
血雨腥风  xuè yǔ xīng fēng








  • 1995年是血雨腥风地区迈向和平之步伐加快的…
    The pace that area of a foul wind and a rain of blood marches toward peace accelerated 1995…

  • 三方战斗开始了,也许没人能在这次血雨腥风中幸存。
    A three-way war is on…and no-one may survive the bloody and horrifying carnage.

  • 于是他们都奋勇向前,打赢了那一场血雨腥风的战争。
    And they came from behind to win that gory fight.

  • 那里我曾故作冷漠地离开倒下的伙伴时所穿过的血雨腥风
    Where through the carnage I moved with a callous composure, or away from the fallen.

  • 莱因哈德·摩恩对于资本主义的血雨腥风似乎从来就不感冒。
    CAPITALISM red in tooth and claw never seemed to appeal to Reinhard Mohn.

  • 这种更喜好的血雨腥风的农业模式是从当地的田地名得来的。
    The preferred terms of milpa or swidden agriculture are taken from local names for field.

  • 阿盟第一次提议,正是巴人第二次起义的高潮,充满血雨腥风
    The Arab League's first offer came at the blood-soaked height of the second intifada;

  • 超低价入市,集体大“跳水”,在北京楼市掀起了一阵“血雨腥风”。
    Super-low market, the largest collective "diving", setting off a burst of the property market in Beijing "destruction".

  • 当前正在进行的宏观调控对房地产企业可谓一场血雨腥风的“洗礼”。
    the ongoing macro-control of real estate enterprises is a destruction of "baptism".

  • 那毕竟是经过60多年血雨腥风才夺到手的至高权力,不可能一夜间崩溃。
    That is, after all, more than 60 years after a bloody hand away before the supreme power, can not collapse overnight.

  • 在多数金融公司遭遇信贷危机的血雨腥风之际,黑岩的表现看上去也好不到哪去。
    At a time when most financial firms have been bloodied by the credit crisis, BlackRock has never looked better.

  • 在1937年,日本的军队在这个城市里展开了血雨腥风后中国的首府南京从此无人不晓。
    Japanese troops stormed the city, then China's capital and known as Nanking, in 1937.

  • 本片汇集了世界著名的学者,考古学家以及人类学家,一起为大家解读这段血雨腥风的历史。
    This program brings together leading scholars, archaeologists and anthropologists to piece together the story behind this bloody 12th Century battle.

  • 它们的神奇属性能够为国家中的所有臣民带来祝福,它们的重见天日自然引发战争的血雨腥风
    Their magical properties to the state in all subjects bring blessings, they will see a bright future of the natural cause of the bloody war!

  • 竞争场上充满了血雨腥风,失败者的鲜血把竞争场染成了片红色的海洋,作者形象地称之为”红海。
    Competition-the-field is filled with bloody past of King, the blood of the competitive field of dyed reds of the ocean, the author very called " the Red Sea."

  • 在二战之后、斯大林死前的某个时候,在血雨腥风即将来临的莫斯科,有两个兄弟爱上了一个名叫卓娅的19岁犹太女孩。
    Two brothers fall in love with the same girl, Zoya, a 19-year-old Jewess, in a Moscow that is readying for a pogrom[4]some time between the second world warthe death of Stalin.

  • 那是在1915年,任海军大臣的他,积极投身于在达达尼尔海峡的一场战役中,这场战役本缩短那段血雨腥风的世界大战。
    As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war.

  • 在二战之后、斯大林死前的某个时候,在血雨腥风即将来临的莫斯科,有两个兄弟同时爱上了一个名叫卓娅的19岁犹太女孩。
    Two brothers fall in love with the same girl, Zoya, a 19-year-old Jewess, in a Moscow that is readying for a pogrom[4]some time between the second world warthe death of Stalin.

  • 在这个世界里,年轻的欧文·布莱克一觉醒来,发现他所熟悉的一切变得奇怪而陌生,曾经宁静的故土笼罩着内战的血雨腥风
    It concerns a young man, Owen Brick, who wakes up one day to find his familiar world strangely unfamiliar and his formerly peaceful country in the middle of a bloody civil war.

  • 再看看我们的邻国,种族、宗教暴乱难以平息,哀鸿遍野,血雨腥风,令人胆寒,我们又怎能不珍惜和保护现在所拥有的一切?
    Just look around and we can see what unending ethnic and sectarian violence is costing our neighbouring countries . Should we not value and protect what we have at the moment?

  • 那是在1915年,任海军大臣的他,积极投身于在达达尼尔海峡的一场战役中,这场战役本可以缩短那段血雨腥风的世界大战。
    As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war.

  • 一场血雨腥风之后,维多失去了家人和爱人,他是可怜的,然而在听了再生人的控诉之后,他的命运又是何等的悲惨又令人心酸。
    After a bloody, Victor lost his family and wife, he is poor, but renewable in person after listening to complaints, he is what the fate of the tragic and very sad.

  • 1809年一场血雨腥风的战争过后,土耳其人建立了这座骷髅塔,用揭竿而起的反对土耳其统治的塞尔维亚战士之头骨装饰而成。
    Ottoman Turks built the Skull Tower after a bloody battle in 1809, decorating it with severed heads of Serbian soldiers who rose against Turkish rule.

  • 依媒体之见,人类之至高境界则莫过乎煽情,盖悲天恸地则遍传千里,血雨腥风则夺人眼球,而激励鞭策之语则鲜有问津,黯然消逝。
    Pathos is the highest form of human existence in the media's eyes. If it cries, it flies. If it bleeds it leads. If it inspires, it is forgotten.

  • 如果说警察是脑力劳动者呢,警察又经常出面对各种刀光血剑,血雨腥风,所以用脑力劳动或者体力劳动者的任何一个标准来评价警察,都不免偏颇。
    If the police are mental, police often face a Daoguangxuejian, Bloody, so physical or mental work with any standard to evaluate the police, inevitably biased.

  • 蒙哥马利公车之罢辍,伯明翰城黑人之群起,塞尔玛城血雨腥风之事,库氏般般亲历。更曾亲聆亚特兰大传教之士振臂登高之呼吾等必胜!诚哉斯言!
    She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.

  • 蒙哥马利公车之罢辍,伯明翰城黑人之群起,塞尔玛城血雨腥风之事,库氏般般亲历。更曾亲聆亚特兰大传教之士振臂登高之呼–“吾等必胜!”诚哉斯言!
    S he was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome."

  • 蒙哥马利公车之罢辍,伯明翰城黑人之群起,塞尔玛城血雨腥风之事,库氏般般亲历。更曾亲聆亚特兰大传教之士振臂登高之呼——“吾等必胜!”诚哉斯言!
    She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, ab*dge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome."

  • 蒙哥马利公车之罢辍,伯明翰城黑人之群起,塞尔玛城血雨腥风之事,库氏般般亲历。更曾亲聆亚特兰大传教之士振臂登高之呼——“吾等必胜!”诚哉斯言!
    She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome."

  • 蒙哥马利公车之罢辍,伯明翰城黑人之群起,塞尔玛城血雨腥风之事,库氏般般亲历。更曾亲聆亚特兰大传教之士振臂登高之呼——“吾等必胜!”诚哉斯言!
    IT were tITe for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacIT from Atlanta who talked a human those "We Shall Overcoming."

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