斯·拉姆开始了少不更事的迷恋。
    Perhaps more significantly, my own heart was beginning to flutter in the presence of certain specific girls -- I had a crush on Janice Lamb beginning at about age eleven.

  • 一九八四年离开出生地伊朗时,安努榭.安沙利仍少不更事,但在此之前很久,她就常仰望星星,并梦想能和星星近距离旅行。
    Since long before leaving her native Iran as a teenager in 1984, Anousheh Ansari stared at the stars and dreamed of traveling closer to them.

  • 当她从一个少不更事的女学生,转变为一个的成熟女人--与一个男人有了亲密关系,并为他征服的女人,而起初她是鄙视他的。
    As she goes from a naïve young student to a mature woman whose physical obsession with a man she despises begins to overwhelm her.

  • 接著四个发言的女人,有三个一开口就谈自己的资历或道歉。「我实在太少不更事了,不可能有什麽专长,」23岁的凯特林.派特瑞说。
    Of the next four women who spoke, three started with a qualification or apology. "I'm really too young to be an expert in anything, " said Caitlin Petre, 23.

  • 另一方面,如果需要制定并执行明智稳妥的政策,民主党需要利用官僚主义者中的人才,尤其是由于如此之多的新民主党政客还少不更事
    On the other, it needs to harness bureaucrats' talents if it is to formulate and carry out sound policy, particularly since so many new DPJ politicians are wet behind the ears.

  • 当我少不更事的时候,我感到自己这么年轻,对于自我也不是很确定-当时在一所大学校里面,如果能够使自己在别人眼中成为一个“问题少年”,我会觉得很有兴致。
    When I was a teenager, i felt that i was just young and uncertain-that i was a new boy in a huge school and i would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem.

  • 少不更事造句相关
