
高谈阔论  gāo tán kuò lùn








  • 停止你的高谈阔论,开始行动吧。
    Cease your loud and empty talk , and begin to behave.

  • 不要高谈阔论或是煽情地说一下伤心往事。
    Sensational not to talk or sad to say a few words back.

  • 报纸也可能象对付别的事情一样把这件事高谈阔论
    The newspaper might just as well talk loud about that as anything else.

  • 但是,两个会议所高谈阔论的重点又是截然不同的。
    But the rhetoric surrounding the two deliberations was very different.

  • 也可以跑到诸如“反希拉里博盟”的网站上去高谈阔论
    You can sound off in websites such as BlogsAgainstHillary. com.

  • 我们对自己的双重性格高谈阔论,对扬长避短却无所作为。
    We talk of our dual personality, and do nothing to cultivate the better part.

  • 由于那一冲击,那辆车子和这位高谈阔论者都一齐停下来了。
    The shock caused the cart and the orator to come to a dead halt .

  • 这种权利使人们美好的灵魂免受流言蜚语高谈阔论的骚扰。
    The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk.

  • 他们接着高谈阔论说:“CBD因此成了房地产商们的乐园。
    " They then talk said : "The CBD is a real estate agent who paradise.

  • 此人缠住他,喋喋不休地高谈阔论些废话,并对听者的不耐烦毫无反应。
    This person entwine he, babble ground harangues some of gibberish, right of auditor impatient be without reaction.

  • 与任何人交谈,若是一个劲儿地高谈阔论或喧哗嘻笑,都会予人狂妄之感;
    If we keep talking and laughing and making a lot of noise, people will feel we are hyperactive.

  • 不论你是在办公室还是派对,不太可能看到你在一群人当中高谈阔论的情景。
    Whether you're in the office or at a party, you're not likely to be found gabbing away in the middle of a group of people.

  • 不可把腿张开或跷高腿来坐,更不可高谈阔论,指手划脚批评别人技术高低。
    And do not chat, or criticize other people's skill while watching.

  • 他从不让自己在读者面前高谈阔论或严肃说教,而是由书里的人物自己表白。
    allows himself to lecture his readers or make severe moral points. His characters speak for themselves.

  • 他们不再战斗,相反,那些泛德运动的领导人养成了高谈阔论和谈判的习惯。
    Instead of fighting, the Pan-German leaders fell into the habit of talking and negotiating.

  • 郑裕彤不善高谈阔论,不了解他的人,总以为他辉煌业绩的背后是数不清的运气。
    Cheng Yu-tung poor rhetoric and does not understand him, he always thought that was brilliant behind countless luck.

  • 对于想要成功得你来说,为你的目标采取积极的行动是很重要的。停止你的高谈阔论
    I know many people who what to be achievement in his life, they have great demand and ambitions, but they never take action.

  • 一幅素雅的水墨,二盏晕黄的壁灯,曾伴过不少艺文界人士在此高谈阔论、展书研读。
    A plain ink wash painting and a pair of glowing wall lamps once accompanied the unbridled discussions of many figures from the artistic and literary world.

  • 午餐,自然是极其精美,就像蟾宫里的所有事物一样。吃饭时,蟾蜍信口开河高谈阔论
    During luncheon—which was excellent, of course, as everything at Toad Hall always was—the Toad simply let himself go.

  • 2007年年尾,她在迂腐的《外交》杂志上发表的高谈阔论,几乎只提中国而忘记了日本。
    Laying out her stall in Foreign Affairs, a wonkish journal, in late 2007, she almost forgot Japan in her stress on China.

  • 他的脸部表情丰富。听他的,你会听到他的高谈阔论,声调会随着讲授内容的不容不是变化。
    Listen to him , and you will hear the loudness , the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about .

  • 在一趟飞出中国的跨国航班上,一名脑满肠肥的平头中国男子(在半夜之后)和同伴高谈阔论
    On an international flight out of China, a well-fed Chinese man with a crew cut was speaking very loudly to his companion (this was well after midnight).

  • 第二天,我去他的房子里帮他准备婚礼。他是实际上内心里和我很亲近但从不与我高谈阔论的那些人之一。
    The next day, i went to his house preparing his wedding. he is one of those persons who are really close to my heart without speaking.

  • 我在想,他们面对着我的死尸也有可能如此这般高谈阔论,而我至今仍觉得更严厉的刑罚也不会改变任何东西。
    I was thinking, they could say all of this over my dead body, and I still fell that stiffer sentences wouldn't change a thing.

  • 在意大利的城市里,广场是公认的群众活动中心。人们用广场来宣传革命,高谈阔论,焚烧异教徒,散布五彩纸屑等。
    In the cities of Italy, piazzas are the acknowledged centers of local activity. Revolutions are preached there, crowds harangued, heretics burned, confetti sprinkled.

  • 妮可·基德曼:老实说,大使先生,每次有人跟我高谈阔论事实真相,我认为他们只是在说他们自己而不是在批评世界。
    Nicole Kidman:To be honest, ambassador, when someone starts talking to me about the truth, I hear what they tell me about themselves more than what they say about the world.

  • 德高望重的主父母到那些在广播中对政治高谈阔论的人,从一个小孩到一个有杰出成绩的科学家,每个人在教育领域都有权评头论足。
    The agents of education can range from a revered grandparents to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.

  • 他那富有煽动性的论点、法律上的演技、政治激进主义以及高谈阔论的方式仿若一种艾伦·德肖微茨、诺姆·乔姆斯基与伏尔泰的结合体。
    His provocative arguments, legal showmanship, political radicalism and grand pronouncements suggest some combination of Alan Dershowitz, Noam Chomsky and Voltaire.

  • 与他相处的私底下,她则愿意表现出更多真实的她。那双冰清的绿色眼睛灵动生彩。她的谈话多了主动,但不因此少了雄辩,或尖锐的高谈阔论
    In private, alone with him, she was much more animate, life coming to the cold, green eyes, the tongue more active, though no less eloquent. Or sharp.

  • 我相信面对这一共同威胁,我们能够采取勇敢、果断的行动。这就是我为什么来到这里的原因──不是为了高谈阔论,而是为了付诸行动。(掌声)
    I believe we can act boldly, and decisively, in the face of a common threat. That's why I come here today — not to talk, but to act. (Applause.

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