
不足为凭  bù zú wéi píng








  • 仅是传闻不足为凭
    Mere report is not full to go upon.

  • 仅是传闻不足为凭
    Mere report is not enough to go upon.

  • 往往由于证据不足为凭带来许多免职或推迟审理的事情。
    Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest of evidence.

  • 况且,现在有很多学历都掺有水分,甚至是假货,不足为凭
    And some of the educational records are even fake which can approve nothing.

  • 我气得只好用那不足为凭的“坏事不过三”的说法来安慰自己。
    Angrily I consoled myself with the dubious theory that bad luck runs in three.

  • 尽管谣言的起因是如此不足为凭,但东传西传便渐渐加油添醋,增加了重要的内容。
    Although it had such an insignificant beginning, the rumour had grown and increased in detail and importance day by day.

  • 所以即使通则本身的字眼可以涵盖本席刚才提述的特定情况,单单是通则仍是不足为凭的。
    A merely general rule is not enough, even though by its terms it is stated so widely that it would, taken by itself, cover special cases of the kind I have referred to.

  • 拥有浩瀚澎湃的构思实在不足为凭,能将美轮美奂的构思转化为有效的实践方案才是制胜之道。
    Having the big idea is not enough, to be effective it's the big ideas that win the day.

  • 此外,我记录在这里的大部分事实,在巴黎还有其他的见证人;如果光靠我说还不足为凭的话,他们也可以为我出面证实。
    I would further add that there are reliable witnesses in Paris for most of the particulars which I bring together here, and they could vouch for their accuracy should my word not be enough.

  • 不足为凭造句相关
