
公子哥儿  gōng zǐ gē ér







  • 蒲鲁马是出名的公子哥儿代表人物。
    Beau Brummel was a noted representative of dandyism.

  • 我确信埃克塞有许多漂亮的公子哥儿
    I'm sure there's a vast many smart beaux in Exeter.

  • 教授:自信的公子哥儿
    Professor Thorn: As a confident dude.

  • 这是一帮金玉其外,败絮其中的公子哥儿
    This is a gang of pampered sons of wealthy families who are all good-for-nothing.

  • 我们不象那些公子哥儿,我们那里没有把小母鸡送给骆驼的狮子。
    We are not as they are in fine society, where there are lions who send chickens[55] to camels.

  • 莫莉:除你之外我所有的朋友都很有教养。你是个粗鲁无礼的公子哥儿
    Molly : All of my friends are polite except you. You are a rude dude.

  • 你是在追求一个不爱你的男人了?可这县里有那么多哥儿公子,你是谁都可以挑选的呀!
    Have you been running after a man who's not in love with you, when you could have any of the bucks in the County?

  • “真不可思议,这个公子哥儿。现在他浑身浮肿……”说着他用手比划了个大苹果的样子。
    "I don't understand it, such a dandy fellow. Now he's all bloated up … "He made a plump apple of his hands.

  • 梅加说,有个和他一同上夜店的公子哥儿也因卖摇头丸被捕,后来加入狱中帮派,出狱时已沦为罪犯。
    Mr. Mecca said one fellow playboy from the clubbing scene who was also arrested for dealing Ecstasy joined a prison gang and left as a criminal.

  • 他演的是罗拉的情人雷埃,一个公子哥儿,当他发现罗拉嫣然一身,出身低微时,他娶她的决心就动摇了。
    He had the part of Ray, Laura's lover, the society individual who was to waver in his thoughts of marrying her, upon finding that she was a waif and a nobody by birth.

  • 卡纳瓦罗和科科-这两个英俊的公子哥儿将把整晚的时间都用在照镜子上。为这个特殊的搭配我们需要在房里放两面镜子。
    Cannavaro & Coco - The 2 handsome dudes will be looking at the mirror all night long. For these special pair, the room will have 2 mirrors.

  • 我觉得重庆美女,就不是瞧谁有钱就嫁谁,人都是有七情六欲的,我也是重庆的,我就不太喜欢那些有钱的公子哥儿,虽然有钱又怎样?
    I think the beauty of Chongqing, is not Jiashui see who has the money, people are Qiqingliuyu, I Chongqing, and I would not like those Gongzigeer money, although how the money?

  • 公子哥儿造句相关
