
花样翻新  huā yàng fān xīn






  • 这可能影响到变形病毒花样翻新的速度。
    This is likely to have an effect on the pace at which new metamorphic transformations can be introduced.

  • 这些花样翻新的促销忙坏了售楼的小姐、先生们。
    These new guise of a sales promotion busy bad girl, gentlemen.

  • 充斥体坛的种种丑闻日复一日、层出不穷、花样翻新
    Floods the sports world all sorts of scandals day after day, emerges one after another incessantly, disguises the old as the new.

  • 花样翻新的“网络诈骗”给美国公众和社会造成了巨大损失。
    Pattern renovates " network bilk " caused huge loss to American public and society.

  • 训练总是花样翻新,每周的固定时间总有不同的射门和战术练习。
    Training does vary - there are different shooting and tactical exercises we do and on certain days of the week there will be specific training drills geared towards positions.

  • 其次,国际贸易摩擦花样翻新,我国产品质量和安全问题被频繁炒作。
    Secondly, the international trade friction rolling, product quality and safety issues are used frequently leads to speculation.

  • 帮助人克服性焦虑,提升性自信,并且在性爱中花样翻新、妙招频出。
    It can bring zest in your sexual life, help you to get rid of sexual anxiety, improve sexual confidence.

  • 咖啡服务的包装已经变的比那些专业咖啡人的老套模式花样翻新的多。
    Coffee service packaging has become much more ariled than the stereotype depicted by some specialty coffee people.

  • 再则,花样翻新,经常一改再改,这至少是时间和革命所未曾有过的奢望。
    And then they have made it over; a presumption of which neither time nor revolutions at least have been guilty.

  • 同时记者发现,展厅里的各色促销手段也花样翻新,卖房子卖出了各种奇招。
    Meanwhile reporters found that the exhibition hall where different marketing tools are a new guise, sell sell a variety of tricks.

  • 为了使杂烩不至太单调,厨师们想方设法改进配料,尽量让杂烩烧得花样翻新
    In order to make chowder is not to be too monotonous, cooks are trying to improve the ingredients, as far as possible, chowder burned pattern renovation.

  • 他喜欢花样翻新,但不是只注重肉体和技巧的运用,而更注重精神的调动和碰撞。
    He likes pattern face-lifting, but either pay attention to body and skill only apply, and pay attention to spirit more bring into play and collide.

  • 儿童房的空间虽然不大,其设计却能花样翻新,同时也倾注了父母对孩子深深的爱。
    Although the child room's space is not big, its design can actually disguise the old as the new, simultaneously has also poured into the parents to the child deep love.

  • 宋代服装受胡服的影响大,服装的等级性遭到一定程度的破坏,女性服饰花样翻新
    The garments of the Song Dynasty was influenced by the minority nationality There were some damages to tile garments estate system, and the same old thing in a new guise.

  • 而许多购房者由于缺乏专业知识,面对地产商花样翻新的促销手法,往往感到无所适从
    And many property buyers because of the lack of expertise, in the face of developers new guise marketing practices, often feel at a loss.

  • 近年来,墙纸技术不断发展,材质款式花样翻新,让人目不暇接。如何选择合适的墙纸呢?
    In recent years, wall paper technology develops ceaselessly, material pledges design pattern is renovated, too many things to see letting a person. How to choose appropriate wall paper?

  • 光在花样翻新的所谓创造里遨游,一切短暂炫目的新奇感,将最终消失在茫茫的社会尘埃中。
    Light travels in the renovated patterns of the so-called creation. All the transient novelty of flying and dazzling will eventually disappear into the vast expanse of dust of the society.

  • 在平静的时代,政治稳定、经济发展和科技创新无不在催生一个挣钱容易信贷花样翻新的氛围。
    In calm times, political stability, economic growth and technological innovation all encourage an atmosphere of easy money and new forms of credit.

  • 而且弄虚作假手段花样翻新,人口数字要多少就报多少,关键看领导“需要”城镇化速度有多快。
    And deception new guise, the population figures on the number of reported to the number of lies in seeing leadership "needs" the pace of urbanization.

  • 尽管当代世界各国贸易政策的总趋势是贸易自由化,但是贸易保护主义依然存在,而且花样翻新
    Although the trend of every country's trade policy is liberalization, the trade protectionism still exists and has more means.

  • 广州各家银行为争夺个人房贷按揭生意,一度便民措施花样翻新,快速放款广告成风,优惠减费层出不穷。
    Guangzhou passion for personal loans for the banks in the mortgage business. convenience measures once a new guise, rapid lending advertising trend, the benefits are reduced costs.

  • 迫于竞争压力,房展会上,开发商们在宣传上绞尽脑汁,花样翻新:赠送礼品、举办摸奖、制作精美楼书。
    under the pressure of competition, and kept meeting, developers have their brains in publicity, a new guise : a gift, the organization Mojiang, exquisitely Loushu.

  • 对于一个充满胆小怕事、委曲求全而又毫无经验的法官和起诉者的司法系统来说,花样翻新的特别机构于事无补。
    Gimmicky special agencies cannot make up for a justice system filled with crooked, timid or inexperienced judges and prosecutors.

  • 为了抢占市场先机,商家企业年年有新意,噱头花样翻新,利用自己的“产品概念”混淆视听,借机攻击行业内的其他企业。
    In order to seize market, thereby has year after year, I call this the rolling, used his " " putting them in the product concept, seized the opportunity to attack other enterprises in the industry.

  • 精美的包装、温馨的风格、符合现代时尚的设计和令人眼花缭乱的花样翻新,还有许多许多,无一不体现出日本人的聪明才智和对物质文明的不懈追求。
    The attractive packaging, eye-catching style, modern design and dazzling innovations are all manifestations of the ingenuity and perseverance of the Japanese in their pursuit of material comfort.

  • 可以说,既是构成明清小说中的那些神秘的宝贝兵器描写层出不穷、花样翻新的深层观念成因,又时时催奋和印证着宝贝兵器文学描写的合理性和实用性。
    In a word, it is the supernatural drawing and abundantly deep conception that inspires the rationality and practicability of the literature drawing of the treasure weapon in the Ming-Qing novels.

  • 我们的敌人可以说的上是手段复杂,花样翻新,我们当然也不会等閒视之。他们无时无刻不在想方设法伤害我们的国家和人民,我们也不是好惹的(我们也在竭尽全力消灭它们)
    Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

  • 我们的敌人可以说的上是手段复杂,花样翻新,我们当然也不会等闲视之。他们无时无刻不在想方设法伤害我们的国家和人民,我们也不是好惹的(我们也在竭尽全力消灭它们)
    Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

  • 我们的敌人可以说的上是手段复杂,花样翻新,我们当然也不会等闲视之。他们无时无刻不在想方设法伤害我们的国家和人民,我们也不不是好惹的(我们也在竭尽全力消灭它们)
    Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

  • 不是科学,而是科学的傲慢(无理)[而是傲慢的科学],以及虚伪的霸权(以及其假装不称霸),(哪怕)是目前在胡塞尔花样翻新的广度与深度(意义上),列维纳斯都批判(之)。
    It is not science but the hubris of science, its pretended hegemony, now even broader and deeper in its Husserlian guise, that Levinas criticizes.

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