
怏怏不乐  yāng yāng bù lè








  • 这天晚上保罗怏怏不乐,很反常。
    This evening Paul had been moody and perverse.

  • 塞思的那条老狗死的时候,他确实怏怏不乐
    Seth really took it hard when his old dog died.

  • 他似乎极端怏怏不乐
    He seemed extremely unhappy;

  • 我不知道什么我考虑…我感到非常怏怏不乐
    I don't know what I thought about…I felt very unhappy.

  • 塞思的那条老狗死的时候, 他确实怏怏不乐
    Seth really took it hard when his old dog died.

  • 她看起来怏怏不乐,并且风尘仆仆需要沐浴一番。
    She looks unhappy and in dire need of a bath.

  • 作者不合理地假设, 顾客怏怏不乐对于服务一般抱怨。
    The author unfairly assumes that customers unhappy with the serve generally complain about.

  • 我们全部知道有相对地容易的生活的人根本上是怏怏不乐的。
    We all know people who have had a relatively easy life yet are essentially unhappy.

  • 怏怏不乐和失掉勇气她听见抓, 咆哮和咆哮争斗去在外部。
    Unhappy and unnerved she hears the scratching, growling and barking of battle going on outside.

  • 我感觉象一个傻瓜为承担没什么怏怏不乐存在在他的生活中。
    I felt like a fool for assuming nothing unhappy existed in his life.

  • 很多妇女是怏怏不乐对于他们的乳房和被混淆关于这种操作可利用。
    Another possible risk is unevenly positioned nipples and the breast symmetry being out of sync.

  • 当我是病的, 孤独,怏怏不乐, 我总认为您, 我不知道为什么。
    When I was sick, lonely, unhappy, I always think of you, I don't know why.

  • “因为我爱他,” 她解释了, “它不容易结婚对某人很怏怏不乐。”
    "Much as I loved him, " she explained, "it wasn't easy being married to someone so unhappy.

  • 他单独居住和是非常怏怏不乐的因为他是很孤独的。我祝愿我有一个朋友。
    He lived alone and was very unhappy because he was so lonely. I wish I had a friend.

  • 那天晚上,她怏怏不乐。那是一种他无法碰触的愁苦,更不用说去理解它了。
    She was sad that night, sad with a misery he could not touch, much less comprehend.

  • 狄克逊心里感到怏怏不乐:他第一次意识到,她不太可能有前来参加舞会的念头。
    Dixon felt sad: he realized for the first time that it was really very unlikely that she would come to the Ball.

  • 我看了我的伙伴一眼,只见他显得怏怏不乐,我也只好装出一副泰然自若的神气来。
    I glanced at my companion, and his face had assumed such a disconsolate expression that it was all I could do to keep my countenance.

  • 银熟手老手怏怏不乐地怀恨上帝没有睡眠也制一种像食品或饮料那样不妨买卖的商品。
    The banker complained sadly that Providence had not made sleep a saleable commodity, like edibles or drinkables.

  • 960-1280)是怏怏不乐的在递交给外国规则,和集合怎么协调叛乱没有被发现。
    D. 960-1280) were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered.

  • 赞成弹劾政客,然而,迅速找到,那选民是怏怏不乐对于移动,并且他们的支持开始浸入。
    Pro-impeachment politicians, however, quickly found, that voters were unhappy with the move, and their support began to plunge.

  • 他们知道他们的星是怏怏不乐的,他们承认他们的队不是足够好角逐,并且他们许诺改变所有那。
    They know their star is unhappy, they've admitted their team isn't good enough to contend and they've promised to change all that.

  • 询问动物传心术师什麽,如果事情有什麽不对样或您对会面怏怏不乐,他/她将怎样执行或解决。
    Ask the Communicator what he/she will do if things don't seem to work out or if you are unhappy with the session.

  • 耶稣动了怜悯的心,就(有古卷作∶耶稣怏怏不乐地)伸手摸他,对他说∶“我肯,你得洁净吧。”
    Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing, " he said. "Be clean! "

  • 我们倾向于认为, 是怏怏不乐的主角人民抱怨, 但它是更加真实的认为抱怨带领人民变得怏怏不乐
    We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it's truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy.

  • 她自己忙着整理摊位上的义卖品,让它们显得更引人注目些,而思嘉却仍坐在那里怏怏不乐地四处张望。
    She busied herself arranging the articles in the booth in more attractive display, while Scarlett sat and looked glumly around the room.

  • 伯爵夫人望着女客人,脸上露出愉快的微笑,但她并不掩饰那种心情:如果那个女客人站立起来,退席离开,她丝毫也不会感到怏怏不乐
    The countess looked at her guest, smiling affably, but still not disguising the fact that she would not take it at all amiss now if the guest were to get up and go.

  • 可他母亲苏珊正断了一只腿而不能走动,而当推销员的父亲却常常需要四处商务旅行,他指派儿子逗留在家来照顾母亲-----一名可爱但怏怏不乐的女子。
    But Susan, his mother, is immobilized by a broken leg, and his father Tom, a travelling salesman, makes Raymond stay home and take care of his mother, an attractive though unhappy woman.

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