
驰骋疆场  chí chěng jiāng chǎng






  • 瀚海浩浩,红尘女子,勒鞍扬鞭,驰骋疆场
    Desert vast, worldly woman, Le saddle troops on, across battlefields.

  • 年末岁初,举国上下近3万家房地产公司在这一疆场纵横驰骋,一争高下。
    late in the early years, the entire country nearly 3 million real estate companies operate in this fight, a struggle though.

  • 而今这位驰骋疆场的将军和改革先锋身患老年痴呆症,已经很难连续深入她讲述他以前的故事。
    Now this gallops the general of battlefield and reform pioneer body contract senile and gawkish disease, already she tells about very difficult successive development the story before him.

  • 驰骋疆场大半辈子的年迈将军,在进行心脏移植手术的同时,彷佛看到自己的一生在眼前重演了一遍。
    During a heart transplant operation, as he struggles between life and death; Amos Klein returns to significant landmarks over the course of his life.

  • 而你却国事难问,报国无门,既不能像岳飞那样驰骋疆场,也不能像辛弃疾那样上朝议事,多么让人痛心啊!
    But you have not asked the affairs of state, no nation, can not ride like Yue Fei as battlefields, but also did not like the Xin Qiji Shangchao procedure, how sad it ah!

  • 因此,一个谨慎的管家是必须的——然而,查理十一世死后留下的是一笔庞大的军事遗产,希望他的儿子也能依靠这些来驰骋疆场
    This military power did, however, cost money and Swedish lives. Neither of these commodities is available in abundance, and the prudent stewardship has been necessary too.

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