
聊以自慰  liáo yǐ zì wèi








  • 他有幽默感,这使他在逆境中聊以自慰
    His sense of humour is a useful buffer when things are go badly for him.

  • 不考了。我在考虑嫁个公务员聊以自慰
    No. I'm considering marrying a civil servant just to console myself.

  • 他有幽默感,这使他在逆境中聊以自慰
    His sense of humour is a useful buffer when things are going badly for him.

  • 我们可以用美只是相对的这个事实来聊以自慰
    We can comfort ourselves with the fact that beauty is relative.

  • 他们到机场附近观看飞机起飞,以此聊以自慰
    To cheer up, they went to an airfield and watched planes taking off.

  • 你要是想想自己尽了最大努力,也许你可以聊以自慰了。
    You can console yourself with the thought that you did your best.

  • 这样看着它们,我聊以自慰,这就是疾病带给我最好的财富。
    This way I look at them and congratulate myself of the good fortune that my illness has brought me.

  • 从绝望的城市,到绝望的乡村,人们以水貂和麝鼠般的勇敢聊以自慰
    From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.

  • 米兰达说她不想去巴黎,但我认为这不过是她因去不成而聊以自慰的话。
    Miranda says she doesn't want to go to Paris, but I fancy it is merely sour grapes.

  • 当你觉得人的存在本身就是一种罪的时候,我想可以用这句话来聊以自慰了。
    i don't want to spend my life angrily about other people's sins.

  • 可是曼丽还在往下说,她要从这件不幸的事例中阐明道德的精义,以便聊以自慰
    Mary, however, continued to console herself with such kind of moral extractions from the evil before them.

  • 我所聊以自慰的,是还有一个“阿”字非常正确,绝无附会假借的缺点,颇可以就正于通人。
    The only thing that I could comfort myself with is the word Ah, which is extremely correct, absolutely free of any inappropriate reference or analogy, and is quite able to survive the critics.

  • 这些记忆就好像给他们的童年施了魔法一般,伴随他们走入成年,并使他们在老年时聊以自慰
    These are the memories that enchant their childhood , will carry them into adulthood and warm them in their old age .

  • 只有心爱的儿子安全返回才能补偿您的心痛,而其他千万个在战争中痛失亲人的美国家庭也能聊以自慰
    Nothing, not even the safe return of a beloved son, can compensate you, or the thousands of other American families, who have suffered great loss in this tragic war.

  • 为了呈现给别人一个完美的自己,人们总是对社会潮流趋之若鹜,从这种盲从中寻求些许归属感聊以自慰
    To be the best you can be, people often make the mistake of conforming to the trends of society and staying comfortable to create a sense of belonging.

  • 泪眼朦胧只是聊以自慰的方式,不是生活的全部。柔情万种不是能让所有人感动,感情要放在值得去爱的人身上。
    Tearful eyes dim only way of life is not all. 10, 000 kinds of tenderness rather than allow all moved on to the feelings of the people who deserve love.

  • 唯一能让我聊以自慰的是,人们通常在匿名调查中扯些小谎,就像他们在简历中那样,而这意味着,真实的比例可能会更高。
    The only consolation is that people often fib in anonymous surveys, just as they do on résumés, which means the real proportion may be higher.

  • 当你工作时间长,薪金却微薄,甚至是毫无报酬时,有一事实足以让你聊以自慰:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。几乎人人如此。
    And when you are working long days, for little or no pay, you can be comforted by the fact that almost everyone at the very top, started out at the very bottom.

  • 若是如此,那是因为我的竞争对手实在是博大精深,才华横溢,所以他们的著作才会使我的作品默默无闻,我必须籍此聊以自慰
    if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendour of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition .

  • 尽管这些投资银行可以聊以自慰地看到那些资产管理公司正遭受到同样的待遇:业绩上扬,股价下跌,大多商业银行却逃过此劫。
    Although investment banks can take some solace from seeing asset managers suffer some of the same treatment—their earnings are up, their share prices down—commercial banks have largely been spared.

  • 不过,旺热聊以自慰的是:他一个最伟大的前任查普曼,在1933年1月犯下过比他更糟的——当然不一定更加羞辱性的——错误。
    Wenger might console himself that one of his illustrious predecessors, Herbert Chapman, was guilty of a far worse-not to say humiliating - error in January 1933.

  • 一些保守主义者聊以自慰的事实是,一项潜在的意义重大的保守主义改革——个人储蓄帐户的创设——隶属于Medicare药品法案。
    Some conservatives take comfort in the fact that a potentially significant conservative reform—the creation of individual health savings accounts—was attached to the Medicare drug bill.

  • 虽然班纳特太太当时也相信这些话不假,可是事后她又每天旧事重提,最后只有想出了一个聊以自慰的办法,指望彬格莱先生来年夏天会回到这儿来。
    though the probability of the statement was admitted at the time, she had the same story to repeat every day. Mrs. Bennet's best comfort was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.

  • 唯一剩下可以聊以自慰的乐观事实在于,他们还有一张张特定商品的折扣券在等着他们,那是慷慨的客户所提供的,给予广告代理商——分享的证明。
    The optimistic fact is, they have the right for dreaming the 20% off discount ticket on some store products which generous client wanna share with agency.

  • 虽然班纳特太太当时也相信这些话不假,可是事后她又每天旧事重提,最后只有想出了一个聊以自慰的办法,指望彬格莱先生来年夏天一定会回到这儿来。
    but though the probability of the statement was admitted at the time, she had the same story to repeat every day. Mrs. Bennet's best comfort was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.

  • 虽然班纳特太太当时也相信这些话不假,可是事后她又每天旧事重提,最后只有想出了一个聊以自慰的办法,指望彬格莱先生来年夏天一定会回到这儿来。
    though the probability of the statement was admitted at the time, she had the same story to repeat every day. Mrs. Bennet's best comfort was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.

  • 在过去的两月间,在下成功缴获多国部队数不胜数的各色战利品,如婚礼或聚会的罚单,大战之际差点把裤子当了,幸亏还剩下一副空空如也的肠胃供闲暇之时聊以自慰
    In the last two months I got numerous invitations, just like weddings, parties and so on. I have nothing left except a piece of trousers and a starved belly.

  • 无论怎样捏怎样夹也弄不出个贵族式的鼻尖儿,除了她自己外,并没有人在意,而且鼻子的长势也极好,但艾美总认为自己的鼻梁不够直,便画了一大堆美鼻画儿聊以自慰
    No one minded it but herself, and it was doing its best to grow, but Amy felt deeply the want of a Grecian nose, and drew whole sheets of handsome ones to console herself.

  • KFC大叔取消了今天的训练,还是休息一下比较好好,可能,也许,能够聊以自慰的是,这场比赛让他们知道,事情并不会一直朝着他们所想的那样去发展,实力强劲者还有大有所在。
    Jackson canceled practice today, the better to rest up and, perhaps, take comfort in knowing they still have one of the game's best closers when things aren't tilting their direction.

  • 在过去,这些精美的桌椅、橱柜都只能在小说里读到、在画册上看到,人们心向往之,却无法真正拥有;又或者,只能制造出些仿制品来聊以自慰,却总叫人觉得缺了点原汁原味的气韵,始终不能圆满。
    In the past, you can only see these chairs and cabinets only in fictions and albums, you may repine, but can't have one, or you can only possess of a mimic just to console yourself.

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