
东郭先生  dōng guō xiān shēng







  • 有一天东郭先生骑着驴子去城镇。
    One day Mr Dongguo went to town with his donkey.

  • 猎人走后,东郭先生就把狼放了出来。
    After the hunter left, Mr. Dong Guo let the wolf out.

  • 要是东郭先生没救那只狼那该多好呀!
    If only Mr. Dongguo hadn't saved the wolf!

  • 东郭先生听了非常失望,狼却非常高兴。
    Master Dongguo is disappointed at these words, while the wolf is very pleased.

  • 猎人相信了东郭先生的话,立刻往西追去。
    The hunter believed Mr. Dong Guo's words, and immediately headed west.

  • 他们走到一棵老桃树前,东郭先生对桃树讲了他的经过。
    Soon they come to the ancient peach tree, to whom the scholar describes his plight.

  • 于是,东郭先生就把口袋里的书倒出来,让狼钻了进去。
    So Mr. Dong Guo dumped out the books from his bag and asked the wolf to go in it.

  • 现在,“东郭先生”和“中山狼”已成了汉语中固定的词语。
    Now, "Mr. Dong Guo" and "Zhongshan Wolf" are set phrases in Chinese. "Mr.

  • 东郭先生大声喊着救命,狼说:“猎人早走远了,谁来救你?”
    Master Dongguo shouts for help, but the people chasing the wolf are already out of earshot.

  • 现在,东郭先生不再怜悯狼了,他接过老农的锄头把狼打死了。
    Now Master Dongguo no longer pities the wolf. He takes over the peasant's hoe and brings the final blow home.

  • 从前,中山(现在的河北省)有个心地善良的读书人,人称东郭先生
    Long ago, in Zhong Shan (in what is now Hebei province) there was a kind, educated man called Mr. Dong Guo.

  • 东郭先生正要继续赶路,狼拉住他说:“救人救到底,我现在饿得要死。”
    After the people are out of sight, Master Dongguo lets the wolf out of the bag.

  • 自从东郭先生得杖藜老子之救而殪狼手囊中,他逢人便讲述这段危险的经历。
    Since what Master Dongguo gets bastinado goosefoot father save and in bursa of Yi wolf hand, he meets the person tells about this paragraph of dangerous experience.

  • 看着狼可怜的样子,东郭先生心软了,他让狼藏在他的书袋里,驮在驴子上。
    The wolf looks so pitiful that Master Dongguo's kind heart is moved. Quickly, he tells the wolf to hide in his book bag.

  • 不一会儿,一位猎人骑着马追来,问东郭先生:“先生,你见到一只狼了吗?”
    In a moment, a hunter came by riding a horse. He asked Mr. Dong Guo, "Sir, have you seen a wolf?" Mr.

  • 东郭先生刚走几步,迎面过来几个猎人,猎人们问他有没有看到一只受伤的狼。
    The people who are out after the culprit ask Master Dongguo if he's seen a wolf run by.

  • 东郭先生虽然知道狼是害人的,但看到这只受伤的狼这么可怜,忍不住想救它。
    Although Mr. Dong Guo knew that wolves often harmed people, he saw how pitiful the injured wolf was, and couldn't resist helping him.

  • 他们继续上路,途中遇到了一头老母牛。东郭先生又对老母牛说了他那悲哀的事情。
    The two continue on their way, coming soon to the old cow. Master Dongguo repeats his tale of woe to get the cow's opinion.

  • (画外音)东郭先生终于明白了一个道理:尽管你把狼当作人,可是狼永远不会变成人的。
    A man is a man and a wolf is a wolf. We can't be friends with a wolf.

  • 策略模式调整拜师的概率:东郭先生遇见概率由37。5%调整为33。5%,增加8%概率获得定风丹。
    Modify the Mentor probability: Mr. DongGuo: 37. 5% changed to 33. 5%, Acquiring StablePill: 8%.

  • 这是,一位老农扛着锄头走来,东郭先生一把拉住老农向他讲了自己是如何救了狼,狼反而要吃自己的事。
    Then, an old peasant with a hoe over his shoulder came up. Mr. Dong Guo grabbed the peasant's arm and told him how he had saved the wolf and how the wolf wanted to eat him in return for his kindness.

  • 老农立刻把袋口扎紧,对东郭先生说,“狼是改变不了吃人的本性的,你对狼讲仁慈,简直是太糊涂了!”
    Dong Guo, "You cannot change the fact that it is a wolf's nature to eat people. You have been merciful to this wolf, and that was very foolish of you! ""

  • 策略漠视改变拜师的概率:东郭先生遇见概率由37。5%改变为33。5%,添加8%概率获得定风丹。
    Modify the Mentor probability: Mr. DongGuo: 37. 5% changed to 33. 5%, Acquiring StablePill: 8%.

  • 策略模式调整拜师的概率:东郭先生遇见概率由37。5%调整为33。5%,增加8%概率获得定风丹。
    Modify the Mentor probability: Mr. DongGu 37. 5% changed to 33. 5%, Acquiring StablePill: 8%.

  • 这时一只受伤的狼逃到东郭先生面前,苦苦哀求说:“先生,我正在被猎人追杀,猎人用箭射中了我,差点要了我的命。
    Just then, an injured wolf ran out of the forest, stopped in front of Mr. Dong Guo, and pleaded with him: "Sir, I am fleeing from a hunter who has wounded me with one of his arrows."

  • 《一千零一夜》中《渔夫和魔鬼》的故事在世界上流传很广,其实在中国也有一个类似的故事,它的名字叫《东郭先生和狼》。
    The story of the fisherman and the monster in 1001 Arabian Nights is popular all over the world. China has a story that is very similar to it. It is called "Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf."

  • 东郭先生恍然大悟,非常感谢农民及时救了他的命。他不停的在说,“我错了,不应该跟狼这种野兽讲仁慈的,它们的本性是不会改变的,我实在太糊涂了!”
    MR DongGuo was saved, he was thankful to the farmer. he kept saying"I was wrong. I musntn't have show any mercy on the wolf. "never cooperate with a wolf, expecially the wolf looks a beautiful angle!

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