
一唱一和  yī chàng yī hè








  • 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和?
    Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me ?

  • 场边有两个观众在一唱一和
    Court two in the audience echoed each other.

  • 我爱的人她却不爱我,还和悲伤一唱一和
    I love the human she actually does not love me, but also and sings a duet sadly.

  • 现在觉得和爸爸一唱一和的,到觉得恩爱了许多!
    Now thought sings a duet with the daddy, to thought the love many!

  • 两相分离的海岸在深不可测的泪浪歌声中一唱一和
    The two separated shores mingle their voices in a song of unfathomed tears.

  • 伊万诺夫更是与普京反西方的武力炫耀姿态一唱一和
    Mr Ivanov was more in tune with Mr Putin's anti-Western sabre-rattling.

  • 就这样,我和妈妈一唱一和,把爸爸说得溜溜地走开了。
    Then, I and mother sing a duet, the daddy said smooth got out ofthe way.

  • 但奥巴马先生努力不让他俩一唱一和地搅黄了这场聚会。
    But Mr Obama was anxious not to let the Franco-German duo spoil the party.

  • 接下来我和材料商一唱一和,“80元,同一等级最低价了。”
    Next, I have been singing the same tune and materials, "80 billion, the same price level."

  • 齐贝吉与米楚奇一唱一和的不修边幅的行为表明,齐贝吉为了继续执政而准备采取镇压行动。
    This pair's prominence suggests that Mr Kibaki is ready to use repression to stay in power.

  • 许多分析人士认为,只要等到信贷需求上涨,这么多的超额储备与之一唱一和,就会不断抬高通胀水平。
    Many analysts see these excess reserves as a pool of inflationary fuel just waiting for the match of credit demand.

  • 如此,美国的赫尔利,中国的蒋介石,在以中国人民为牺牲品的共同目标下,一唱一和,达到了热闹的顶点。
    Hurley in the United States and Chiang Kai-shek in China reached its most raucous pitch , with the sacrifice of the Chinese people as the common objective.

  • 如此,美国的赫尔利,中国的蒋介石,在以中国人民为牺牲品的共同目标下,一唱一和,达到了热闹的顶点。
    Thus the duet between Hurley in the United States and Chiang Kai-shek in China reached its most raucous pitch , with the sacrifice of the Chinese people as the common objective.

  • 欺负咱英语不好?看你跟红娘子一唱一和。即使那样你最多也只能说花生可作炸药的原料,不能说花生是炸药的成分之一。
    Can you find peanuts in dynamite?If not, you may at most say that peanuts contain the material that can be used to make dynamite.

  • 整个影片中,鲍威尔对入侵伊拉克屡次提出质疑—与此同时他也不断受到来自切尼,拉姆斯菲尔德和卡尔•罗夫一唱一和地排斥。
    Throughout the film Mr Powell repeatedly raises doubts about the invasion of Iraq—and is repeatedly overruled by the ghoulish trio of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.

  • 整个影片中,鲍威尔对入侵伊拉克屡次提出质疑---与此同时他也不断受到来自切尼,拉姆斯菲尔德和卡尔•罗夫一唱一和地排斥。
    Throughout the film Mr Powell repeatedly raises doubts about the invasion of Iraq—and is repeatedly overruled by the ghoulish trio of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.

  • 妹妹胳膊肘开始往外拐啦!欺负咱英语不好?看你跟红娘子一唱一和。即使那样你最多也只能说花生可作炸药的原料,不能说花生是炸药的成分之一。
    What's the fact? Can you find peanuts in dynamite? If not, you may at most say that peanuts contain the material that can be used to make dynamite.

  • 一唱一和造句相关
