
三人成虎  sān rén chéng hǔ







  • 三人成虎人言可畏啊!众口能铄金,真是一点都不错啊!
    Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

  • 三人成虎这个语就是由这个故事而来的,它指出谣言就像老那样可怕。
    From that story comes the idiom San Ren Cheng Hu. The idiom also suggests that gossip can be as ferocious as a tiger.

  • 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“三人成虎”这句语,比喻听别人的话要仔细分析考虑,不要盲从相信。
    The idiom "The testimony of three men creates a tiger in the market" later came to be used to teach people to consider carefully what others say, and not to take people's statements lightly.

  • 韩非子·内储说上》有“三人成虎”的故事:庞恭与太子质于邯郸,谓魏王曰:今一人言市有,王信乎?
    Han Fei Chu said that in the "yes" three into a tiger, "the story: Prince Edward Pang Gong and quality in Handan, Wei Wang said that: this city has a different tiger, even Wang?

  • 近来不断上演的“三人成虎”之类的事件,不仅给被口诛笔伐者造极大伤害,也使不少人对网络现状忧心忡忡。
    Recently staged a "three into a tiger, " and the like, not only to be criticized by those who cause great harm, but also a lot of people are worried about the status of the network.

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