
香消玉殒  xiāng xiāo yù yǔn






  • 青石桥头,黑云遮月,美人香消玉殒,英雄痛不欲生。
    Granite Chiaotou, black cloud hide a month, beauty's death of a woman, hero pain not the desire living.

  • 你会否用「英年早逝」或「香消玉殒」等句子来形容某人死亡?
    Would you use the phrases like "only the good die young" or "death of a pretty woman" to say someone's death?

  • 一辆白色轿车飞驰而过,她当场香消玉殒,就象那风中的蜡烛。
    A white car sped past, and in a moment she was killed, like a candle in the wind.

  • 他们的宿怨引发一场枪战,导致罗苹决心携手一生的女子香消玉殒
    Their rivalry leads to a gun battle which kills the woman with whom Lupin had decided to settle down.

  • 或许,不是因为在梦中喊出了心声,而是由于伤及了我的肉体以至于香消玉殒
    Perhaps not because he let out a cry during sleep, but because he hurt me so deep that ceased my life.

  • 这种极难成长的依米小花的花期并不长,仅仅两天的绽放,它便随母株一起香消玉殒
    Maybe just like the flower in the desert , all she wanted to do is also to bring a little bit of beauty to this world. They are so beautiful.

  • 后来,他让虞姬和他一起舞剑,舞着舞着,虞姬突然将剑刺入自己的腹部,香消玉殒
    Later, he asked Yu Ji to do the sword dance with him. As they were dancing, Yu Ji suddenly thrust the sword into her stomach, and died instantly.

  • 当渔民把捕捞到的沙丁鱼放入鱼槽运回码头后,用不了多久,沙丁鱼就会“香消玉殒”。
    After the fisherman puts the pilchard that catches into dock of piscine chamfer carry back, have more than is needed how long, pilchard is met " of die of jade of " sweet disappear.

  • 因为如果我们停留在既得的桂冠上,即使是像哈得孙河边的纽约那样大的城市,也会像开封那样香消玉殒
    For if we rest on our laurels, even a city as great as New York may end up as Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson.

  • 排名第二、第三的两大搜索引擎公司精心制定的合作计划依然存在变数,即可能在反托拉斯法面前香消玉殒
    There is a chance a deal combining the powers of the second and third-ranked search engine companies would be blocked by antitrust regulators.

  • 传奇如她的巨星香消玉殒,加上传媒全力报道,来自各界的名人先后出席,成为头条,她的「句号」划得轰动是必然的。
    A super star of a legend passed away, all media reported as news headline, celebrities and people with fame from all sectors attended her funeral. Her "full stop" brought magnificence.

  • 在一家幼儿园做老师的雯雯喜欢购物,一时冲动买回来的衣饰却不见得她有多喜欢,不少是日复一日地放在橱柜里“香消玉殒”。
    In a kindergarten teacher to do the shopping like Wen-Wen, the spur of the moment to buy back the clothes are not more like her, many of them day after day on the cabinet, "Xiangxiaoyuyun."

  • 可是即便是这位十全十美的女人,也有着难以言说的苦楚——因源氏用情不专而引起的嫉妒,所以正值盛年,日渐衰弱,香消玉殒
    But even if the perfect woman, also have unspeakable sufferings - a result of Genji fickle specifically caused by jealousy, it comes as prime, growing weak, consumers Yu Xiang perish.

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