
借题发挥  jiè tí fā huī







  • 美元能否借题发挥,成败在此一举。
    Dollar can dwell on the success or failure of this one.

  • 我并不是因为你说到彬格莱先生而就借题发挥
    I am not particularly speaking of such a case as you have supposed about Mr.

  • 我并不是因为你说到彬格莱先生而就借题发挥
    I am not particularly speaking of such a case as you have supposed about Mr. Bingley.

  • 前者是借题发挥,即赋予儒家经典的旧命题以新义;
    The latter bring forth new ideas and condense his thought as two new propositions.

  • 这是不是某些公司和个人为了商业利益的借题发挥
    This is not some companies and individuals to commercial interests stir up trouble?

  • 莫妮卡:各位,抱歉。我只是不想给他们有借题发挥的借口。
    Monica: Look , I'm sorry, guys, I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have.

  • 只打算在会议上分享部分信息,使捣鬼者不至借题发挥太多。
    planning to share just enough information in a meeting so a potential troublemaker won't have much fodder.

  • 我并不是因为你说到彬格莱先生而就''。'借题发挥'。''。
    I am not particularly speaking of such a case as you have supposed about Mr. Bingley.

  • 如果她想要惊恐不安,那么尼古拉的健康问题就可用来借题发挥
    When she needed excitement, the subject was Nikolay and anxiety about his health.

  • 无论史密斯教授讲述什么,他都要借题发挥表达自己的政治观点。
    Whatever subject Prof Smith speaks on, he always makes it a peg to hang his own political views on.

  • 但一旦夫妻间出现问题,二人就会拿宠物借题发挥攻击对方,就象孩子一样。
    But when the couple is having problems, often the pets are used as weapons for one partner against the other, just as children often are.

  • 好了,我道歉,各位,我只不过不想在他们到了之后让他们有更多借题发挥的地方。
    Monica: Look , I'm sorry, guys, I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have.

  • 美国国会共和党人借题发挥,利用萨科齐的言论和其他问题批评奥巴马比欧洲还激进。
    Republicans in Congress are brandishing Mr. Sarkozy's speech and others to paint Mr. Obama as to the left of Europe.

  • 而参股基金,大股东减持价格不低于6。5元/股的承诺又为其炒作有了借题发挥的空间。
    And equity funds, large shareholders to reduce the price of not less than 6. 5 / shares its commitment to further speculation has seized on the issue of space.

  • 这个自作多情的男人居然会把冲刺撞线的动作误会了!我看他是故意借题发挥!想占便宜!
    brief introduce:this imagine oneself as the favorite man incredibly would sprint action of bump the line to misunderstand!

  • 这里,我仅仅想挑出“出生”一词,并借题发挥一下:正是活着这一事实证明了他的无辜。
    I want merely to single out at this point the word "birth" and to play on words: it was the fact of living that assured his innocence.

  • 麦凯恩利用拜登的评论借题发挥,质疑奥巴马的经验和他作为总统处理外交事物面临的挑战。
    McCain used Biden's remarks to raise questions about Barack Obama's experience and his readyness readiness to handle foreign policy changes challenges as president.

  • 也许一系列巧合导致了外界对朗琴园有些误解,当然,更有可能是一些对手楼盘在借题发挥
    perhaps a coincidence led to the outside of Langqinyuan some misunderstanding, of course, more likely to be some real opponent in stir up trouble.

  • 以上所有这些话,其实不过是借题发挥,毕竟,我们的图书行业,我们的读者,离国际化还很有距离。
    All these words, in fact, is seized on the issue, after all, the book industry, our readers, is also from the international distance.

  • 正如我前面提到他们的作品都是取材于现实社会的图像,但不是忠于这种图像本身,而是借题发挥一样。
    Just like what has mentioned above, their arts are all selects material from the realistic . but not loyal to the image .

  • 上海汽车持有上海大众50%的股份,这使投机资金借题发挥,将上汽CWB1作为昨日权市的攻击目标。
    The Shanghai automobile has the Shanghai populace 50% stocks, this causes the speculative capital to use something as a pretext, Shangqi CWB1 will take yesterday the power city target.

  • 在今天的福音里,耶稣去了当时还在建造中的圣殿;并且借题发挥、意有所指地讲到新圣殿,即 的身体。
    In today's Gospel, Jesus visits a building-the Temple still under construction, and speaks figuratively of the new Temple-His Body.

  • 但是最重要的分水岭事件发生于2004年秋天,斯兰学校屠杀事件发生后,普京借题发挥,大肆抨击西方。
    But the most important watershed came in autumn 2004. After the Beslan school massacre, something in Mr Putin seemed to snap;

  • 从目前看,在各大论坛上,这则帖子基本上都已经成为下岗工人和农民“比比谁更惨”的一个借题发挥的平台。
    From the current perspective, the major forum, which is basically post has become a laid-off workers and farmers "worse than anyone else than" a lot of noise out of the platform.

  • 为此,他也让他的儿子跟她谈话,找些话头借题发挥埋怨她,不给她丝毫时间思考,让那个不幸的妇女很遭了些罪。
    also, and led the unfortunate woman a hard life by dwelling on any causes of complaint lie could bring against her, rather than he would leave her for a moment to her own reflections.

  • 我曾经想拍摄《四百击》的续集。但又怕被人们看成是借题发挥。后来我为因无谓的担心而放弃拍摄续集而深感后悔。
    l had often thought of filming a sequel to The 400 Blows but feared it might be taken as the exploitation of a "good thing."

  • 李娜说:“我很想拿冠军,但我必须心理更强,我只能尽量打好比赛!”而新狼说成是压力很大,比较容易让人借题发挥
    Li said: "I really want to finally win here. I have to be tough mentally but I can only try to play my best. ""

  • 何况,倘若这一场抗议活动,最后竟然演成陈水扁与民进党的一场借题发挥的政治内斗,或进而演成了民进党内部的一场“政变”;
    Moreover, if such a protest last Yan Cheng Chen Shui-bian and the DPP has a lot of noise out of political infighting, or to become the DPP's speech a "coup";

  • 人情小说是中国古代小说中的重要流派,《红楼梦》代表了人情小说的最高成就,因此脂评的骂世、醒世主要围绕人情世态借题发挥
    DREAM OF RED MANSIONS represents the greatest achievement of sentimental novels, one of the important schools of Chinese ancient novels.

  • 在一次本不打算公开的集会上,他对那些“认为抱住上帝和他们的枪就能远离苦难的选民”作了评论,有人借题发挥,制造了轩然大波。
    There was the uproar over his remarks, made at an event he did not expect to be reported, about voters who cling to guns and God out of bitterness with their lot.

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