
九牛一毛  jiǔ niú yī máo








  • 这对他们来说, 不过九牛一毛
    It's only a hair off a bull's back to them.

  • 世人所需不过上帝所有之九牛一毛而已。
    Man's requirements are not a drain on God's resource.

  • 你是想说成语九牛一毛吧?
    a single hair from nine bull bs.

  • 你是想说成语九牛一毛吧?
    a single -air from nine bulls.

  • 新减税额只是九牛一毛
    The new tax cuts are a drop in the ocean.

  • 沧海粟;九牛一毛
    a drop in the bucket.

  • 新减税额只是九牛一毛。我希望有更大幅度的削减。
    The new tax cuts are a drop in the ocean. I'd like to see bigger ones.

  • Abid先生说他公司进行的培训只是“九牛一毛。”
    Mr Abid said the training his company is doing is "just a drop in the ocean".

  • 个百万富翁来说,买辆豪华轿车不过是九牛一毛
    for a millionaire, the cost of a luxury car is a drop in the bucket.

  • 救我们只需九牛一毛的钱,他们就是不掏出分钱的通吃。
    We simply in the bucket of money, they are not pay out money indiscriminately.

  • 依附于价格不菲的产品,区区产品说明书的成本实属九牛一毛
    Dependent on the prices of products which are in fact at the cost of the product specification drop in the ocean.

  • 相比海地所需要的,美国军队断断续续提供的援助只是九牛一毛
    After a fitful start, the U. S. military's relief operations in Haiti are still far short of what the disaster requires.

  • 我相信,已经赚足银两的开发商,降价部分只是其财富的九牛一毛
    I believe that the developers have guaranteed delivery, the price is only part of their wealth drop in the ocean.

  • 虽说他是古今最聪明的人士之,但他还感到他知道的只是九牛一毛
    Although he was one of the wisest men that ever lived, yet he felt that he knew but very little.

  • 跟南亚海啸和卡翠纳飓风等灾难相比,捐给中国和缅甸的钱有如九牛一毛
    Compared with disasters like the South Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, those in China and Burma have generated just a trickle of aid.

  • 与新兴市场中央银行内的金库相比,国际货币基金组织的资源只是九牛一毛
    The IMF's resources are puny in comparison with the amounts in the vaults of emerging-market central banks.

  • 这只是九牛一毛,我们还发现流民区内有大量的危险物质,甚至有生化及核武器。
    This is only a drop in the bucket. We've also found large quantities of dangerous materials in the drifters' region. They even have biochemical and nuclear weapons.

  • 我们想募集些资金来帮助无家可归的人们,但是这笔钱不够多。只不过是九牛一毛而已。
    We passed the hat to collect some money for the homeless people, but it's not enough. It is just a drop in the bucket .

  • 现在农作物已经生产过盛,但即使如此,跟美国庞大的燃料消耗量相比,仍然只能算是九牛一毛
    The crop is in surplus right now, but even that is not nearly enough to quench a significant portion of the country's thirst for fuel.

  • 在人类历史发展的长河中,人类经济行为的范畴相对于生态系统的范畴来说,只不过是九牛一毛
    In the endless flow that expands in human history, the category of human economy behavior is opposite for the category at ecosystem, just be a drop in the sea.

  • 此外,中资银行购买雷曼兄弟公司债券数量非常有限,与其庞大的总资产相比犹如“九牛一毛”。
    In addition, the Chinese-funded banks to buy mine Mann Brothers, a very limited number of bonds, with their huge compared to the total assets as "a drop in the bucket."

  • 但是烟草业领袖说,截获的假冒卷烟仅仅为九牛一毛,想让政府和警察针对土著居留地的大制造工厂。
    But industry leaders say the seizures are merely drops in the bucket and want governments and police to target large-scale manufacturing plants on aboriginal reserves.

  • 学习英语有阵子了,我觉得我啥也不会,还是个生瓜蛋子,觉得学了九牛一毛,天哪,什么时候能学会。
    Study English have many days , but feel study nothing, still is a strange world , feel have been studied a little. My god, when am I can study all.

  • 就连行业救星——线上广告最近都面临订单下滑,何况目前线上广告的利润率与平媒广告相比还只是九牛一毛
    Even online ads, which were supposed to rescue the business, have declined lately, and they are, in any case, nowhere near as lucrative as their print counterparts.

  • 此外,因为该产业只能聚集150万桶闲置抽泵的产能,与全世界每天的消耗桶量8400万桶相比,是九牛一毛
    Furthermore, the industry can muster only about 1. 5m barrels a day of spare pumping capacity—a tiny fraction of the 84m-odd barrels the world consumes daily.

  • 值得庆幸的是,加拿大严格限制政治献金以及选举开销,这意味者加拿大的选举花费与他们的邻居相比,仅仅是九牛一毛
    The only consolation is that tight restrictions on both political contributions and spending mean that general elections cost a pittance compared with those next door.

  • 现在,他是部百老汇戏剧里的主演,拿的工资也不过是公会的主流水平。这些钱和他在好莱坞的收入比起来只是九牛一毛(占很小部分)。
    Now, he's playing the lead in a Broadway play and making standard union wages, a fraction of what he'd make in Hollywood.

  • 个来自非洲的旅行者笑说:“美国是世界上最强大的经济,企业舞弊的数额大得令人难以置信,我们国家贪污事件涉及的款项,相比之下简直是九牛一毛
    A worldly African traveller commented gleefully: The amounts involved in our graft cases certainly pale compared with the mind-boggling sums involved in the most powerful economy on earth.

  • 它们的成本在60,000-2,000,000加元之间,对当地人来说是笔庞大的支出,但对于习惯于花大价钱买小地方的欧洲买家而言,只是九牛一毛
    They cost between C$600, 000 and $2m ($600, 000-2m), an enormous amount to locals, but a snip to European buyers used to less space for more money.

  • 回教不是个宗教,不是个礼拜,他是个完全的形式,100%的生活系统--合法的,政治的,经济的,社会的,军事成分。宗教意义只是它的九牛一毛
    a complete, total, 100% system of life - legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

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