
少私寡欲  shǎo sī guǎ yù








  • 老子希望人们“见素抱朴,少私寡欲”,即减损望,过一种俭朴的生活。
    Lao Tzu expected people to "manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, and hold few desires", i. e. , to detract from lusts for a thrifty and simple life.

  • 这就是说,少私寡欲,清静恬淡体现的是一种生活态度,它与财富的多无关。
    It implies that tranquil life devoid of fame and lusts is practically an attitude of living that has nothing to do with the accumulation of wealth.

  • 这就是说,少私寡欲、清静恬淡体现的是一种生活态度,它与财富的多无关。
    It implies that tranquil life devoid of fame and lusts is practically an attitude of living that has nothing to do with the accumulation of wealth.

  • 当然,对于在家信徒,全真祖师们并不要求他们修苦行,只要求他们少私寡欲,过一种清静恬淡的生活。
    Naturally, the Quanzhen School does not request lay Taoists to practice asceticism. It is enough for lay Taoists to live a quiet life, be indifferent to fame and benefits.

  • 全真道祖师们的苦行生活,我们确实难以效仿,但少私寡欲、适度消费则是我们能够做到而且应该做到的。
    We do not necessarily follow the lead of the Quanzhen founders for an asceticism life. However, we can and should wipe out selfish desires and live on moderate consumption.

  • 全真道祖师们的苦行生活,我们确实难以效仿,但少私寡欲,适度消费则是我们能够做到而且应该做到的。
    We do not necessarily follow the lead of the Quanzhen founders for an asceticism life. However, we can and should wipe out selfish desires and live on moderate consumption.

  • 少私寡欲造句相关
