
举棋不定  jǔ qí bù dìng








  • 选民在两个候选人之间举棋不定
    The voters are vacillating between the two candidates.

  • 举棋不定,是接受好呢还是拒绝。
    He is wavering between accepting and refusing.

  • 但是目前,他仍然举棋不定
    For the moment, he is still hesitating.

  • 总统在这两种计划之间摇摆,举棋不定
    Between these two plans, the President was stalling and hesitating .

  • 面对两种选择,大多数的人往往举棋不定
    Facing two choices, most people will find themselves torn between them.

  • 希特勒现在举棋不定
    Hitler was now undecided what to do.

  • 日本又举棋不定,不敢乘势进占夏威夷群岛。
    Japan was indecisive and dared not make use of this chance to occupy the Hawaiian Islands.

  • 市长在政策上的举棋不定使他失去市民的支持。
    The mayor's indecision over this policy made him lose people's support.

  • 人们说我举棋不定犹豫不决,但我并不知道这一点。
    People say I'm indecisive, but I don't know about that.

  • 以公司名义还是以个人名义买房,往往让投资者举棋不定
    In the name of a company or individual purchases, often let investors indecisive.

  • 有着稳定工作和收入的人总是对辞职去读MBA举棋不定
    People in steady, well-paying jobs have always had to weigh the benefits of quitting to attend business school.

  • 这些问题困扰着消费者,在新旧材料的选择上,总是举棋不定
    These problems plague consumers in the choice of old and new material is always indecisive.

  • 皇帝曾处于令人可怜的举棋不定状态(威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。
    The emperor had been in a state of pitiable vacillation(William Hickling Prescott.

  • 我对一些不同的人物举棋不定,但不得已我最终选择了亚历山大弗雷明。
    I am torn between a number of different people for my answer, but finally, at a push, I have chosen Alexander Fleming.

  • 举棋不定,不知道如何在你爱的人和感觉应该在一起的人之间做出选择。
    You may be confused about the person you love and the one you feel you should be with.

  • 要命的是,就连官方科学家们本身对到底必须采用何种检验方法也举棋不定
    The trouble is that government scientists are themselves unsure of exactly what tests might be necessary.

  • 一个美籍华裔组织。他在举棋不定的弗吉尼亚州,参与了奥巴马的竞选活动。
    that's a Chinese American organization. He's currently involved in campaigning for Barack Obama in one of the key swing states, Virginia.

  • 巴基斯坦军方一方面想铲除塔利班,一方面又担心美国的意图,仍然举棋不定
    The army still seems ambivalent about fighting the Taliban, and nervous about America's intentions.

  • 他与女友恋爱进展顺利,但在结婚问题上却举棋不定,因为办婚礼的开销太大。
    He and cummer love go well, but in marry on the problem however hesitate, because run bridal expense too big.

  • 不但没有获得宁静与平和,你现在反而举棋不定,还想着那个逗留不去的“小谎”。
    Instead of stillness and peace, you are now holding onto and thinking about this little lingering "lie".

  • 工人们之所以在这样的条件面前举棋不定,部分原因是离家更近的地方有更好的机会。
    Workers' ambivalence towards such offers is due in part to better opportunities closer to home.

  • 然而,温格在安排谁来协助他完成转会事务上依然举棋不定,因为他不希望让球队不安。
    However, Wenger decided against bringing in someone to assist him with transfer dealings as he did not want to unsettle his team.

  • 尤其一旦年底大幅削减公众支出的提案得到通过,那些举棋不定的后座议员很可能改旗易帜。
    The most likely moment for wobbling backbenchers to depart will be when a series of large public spending cuts are announced towards the end of the year.

  • 他仔细打量那个吉卜赛人、心里举棋不定,不知道是跟他死打硬拼好,还是甜言蜜语哄骗好。
    He looked the gipsy over carefully, wondering vaguely whether it would be easier to fight him or cajole him.

  • 面对着叔父谋杀父亲的证据,面对着其他角色都深信不疑的事实,哈姆雷特在揭露其叔父罪行之前变得举棋不定
    Faced with evidence that his uncle murdered his father, evidence that any other character in a play would believe, Hamlet becomes obsessed with proving his uncle's guilt before trying to act.

  • 这样比较好,首先,冷静地、全面地考虑一下你所面临的情况,一时举棋不定的话就允许自己考虑一段时间再定。
    It helps to start with a rational assessment of the tradeoffs you face and to give yourself a little time to make a decision if you're wavering.

  • 美政府要求并业已收到了来自雅虎、MSN以及AOL提交的材料,这些公司起初对是否公布有关数据有些举棋不定
    The government requested, and received, information from Yahoo! , MSN and AOL—all of which initially stonewalled about whether they disclosed the data.

  • 无论是拿地,还是对新盘的定价,开发商都表现得举棋不定,逐渐失去了昔日的豪情,如何小心翼翼保平安成为当务之急
    Whether using, or to offer new pricing, the developers have demonstrated indecisive, gradually losing the old pride, how great the Sea has become a top priority.

  • 价钱变更的基础因素非己的感情。忙乱、胆怯、贪心、不保险感、担忧、压力跟举棋不定,那些是欠期价钱变静的重要本源。
    The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.

  • 摩根斯坦利的RichardBerner估计市场不安定会削减通胀,这是由于”这会使得买主举棋不定,而卖主则担心价格下降“。
    Richard Berner at Morgan Stanley reckons that market turmoil will itself trim inflation since "it will make buyers hesitate and sellers worry that prices won't stick."

  • 举棋不定造句相关
