
一触即溃  yī chù jí kuì







  • 中国的农业是否会一触即溃呢?
    Whether is Chinese agriculture met collapse at the first encounter?

  • 奥拉惧怕被抛弃和被背叛的心理,在这些谎言面前一触即溃
    The lies played well to Aurra's natural fears of abandonment and betrayal.

  • 这支未经阵战的辅助部队就象利刃下的奶酪一样,一触即溃
    These unwarlike auxiliaries gave way like cheese to a knife.

  • 奥运会就是老大中国在水里的那个倒影。自恋还可以,但是一触即溃
    The Olympics is just big old China's reflection in the water. Narcissism is fine, but the second you touch it, it's gone.

  • 当西方列强发动战争时,由于无法通过官僚体系及时调配国家资源,整个国家一触即溃
    When Western big powers let loose the dogs of war, because is unable through the bureaucrat system to mix the national resources promptly, the entire country collapses at the first encounter.

  • 不过随后火箭队就崩溃了,他们向观众充分展示了自己丑陋的进攻,失误不断,一触即溃
    Then the Rockets crashed, and revealed how ugly any offense can become when bogged down by turnovers and mistakes, and backed by little defense.

  • 为迎合高端客户而优化管理和完善技术的公司,在廉价且刚能满足大众的替换性强的产品前“一触即溃”。
    The perfecting of a technology by a well managed company catering to its best customers leaves it vulnerable to "disruption" by a cheaper, scrappier alternative that is good enough for everyone else.

  • 通常,大多数女性在第一次性生活中,处女膜会“一触即溃”,造成阴道口出血,即人们常说的“见红”、“落红”;
    Normally, most female is in first time sexual life, hymen is met " collapse at the first encounter " , cause vaginal mouth to bleed, namely people often says " see red " , " fall red " ;

  • 本场比赛的第一节的确让人赏心悦目。不过随后火箭队就崩溃了,他们向观众充分展示了自己丑陋的进攻,失误不断,一触即溃
    It was a fun first quarter. Then the Rockets crashed, and revealed how ugly any offense can become when bogged down by turnovers and mistakes, and backed by little defense.

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