
串通一气  chuàn tōng yī qì







  • 人们总是串通一气不把真情告诉我。
    People always conspire to keep the truth from me.

  • 人们总是串通一气不把实情告诉我。
    It was those people who conspired my ruin.

  • 人们总是串通一气不把实情告诉我。
    People always conspire to keep the truth from me.

  • 垄断资本家们串通一气抬高棉花价格。
    The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices.

  • 他们串通一气,搞阴谋诡计。
    They are in collusion with one another for schemes and intrigues.

  • 她与另一证人串通一气
    She acted in collusion with the other witness.

  • 有些人串通一气,以错误的观点看待我的行为。
    People sort of conspire together to look at my actions from the wrong point of view.

  • 有人想惩罚中国和苏丹政府串通一气蹂躏达尔富尔。
    Some want to punish China for its association with the Sudanese government, which is perpetrating atrocities in Darfur.

  • 他一会儿担心自己的灵性,一会儿和小伙伴串通一气
    He worries about his spirituality and then skewers his fellow campers.

  • 她悲叹说:每个人都“串通一气,维持着家族的神话”。
    Everyone was "complicit in maintaining the family myths, " she laments.

  • 如果有三个人在一起,就会有两个人串通一气反对第三个。
    If you had three together, two would unite against you.

  • 有些消费者担心监理公司会和装饰企业串通一气,更加说不清;
    Some consumers worry that companies will supervision and decorative enterprise complicity, more hard to explain;

  • 承包合同批给了总会计师的朋友,(可谓)各有好处、串通一气
    The contract went to a friend of the chief accountant: it's (a case of) you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

  • 如果媒体仍然与官僚体系串通一气,鸠山先生誓言改变日本现状的承诺更能达成。
    If the press remains complicit with that system, Mr Hatoyama's promise to end the status quoin Japan will be all the harder to achieve.

  • 作者还描写了他与宰相蔡京、和太尉、巡抚等大臣串通一气,鱼肉人民的种种勾当。
    The author also describes his conversations with the prime minister Cai Jing, and太尉, Minister of Provincial Governor and other complicit, the people of the various activities of fish.

  • 黄包车夫串通一气,夜间在大马路上抢乘客的东西,遭殃的既有中国人也有外国人。
    Ricksha boys were operating in gangs, robbing both Chinese and foreigners on the main str~eets at night.

  • 接下来的事更令人气愤,经理居然冲她大叫:“你与房主串通一气,骗取信息费!”
    Next thing more outrageous, managers had washed her cry : "You complicity with the owners, for information costs!"

  • 而在日本,长期以来,政府串通一气的夸大市场表现,并对随之而来的危机视而不见。
    In Japan, the government was deeply complicit in puffing up the market and complicit, too, in hiding the ensuing mess for years.

  • 甚至当年拥他上台的亲信、故旧,也同上海的商人串通一气,要把这个独裁者赶出南京。
    Even his old cronies who had ridden with him to power ganged up with Shanghai merchants to drive China's dictator from his capital.

  • 激进主义者称这使中国与苏丹串通一气实施国家有组织的谋杀,使达尔富尔地区深受其害。
    This, say activists, makes it complicit in the state-orchestrated killing that has devastated Darfur.

  • 当然贷款人是和经纪人串通一气的,它们乐于向那些几乎不可能回头的客户发放高息贷款。
    Lenders were, of course, complicit, happily issuing high-priced loans to people with little or no hope of repaying them.

  • 如果不能证明自己并未和其他超市、奶制品加工商串通一气的话,它就得接受至少八千万的罚单。
    Failure to prove that it had no part in collusion with other supermarkets and dairy processors may land it with a fine of at least £80 million.

  • 你和我在休息时谈过。我不知道这个。我长大时,你知道,所有人都是纳粹,而且他们都串通一气
    You and I were talking in the break. I did not know about this. I grew up that all, you know, that everyone were Nazis and they're all complicit…

  • 有迹象表明,抵制活动正在蔓延:消费者避免使用短信进行抗议,因为感觉到国家电信公司(TCI)和当局串通一气
    There are signs that the boycott is spreading: consumers are shunning SMS messaging in protest at the perceived complicity with the regime by the state telecoms company, TCI.

  • 另外,一些地方的共产党官员,长期惯于操纵处理这种与记者串通一气的信息游戏,在交易中让信息发布符合他们的需求。
    In addition, local party officials, long used to manipulating information, have been complicit in the payoff system when it suits their needs.

  • 就在三月,本拉登指责一些阿拉伯领导人与以色列和西方国家串通一气反对穆斯林并且鼓励进行圣战来解放巴勒斯坦地区。
    In March, bin Laden accused some Arab leaders of being "complicit" with Israel and the West against Muslims and urged holy war to liberate the Palestinian territories.

  • 近年来,诸如半岛电视台和“伊斯兰在线”这样的卡塔尔媒体不留情面地抨击埃及,尤其是指责该国和以色列串通一气封锁加沙。
    Qatari-owned media such as al-Jazeera and IslamOnline have relentlessly criticised Egypt in recent years, notably for its complicity in Israel's blockade of Gaza.

  • 由蚂蚁、蚂蚁鸟、蚂蚁鸟蝴蝶、还有不知别的什么,组合而成的五花八门的杂牌军,像串通一气的一群吉普赛人似的浩浩荡荡地漫游在丛林中。
    The whole motley crew of ants, ant-birds and ant-bird-butterflies, and who knew what else, would roam across the jungle like a band of gypsies in cahoots.

  • 仅此一点已经足以引起那些谨慎的市民们产生怀疑,政府要么就是串通一气玩世不恭,要么就是在炭疽(病)攻击这件事上采取不诚实的开发态度。
    This alone should be enough to cause even the most cautious citizen to suspect that the government was either complicit in, or cynically and deliberately dishonest in exploiting, the anthrax attacks.

  • 巴勒斯坦总统莫罕默德阿巴斯被要求与以方停止一切谈话,哈马斯号召发动“第三次起义”,并且谴责埃及和约旦在加沙计划上与以色列串通一气
    Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, faces demands for an end to any talks with Israel. Hamas, calling for a "third intifada, " accused Egypt and Jordan of colluding with the Gaza plan.

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