
遗臭万年  yí chòu wàn nián








  • 他们所做的坏事将遗臭万年
    The evil which they did lives after them.

  • 让他们的名字遗臭万年
    Make their very names stink!

  • 你拥有一个万世流芳或者遗臭万年的祖先吗?
    Does your character have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?

  • 他的名字将遗臭万年
    His name will live in infamy.

  • 遗臭万年)荣誉一旦丧失百年也无法弥补。
    A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honor.

  • 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。遗臭万年。吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
    A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush .

  • 我们经理的激烈考验,将使得我们流芳百世,或者遗臭万年
    The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor to the latest generation.

  • 作为一个使奥运光环黯然失色的城市,盐湖城也许会遗臭万年
    Salt Lake City may forever be remembered as the city that helped tarnish the golden halos of the Olympic Rings.

  • 要问我是啥,人见人害怕,大人用我吓孩子,虽是遗臭万年,但是名气大。
    We often talk about it, but if it apperas , wo are all afraid. What is it?

  • 要问我是啥,人见人害怕,大人用我吓孩子,虽是遗臭万年,但是名气大。
    To ask me what is everyone afraid of me to frighten their children by adults, though are down, but the well-known large.

  • 成千上万的人现在仍然排队等待着观看这些留芳百世或遗臭万年的人物的肖像。
    Thousands of people still queue up to look at these portraits of the famous and the im famous.

  • 像现在的中学生一样,你以后是流芳百世,还是遗臭万年,就掌握在你的手里。
    Secondary school students as they are now, like after you are choosing fame or notoriety down the ages, it is in your hands.

  • 成千上万的人现在仍然排队等待着观看这些流芳百世或遗臭万年的人物的肖像。
    Thousands of people still queue up to look at these portraits of the famous and the infamous.

  • 他一枪命中林肯的后脑,将手无寸铁的林肯置于死地,他自己也因此而遗臭万年
    He is remembered for taking the life of an unarmed Lincoln with a gunshot to the back of the head.

  • 他们的体育生涯变成了一种声望竞争,一次要么遗臭万年,要么遗芳百世的抽彩。
    Their careers become a popularity contest, a "likability" raffle lying in wait for the hate to die. Which it never really does.

  • 这一笔,也许流传千古,也许遗臭万年,但是,天希还是会去尝试,而我们,都在期待。
    This, will perhaps spread the eternity, perhaps will leave a stink for ten thousand years, but, day Greece will attempt, but we, were anticipating.

  • 也许贝瑞妈妈所说的话中蕴含的朴素智慧是:如果不能流芳百世,那就努力遗臭万年吧。
    What Miss Berry's mother might have said, when doling out the homespun wisdom, is that if you can't be best at something then strive to be the worst.

  • 阁下的屁,震天地,这么高的大厦崩成平地,这么粗的钢管崩的这么细,真是遗臭万年的好臭屁!
    You's fart, earthquake world, so the mansion of Gao collapse into flat ground, the so thick steel pipe collapse of so thin, really leave a bad name of very smelly fart!

  • 奥巴马一贯声称自己不愿遗臭万年,害怕虐囚事件会将他的注意力从国内事务和外交政策的计划中转移出来。
    Obama has consistently said he does not want to rake over history, fearing that it will deflect attention from his heavy domestic and foreign policy programme.

  • 在《王者之印》的世界里,你无须介怀流芳百世与遗臭万年孰贵孰贱,你只要尽情地绽放自己的魅力就够了!
    In the "King of India" in the world, you need not take it serious down side of your choosing fame with the low side, as long as you enjoy the charm of its own blooming enough!

  • 在新闻媒体的追逐下降遗体放尽燃炉,焚烧后有的流芳百世,有的遗臭万年。巴老就是在这么一个环境下走的。
    In pursuit of the news media dropped the remains released to make fuel furnace, some immortalized after burning, and some down. is down in such an environment of.

  • 跟着潮流,让我们轻舞飞扬望着天空时发现天堂其实并不遥远不能名垂青史,那就遗臭万年吧你要不要一起在此刻引爆?
    Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not?

  • 对于未来的几代天行者家族的人而言,波巴·费特这个名字将遗臭万年——但现在,他还是个决心复仇的孩子,让绝地为他父亲的死偿还血债的渴望驱使着他。
    For future generations of Skywalker, the name of Boba Fett will live in infamy -- but now, he is still but a boy bent on revenge, driven by a desire to make the Jedi pay for the death of his father.

  • 遗臭万年造句相关
