
半路出家  bàn lù chū jiā








  • 我刚半路出家来当教师, 还没有什么教学经验。
    I have just switched to the profession of a teacher and quite lack experience in teaching work.

  • 他是个半路出家的天主教徒。
    he was a Catholic by conversion and conviction.

  • 我刚半路出家来当教师,还没有什么教学经验。
    I have just switched to the profession of a teacher and quite lack experience in teaching work.

  • 我刚半路出家来当教师,还没有什么教学经验。
    of a teacher and quite lack experience in teaching work.

  • 我喜欢把自己装扮成半路出家的理性的纨绔子弟。
    I like to fashion myself a halfway rational dude.

  • 或先天缺陷,半路出家而管理水平不高,经验不足;
    Or birth defects, and management does not seem high, the lack of experience;

  • 有的祖祖辈辈是渔民,也有的是退休或下岗后半路出家的;
    Some have been fisher from forefathers, some after retiring or losing jobs.

  • 架构和盈利模式,由于大部分都是半路出家的和尚,只能念些碎碎的经。
    Framework and profit pattern, because be the bonze of become a monk late in life for the most part, can read aloud only some broken broken classics.

  • 作为“半路出家”的厂商,柯达有没有什么计划可重建胶片时代的品牌地位?
    As " befuddles " manufacturer, Kodak is there any plan to rebuild the film branding status?

  • 与不少在上世纪90年代末进入保险行业的人一样,陈勇也是半路出家偶入保险行业。
    With many in the last century, the late 90's to enter the insurance industry, like Chen Yong is also a solid foundation into the insurance industry even.

  • 物业管理者绝大多数是半路出家,一些基层单位或下属部门的领导是办事员及工人代职。
    The vast majority of property managers is left, some subordinate units or departments on behalf of the workers and clerical leadership.

  • 第二点,大多数中国模特都有专业的培训,而国外的模特很多都是半路出家。在这次马克。
    Second, most Chinese models have gone to school and had model training, where as foreign models have been plucked off the street or scouted and had to learn by doing.

  • 说起来没人相信,在人才济济的黄石,徐燕玲像十年前我在南方时一样,只是个半路出家的。
    Said nobody trust, in Huang Shih which is abundance of capable people, Xu Yan Ling looks like ten years ago I when the south is the same, is only begins a new career late in life.

  • 我有幸读到了《半路出家的投资银行家》一书,看到了那一张张“美丽画皮”下的“吃人嘴脸”。
    I was privileged to read "without solid foundation of investment bankers", which saw the faces of "The Painted beautiful, " under the "face of cannibalism.

  • 剧中的文清将横跨青年、中年、老年三个年龄段,对于“半路出家”的她来说,的确是个不小的挑战。
    In play's Wen Qing will stretch across the youth, middle-aged, the old age three age section, regarding "begins a new career late in life" she, indeed is not a small challenge.

  • 小公司老板 和公司白领类似,很多都是白领半路出家去创业,成功的少,失败的多,小有成就的这批人。
    a small company owners and companies similar to the white-collar workers, many white-collar workers are without solid foundation to start, the less success, failure, Xiaoyouchengjiu of these people.

  • 她自己说一口流利的法语,曾经被剑桥大学拒收。到不是因为成绩不好,而是学校担心她会半路出家演电影。
    She speaks fluent French and she was rejected by Cambridge not because of her grades but because the university fears she might drop out half way to pursue her acting career.

  • “做酒店难,半路出家做国有酒店更难”,这是金泉大酒店总经理向青龙这几年从事酒店行业最切身的体会。
    "It's difficult to work in the hotel, and it's more difficult to do that half way in state-owned hotels. " It is the experience of the general manager working in Golden Spring Hotel for several years.

  • 实际上更配得上这一殊荣的是罗纳德·里根,这位从演员半路出家的政治家,他的遗产是定义了美国的现代政治。
    It would be easier to make a case that it was Ronald Reagan, the actor-turned-politician, whose legacy has defined modern American politics.

  • 他只不过是半路出家,对此不太了解。根据句子语境,他并不是真的出家,而是“并非专业”的意思,因此可以译成。
    He was a layman/was not a professional/was not formally trained for the job, so he did i not know much about it.

  • 至于有5块金牌的国际跳棋,中国队在2007年才组建,队员都是半路出家,其中郑策、高文龙、邱浩纯,都是围棋选手。
    As of 5 gold medals of the drafts, the Chinese team was formed in 2007, team members are without solid foundation, of which Mr policy, high-Wen-long, pure-Yen Chiu, Go players are.

  • 在你知道如何编程之后,数学是更容易去掌握。实际上,如果你是个半路出家的程序员的话,你会发现这几乎是个snap。
    Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.

  • 而企业中电子商务从业人员中绝大部分属于半路出家,往往缺少相关培训和实践,这催生了企业对高端电子商务人才的需求。
    And Companies engaged in e-commerce in the vast majority without solid foundation, often related to lack of training and practice, the birth of e-commerce business-to-high-end demand.

  • 也难怪乔纳森·尼在《半路出家的投资银行家》一书中发出这样的感慨:“银行家是这个世界上最贪婪的人,这句话一点也没错。”
    No wonder Qiaonasenni "without solid foundation of investment bankers, " a book issued this feeling: "This is the banker of the world's most greedy people, this is also true.

  • 在你知道如何编程之后,数学更轻易学会。实际上,假如你先学数学,然后半路出家做程序员的话,你会发现编程简直就是小菜一碟。
    Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.

  • 在你知道如何编程之后,数学更容易学会。实际上,如果你先学数学,然后半路出家做程序员的话,你会发现编程简直就是小菜一碟。
    Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.

  • 半路出家造句相关
