
三思而行  sān sī ér xíng








  • 三思而行是一个很通俗的说法。
    “Look before you leap” is a familiar expression.

  • 这对你很重要,你必须三思而行
    It is very important for you, so you must think better of it.

  • 你去跟老板谈话前要三思而行
    Think twice before you go talk to the boss.

  • 三思而行是一个很通俗的说法。
    Forest clearing in Three Gorges is on the countdown.

  • 在购买昂贵的护肤用品前三思而行
    Think twice before using money on expensive skin care products.

  • 向那女孩求婚前要三思而行
    Think twice before you propose to that girl.

  • 如果了解到什么是负资产的话,你肯定会三思而行
    If that is what negative equity, you certainly think.

  • 您或许需要在找寻弱化这一矛盾的方法上三思而行
    You might think it wise to find ways to soft-pedal that one.

  • 在妳决定成批购买这些货物之前,妳应该三思而行
    You should think twice before you decide to buy them in bult.

  • 三思而行,但当时机到来时,就不要犹豫,要当机立断。
    Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.

  • 在做任何事时,尤其是关乎自己生命的事情一定要三思而行
    Doing anything well, particularly in relation to their own lives what we must think twice.

  • 遭遇困难时期,人们并不会取消婚礼,但是大家都会三思而行
    People who've hit hard times aren't cancelling their weddings, but there is a lot of rethinking going on.

  • 即使区域发展有政府大力支持,也是三思而行,不愿再“以身示法”。
    Even with the strong support of regional development, as well as before, has been reluctant to "physically Model Law."

  • 迈克:我并不是不想吻你,因为我干什么都要三思而行。好了,我想好了。
    Mike: Of course I want to kiss you. It's just that, well I got my reputation to think about. Ok, I'm done thinking.

  • 在银发岁月享受早该享有的欧洲长期旅游或家庭剧院设备前,仍须三思而行
    must exercise caution before enjoying a long overdue European vacation or home theater system in their golden years.

  • 因为满月时人们忍受着强烈的情绪冲击,所以最好三思而行,不要匆忙决定。
    Because full moons eclipses add a strong emotional influence to bear, it would be best to think through your actions and not make a snap decision.

  • 阿里认为,这种做法给国家财政健康带来风险,因此,各国政府还需要三思而行
    Ali says these practices put fiscal health at risk, so governments need to rethink them.

  • 这个朋友说:“当你接管店铺的时候,在是不是要解雇经理的问题上要三思而行
    When you take over the store, think twice about making the manager walk the plank.

  • 你知道,你关于寒气的看法或许是准确的因为人们会在提出这样的问题前三思而行
    You know, your comment about a chill is perhaps accurate because people will think twice before they ask something like that.

  • 因此,想要仿效谷歌那些坐着767飞来飞去的牛人,开源软件的新贵们需要三思而行
    So the new open source billionaires might want to think twice about going 767 for 767 with the Google guys.

  • 这样的通货膨胀反过来将损害美元的价值,促使外国投资者在买进美元资产前三思而行
    Such inflation would in turn erode the dollar's value and cause foreigners to think twice about buying dollar-denominated assets.

  • 旅游业现在已经举步维艰,原有访问打算的国外体育,文化,商界人士现在都三思而行
    Tourism into the country has already dried up. Sporting, cultural and business visitors are now all likely to think twice about going.

  • 以宠物当作礼物送给别人或给自己的孩子其实是给了他们一个非常重大的责任,请三思而行
    Giving a pet animal to other people or your own children as a present is really giving them a huge responsibility, please consider carefully.

  • 与大执政联盟不同,自民党不会反咬已出台的改革措施,救助欧宝这样的公司时也会三思而行
    Unlike the grand coalition, it will not gnaw away at earlier reforms and might think harder about whether to bail out companies like Opel.

  • 格鲁吉亚国家安全主任亚历山大。卢马亚认为,国际社会这样的反应可以迫使莫斯科对其所做所为三思而行
    National Security Director Alexander Lumaya says this kind of international response could force Moscow to think twice about its actions.

  • 这意味着大人在使用严厉或惊讶的语气时应该三思而行,在让小宝宝观看不适合他们年龄的电视节目时也要小心。
    This means that adults might want to think twice before they speak in a harsh or surprising tone or let an infant see television programs meant for an older person.

  • 毫无疑问,哥伦比亚当局认为美军出现在其主要空军基地上或许能让查韦斯总统在发动这样一场罢工之前三思而行
    It has doubtless occurred to Colombian officials that the presence of Americans at their main air bases might cause Mr Chávez to think twice before launching such a strike.

  • 失业所造成的经济效应则更为广泛:当越来越多的在岗人员知道有一些人丢了饭碗,他们在决定购买不动产时将会三思而行
    The economic effect of unemployment is wider: as more and more of those still in work know someone who has lost their job, they will think twice before buying a property.

  • 我从小在农场长大,慈爱的父母对历史很了解,或许他们当年培养了我用长远眼光来看待暂时的变化,不要冲动,三思而行
    Growing up on a farm, with warm parents who knew a great deal about history, may have trained me to kate momentary changes in a longer-term context and to think twice before acting on gut feelings.

  • 报告的作者们说,中国领导人必须对更加雄心勃勃的减排目标三思而行,因为在最容易的改进工作完成后,减排成本将会迅速上升。
    The report's authors say China's leaders will have to think twice about more-ambitious goals because the costs quickly spiral up after the easiest improvements are made.

  • 三思而行造句相关
