
迎来送往  yíng lái sòng wǎng







  • 迎来送往俱无踪,徒留一帘幽梦!
    Come or go without a trace, leaving a quiet dream in vain.

  • 一道圆形拱门,迎来送往着很会享受的人。
    A circle arch, welcome the person that sends toward very meeting to enjoy.

  • 人之子整天鞠躬作揖,紧握双手,迎来送往的;
    Bowing to salute and folding their hands they receive and send people all day.

  • 每年,该校都要迎来送往数百名新生和毕业生。
    Annual, this school should be greeted send toward hundreds new student and graduate.

  • 可不少地方绞尽脑汁迎来送往,搞各种经贸洽谈会。
    But cudgel one's brains for greets many places to send toward, do all sorts of classics trade to negotiate meeting.

  • 长于迎来送往的机场用IT构筑了它的“一号工程”。
    The " that long Yu Yinglai sent the airport that go to to build it with IT " of a project.

  • 随着大开发引来大批投资者,西部迎来送往的活动也多了起来。
    Draw large quantities of investor as big development, greet western send the activity that go to much also rise.

  • 在建筑装修中,它强调了门厅的重要性,仿佛是迎来送往的关口。
    Decorate in the building in, it emphasized vestibular importance, asking if is to be greeted send the col that go to.

  • 当地居民珍惜传统,以淳厚的民风迎来送往,追求简朴无华的享受。
    Local residents cherish the tradition of folk customs in order to usher in simple yet profound sent to pursue the enjoyment of simple minimalist.

  • 按照这种观念,时间之迎来送往,皆起于其自身的滚动,犹如一只车轮。
    According to such views, time passes, time goes on, and it does so by turning on itself like a wheel.

  • 秋季是个收获喜庆的季节,迎来送往的婚庆喜事使得秋季家纺市场异常火爆。
    Autumn is the season with a festival results, greet send the marriage that go to to celebrate happy event to make autumn home spins the market unusually hot.

  • 一个个名不经传的城镇转眼间变成了旅游观光胜地,迎来送往世界各地的朋友。
    Biography of the cities and towns without a blink of an eye into a tourist resort, rushed to welcome friends from all over the world.

  • 人之子整天鞠躬作揖,紧握双手,迎来送往,他们觉得这是规矩,是君臣之礼。
    Bowing to salute and folding their hands they receive and send people all day. They think that as code of conduct and ceremony of minister.

  • 玄关这个概念是从日本引进的,它强调了门厅的重要性,仿佛是迎来送往的关口。
    Porch this idea is introduced from Japan, it emphasized vestibular importance, asking if is to be greeted send the col that go to.

  • 这会那会,领导都要亲临出席作重要指示;迎来送往,领导要尽地主之谊举杯致辞;
    This meeting that meeting, the leadership needs to arrive personally the attendance to make the important indicator;

  • 与其他热销盘不同的是,这些“阻力盘”销售人员至今仍然打着笑脸迎来送往每一位客户。
    And the other hot plate difference is that these "resistance plate" of the sales staff still smiling faces greet sent to every customer.

  • 他当即被送往了当地医院并且关节也回到了原位,不过他将不得不迎来一个漫长的康复期。
    He was immediately taken to hospital, where he had the shoulder put back into place, but he is now set for a long spell on the sidelines.

  • 做茶房、当伙计是很累的差事,烧水泡菜,托盘拿盏,忙里忙外,迎来送往,整日手脚不闲。
    Waiter to do, when the waiter was very tired of the job, boil water kimchi, trays holding lanterns, where busy busy , the usher rushed, not idle hands and feet all day.

  • 入口是访客印象最深刻的地方,迎来送往都在此处,尤其我们中国人,很喜欢在这里寒暄几句。
    visitors entrance is the most profound impression places are sent to all here, especially our Chinese people, like a few words here Trade.

  • 正对门口的墙面上挂上一个京剧面谱,即使一人居室的时候,出入之间也不会缺了“人”迎来送往
    Chart of face of a Beijing opera is being hanged on the metope of mouth of face each other, although one person bedroom when, also won't be short of between discrepancy " person " greet send toward.

  • 目前世界各国对车站建设有两种模式,一种模式是,车站就是车站,迎来送往,进得来、出得去就行。
    countries of the world to the current station building, there are two models, a model is that the station is a station rushed to greet, come into, out in discussing the situation OK.

  • 当我们迎来新年的时候,我们将我们的祈祷送往印度洋地区那些最近因一系列灾难而损失惨重的人们。
    New Year's Day, 2005As we begin the New Year, our prayers go out to the people who have lost so much to the recent series of disasters in the Indian Ocean region.

  • 当然,还有人提到沃尔-马特对顾客的迎来送往,以及沃尔-马特的大商店和大规模经营带来的规模效益。
    Of course, other people have mentioned the Wal-Mart customers shuttle service and the benefits from the big store, big scale operations.

  • 他频频奔走于武汉、成都、重庆等地,在各地方政府的迎来送往中寻觅着特畅恒再次进入地产开发的机遇。
    He kept running in Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing, the local government in China are sent to find a special Cheong Hang re-entered the real estate development opportunities.

  • 在现代社会竞争日益激烈的商品营销推广中,商家也借此理念“迎来送往”,由此产生了“广告礼品”这个行业!
    " In a modern society increasingly competitive commodity marketing, the merchants would like to take this concept of "welcome to the" resulting "advertising gift" in the industry!

  • 公交站务设施按照市政府美化、亮化工程的要求,整齐、规范地林立在停车站两侧,每天迎来送往着他们的客人;
    Bus station facilities in the city in accordance with the landscaping, lighting works, clean, standardize and many on both sides of the parking station, rushed to greet each day with their guests;

  • 它生动地描述了在拜占庭边境地区那种“粗陋和简便的”生活状态,而且生动地描述了各民族包括穆斯林人之间的迎来送往
    It vividly depicts the "rough and ready" nature of life on the Byzantine frontier and the lively give and take between peoples, including Muslims.

  • 迎来送往造句相关
