
事出有因  shì chū yǒu yīn







  • 事出有因, 各有社会基础。
    These things happen for a good reason; they have social roots.

  • 但最终选择云南,的确事出有因
    But eventually choose Yunnan, indeed not accidental.

  • 无火不生烟;谣言也总是事出有因
    There is) no smoke without fire.

  • 有烟必有火;无风不起浪;事出有因
    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  • 他的古怪行为一定事出有因
    There has to be a reason for his strange behaviour.

  • 有烟必有火(无风不起浪;事出有因)。
    There is no smoke without fire.

  • 国家出台这样的《办法》也是事出有因
    "National introduction of such a" solution "is also by no means accidental.

  • 凡事皆事出有因。无事出于偶然或侥幸。
    Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

  • 他为200元就这样怕是事出有因的吧。
    He was so afraid of 200 yuan are reasons for it.

  • 计划者希望奥罗拉的工程悄悄开工也事出有因
    It is no wonder that planners wanted construction in Aurora to begin quietly.

  • 世上没有事出有因的爱,也没有事出有因的恨。
    There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.

  • 有关专家也表示,对房地产信托的规范事出有因
    experts also said that the norms of trust property not accidental.

  • 他试图以蹩脚的借口来证明他没有出席是事出有因
    He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.

  • 它的影响力是巨大的,造成北京房价偏高事出有因
    Its influence is enormous, causing Beijing High prices not accidental.

  • 赢家明白,每一样事都事出有因,每一个行动都要恰逢时机。
    Winners know that for everything there is a reason and for every activity a time.

  • 最近几年,欧洲人对质量差的食物越来越紧张,并且事出有因
    In recent years Europeans have become increasingly jumpy about bad food - and with good reason.

  • 我感觉到你保持缄默事出有因,给你写信会使你觉得我纠缠不休。
    I felt the reasons for your silence, and I feared to seem importunate, by writing.

  • 可是我忍耐了,事出有因哪。因为某些原因裁判没有给我我熟视的分数。
    But I go by, everything happens for a reason and for some reason the judges were giving me scores I'm not used to.

  • 关于非暴力反抗的理论研究承认,非暴力反抗即使事出有因也应受到惩罚。
    The theory of civil disobedience recognizes that its actions, regardless of their justification, must be punished.

  • 假定汤姆知道了开车的是黛西,他或许会认为事出有因——他或许什么都会疑心。
    Suppose Tom found out that Daisy had been driving. He might think he saw a connection in it—he might think anything.

  • 所有事情都事出有因。通过我父亲的死才塑造了如今的我,一个能负担起家庭责任的儿子。
    All things happen for a reason. The death of my father helped shape me into the person I am today, a dutiful son.

  • 农业产业化何以有这样巨大的威信、威力,何以有如此速度覆盖城乡千家万户,当然事出有因
    Why does agricultural industrialization have so huge authority, power, why be like this speed to enclothe urban and rural innumberable families, of course there is good reason for it.

  • “性行为睡眠障碍事出有因,”他说,“但是不管是何种原因,性行为都是整个病症的一部分。”
    "Sexsomnia doesn't come out of nowhere, " he said. But "for whatever reason, sexual behaviors become part of the repertoire.

  • 顾云昌认为,北京的这种状况事出有因:福利分房的末班车效应,二手房交易门槛较高等等原因。
    Guyunchang believe that the situation in Beijing not accidental : the welfare housing distribution at the end of last effects of second-hand housing transactions, etc. higher threshold.

  • 他之所以单身事出有因。有时那是他自己选择,而绝大多数时候则是那些他所约会的女人的选择。
    He's a bachelor by choice. Sometimes his own, but mostly the choice of the women he's dated.

  • 上海球迷如此激动事出有因,早在今年联赛上半程鲁沪对决中,申花球迷在山东也受到过类似的待遇。
    The Shanghai fans are so excited have reason, as early as at this year league tournament half range Lu Hudui definitely, the Shenhua fan also has received the similar treatment in Shandong.

  • 他之所以单身事出有因。有时那是他本人挑选,而绝大多数时间则是那些他所约会的女宝宝子的挑选。
    5He's a bachelor by choice. Sometimes his own, but maximumly the choice of the women he's dated.

  • 一项城市法令规定,类似上诉人的永久性雇员可以遭解雇,但必须事出有因,如疏忽或工作效率低,等。
    A city ordinance provided that a permanent employee like the petitioner could be dismissed for cause, such as for negligence or inefficiency on the job.

  • 被我们政府列为“我们时代的一个大威胁”的那些人有着异乎寻常的经历——其中有些经历让他们的行为事出有因
    The people our governments are labeling as "one of the great menace of our times" have an extraordinary story to tell -- and some justice on their side.

  • 我想他大概也对那些水手不放心——当然这只是我的猜测而已。不过,大家很快就会看到,他的戒备之心不仅事出有因,而且也将使我们获益匪浅。
    Even he, perhaps, had been doubtful as to the crew, but that is only guess; for, as you shall hear, we had not long the benefit of his opinion.

  • 事出有因造句相关
