
一片汪洋  yī piàn wāng yáng






  • 洪水使这个村子变成了一片汪洋
    The flood turned the village into a world of waters.

  • 城市成了一片汪洋,我们的爱遭受锈蚀。
    The city's a flood and our love turns to rust.

  • 到了大海,只见一片汪洋
    To the sea, and saw a vast expanse of water.

  • 刚才还充满生气的江洲,倾该变成了一片汪洋
    Just return full of fire rivers continent, the 倾 should become one boundless.

  • 一是,这么大的一片汪洋,里面几乎没有岛屿。
    For so large an ocean it has very few islands.

  • 街道、学校和公路仍在水中/处在一片汪洋之中。
    Neighborhoods, schools and highways remain under water.

  • 1996年夏季,黄河水暴涨,方圆百里滩区一片汪洋
    Spring 1996, yellow River water soares, area of beach of circumference a hundred li a boundless.

  • 今早,华盛顿的巨大地下水管爆破,使的地面一片汪洋
    Some commuters in Washington got a scare this morning as a massive water main break turned this road into a raging river.

  • 在它们周围,波平浪静,一片汪洋的水在晨光熹微中展布开去。
    Round about them and behind in the twilight of the dawn stretches the great untroubled sheet of water;

  • 更何况父母为我们付出的不仅仅是“一滴水”,而是一片汪洋大海。
    " Parents not to mention the efforts we have not just "drop", but a vast ocean.

  • 但现在还不清楚火星上的水曾经是一片汪洋,还是以冰的形式存在。
    But it is still unknown whether the water on Mars was like an ocean or just ice.

  • 大部分社区都是一片汪洋,路面严重积水,行人与车辆必须涉水而过。
    Most communities sank in a vast ocean. Roads were so covered with seeper that foot passengers and vehicles had to paddle.

  • 以前的一片汪洋大海,突然形成四条大河,大河流经群山,遍行全中国。
    Where once the sea had been but one great big expanse of water, suddenly four rivers formed, and these four meandered from beneath the mountains and spread across the whole country.

  • 巴尔的摩郊区昨天因主供水管道破裂陷入一片汪洋,今天水将采取自救措施。
    Baltimore suburb will be bailing itself out today after being swamped by a water main break yesterday.

  • 我做了一个美丽的梦,在梦里有一片汪洋大海,在海上还有一艘小船在游荡。
    I had a beautiful dream, there is a sea of dreams, there is at sea in a boat around.

  • 巴尔的摩郊区昨天因主供水管道破裂陷入一片汪洋,今天水将采取自救措施。
    A Baltimore suburb will be bailing itself out today after being swamped by a water main break yesterday.

  • 海啸过后,救灾物资正在运往萨摩亚,美属萨摩亚群岛在海啸中陷入一片汪洋
    Relief supplies are on the way to Samoa and American Samoa following the tsunami that crashed into the islands.

  • 被雇用的“枪手”永远都只能是极少数,而站在公正立场中的公众就像是一片汪洋大海。
    Be employed " gunman " can be few number only forever, and the public that stands in just footing resembles is a boundless ocean.

  • 大雨落幽燕,白浪滔天,秦皇岛外打鱼船。一片汪洋都不见,知向谁边?往事越千年,魏武挥鞭,…
    A rainstorm sweeps down on the northern land, White breakers leap to the sky. No fishing boats off Q…

  • 她马上开始用拖布清理,可忙活了半天也不管用,不一会儿整个屋子就一片汪洋,屋里的家具都给浸泡了。
    She immediately began using Tuobu liquidation, being busy can be a half-day or effective, the entire house on a Wang Yang Shortly later, the house furniture brought soak.

  • 潘基文在日内瓦的演讲中称如果各国领导人不加快进程签署联合国新条约的话,世界终将淹没在一片汪洋之中。
    Ban cited when, in a speech in Geneva, he described the world is heading into an abyss on climate change unless leaders quickly step up progress towards a new UN treaty.

  • 很快整个人类世界被淹没在一片汪洋之中。除了两名恭顺的色萨利人幸免于难外,人类被史无前例的洪水吞噬。
    Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire human race disappeared in the unheard of flood, all but two poor Thessalians.

  • 当我闭上我的眼睛时,她们在那儿,像一片汪洋,像一个深渊,她们在我的面前,在我的心中,吸住我的精神才能。
    When I close my eyes; they are there, like an ocean, like am abyss they lie before me, in me, absorb my mental faculties.

  • 哎,你就别拿话挤兑人了,俺可不想让雨巷变成一片汪洋,但俺很想雨天在雨巷散步,享受雨点儿打在脑袋上的感觉。
    FromNIT : Well, Don't make such caustic remarks. I don't mean I want Rainlane to be a vast ocean. But I do enjoy taking a walk in Ranilane in the rain and feeling raindrops pelting down on my head.

  • 大约20分钟后,莉茜成功地将牠自己及南茜拉出湍急的河水,到达一处较高的地方,那地方现在像是一片汪洋中的小岛。
    About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to successfully pull herself and Nancy out of the raging water and onto a bit of high land, a small island now in the middle of acres of white water.

  • 有人对她说:“你进那宫殿去吧!”当她看见那座宫殿的时候,她以为宫殿里是一片汪洋,(就提起衣裳)露出她的两条小腿。
    She was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs.

  • 然而,提克斯布瑞、格洛斯特、牛津和其他英格兰南部的城镇就没有那么幸运了。本周,六十年不遇的大水将这些城市变为一片汪洋
    Not so Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Oxford and other towns in southern England, desolated this week by river flooding on a scale not seen in 60 years (see article).

  • 大约4。5亿年前,这里是一片汪洋大海,后来,由于地球内部运动,海水下降,陆地崛起,溶蚀成现在的洞体和千姿百态的钟乳石。
    About 4. 5 billion years ago, there was a sea, and later, due to internal movement of the earth, the sea dropped, the rise of land, erosion into the hole and now are thousands of stalactites.

  • 2005年1月,持续数日的大雨和降雪引发印地安那、伊利诺斯、肯塔基等美国三个州境内的河水暴涨,使周围地区变成一片汪洋
    Several days of rain and snow in January 2005 caused rivers that ran through Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky to flood the surrounding areas.

  • 雾霭犹如一片汪洋大海弥漫于山下的洼地,但是在高地上的施拉帕尼茨村,天气十分晴朗。由数位元帅陪伴的拿破仑驻扎在这个高地上。
    The fog lay stretched in an unbroken sea over the plain, but at the village of Schlapanitz on the high ground where Napoleon was, surrounded by his marshals, it was now perfectly clear.

  • 一片汪洋造句相关
