
仁至义尽  rén zhì yì jìn








  • 中国人。已经做到了仁至义尽
    Chinese people have done everything possible.

  • 中国领导人觉得,自己已经做到仁至义尽了。
    Beijing's leaders might feel like they have already taken their best shot.

  • 大约时过境迁,你会想起我对你仁至义尽的用心。
    Probably circumstances changes with the time, you will remember me the intention which will show extreme tolerance to you.

  • 虽然她冤枉了我,可我还是希望对她做到仁至义尽
    She has wronged me, and I wish to do her justice.

  • 这个故事是说:对恶人即使仁至义尽,其本性也是不会改变的。
    The story means that evil men cannot change their nature even if we are kind enough to them.

  • 但是西藏上层反动集团把中央这种仁至义尽的态度看作软弱可欺。
    However, the reactionary clique of the upper social strata in Tibet took the extreme forbearance of the central government as a sign of weakness and easiness to bully.

  • 牛山全担心有问题,工厂又送他去复查,还是没事,工厂已经仁至义尽
    All of the cow mountain worry a problem, the factory sends him to reexamine again, be still have no matter, the factory has already do all that is humanly possible to help.

  • 作为球队主教练,我给予了特雷泽盖100%的信任,我已经做到仁至义尽了。
    I gave Trezeguet 100 per cent faith and as a Coach you cannot do more than that.

  • 这样做的确很自私,但是人都是自私的,我对他们仁至义尽,但是回报给我的是什么呢?
    Today you ask me a lot while I was doing, I tell you I am doing a mysterious thing, is it these things!

  • 现在,党和国家给了我们温暖,吃药治病不要钱,对我们做到了仁至义尽,我们心里很平衡。
    Now, the party and our country to the warmth, not to take medicine treatment money has done for us to do, we feel very balanced.

  • 穆萨说:“此后,如果我再问你什么道理,你就可以不许我再追随你,你对于我,总算仁至义尽了。”
    said: "If ever I ask thee about anything after this, keep me not in thy company: then wouldst thou have received (full) excuse from my side. ""

  • 虽然日本军国主义给中国带来了深重的民族灾难,但中国政府和人民以博大的胸怀,最大的善意,不计前嫌,不念旧恶,对日本做到了仁至义尽
    Despite the profound national catastrophes brought by Japanese militarism, the Chinese government and people, with its widest breadth of vision, have displayed the utmost kindness and mercy.

  • 仁至义尽造句相关
