
汪洋大海  wāng yáng dà hǎi








  • 于是人们将目光投向了汪洋大海
    Then people delivers the view to boundless ocean.

  • 书籍是屹立在时间汪洋大海中的灯塔。
    Books are lighthouse erected in the great sea of time.

  • 像一艘船穿越汪洋大海
    Lyke3 as a ship that through the Ocean wide.

  • 而云的泪水越聚越多,直至汇集成汪洋大海
    The tears of the clouds gather more more, until together into a vast ocean.

  • 泰山顶上的茫茫云雾无边无际,犹如汪洋大海
    The peak of Mount Tai is often shrouded/wreathed in mist and cloud which is like a boundless sea.

  • 我只是汪洋大海中一艘船,他们想要让我沉没。
    I'm a ship in the sea, they try to sink me.

  • 你的桨夫将你划到汪洋大海,东风将你在海中吹毁。
    Through the deep waters your oarsmen brought you home, But the east wind smashed you in the heart of the sea.

  • 失去了目标,你就变成了生活的汪洋大海中的一叶孤舟。
    Without goals, you simply drift and flow on the currents of life.

  • 他后来说:「有多少人会在汪洋大海中被你的邻居救起呢?」
    The rescued man later asked, "What are the chances of being rescued in the middle of nowhere by your neighbor?"

  • 马特:这个看起来不错。想当初我哥伦布驰骋在汪洋大海上……
    Matt: This doesn't look bad. This reminds me, Colombus, of the times I steered my ships across the ocean…

  • 小事情 涓涓细流,颗颗沙粒, 能汇成汪洋大海, 能组成丰饶的大地。
    Little drops of water , little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land.

  • 我做了一个美丽的梦,在梦里有一片汪洋大海,在海上还有一艘小船在游荡。
    I had a beautiful dream, there is a sea of dreams, there is at sea in a boat around.

  • “有时候日全食是在汪洋大海上出现,观赏的唯一方式是包下一艘船。”莎哈密表示。
    "Sometimes an eclipse falls in the ocean, and the only way to see it is to charter a ship, " Sahami says.

  • 被雇用的“枪手”永远都只能是极少数,而站在公正立场中的公众就像是一片汪洋大海
    Be employed " gunman " can be few number only forever, and the public that stands in just footing resembles is a boundless ocean.

  • 它会让你想起平静的小溪,蜿蜒流过绿色的草地和欢快的树荫,直到最后流进汪洋大海
    It reminds you of a placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees, till at last it falls into the vasty sea;

  • 而人类生命这条长河,蜿蜒了数百万年,可能将流入汪洋大海,也可能消逝在窅渺的大漠。
    However, the long river of human life has been winding and twisting for millions of years. It could either end up in the vast ocean or disappear into a vast and endless desert.

  • 但现在的情形是,许多人正被动地漫游在未加筛选的信息汪洋大海中,逐渐失去判断好坏的能力。
    But the thing is many are becoming passive surfers in a vast sea of unsorted information, losing the ability to judge what is good and what is bad.

  • 我们叙述金睢鸠(或黄千鸟)如何于每年飞过数千哩毫无标帜的汪洋大海,直接而无误地飞抵夏威夷。
    We described how the golden plover manages to fly over thousands of miles of uncharted water each year directly and unerringly to Hawaii.

  • 层层白云如同汪洋大海的波浪,波涛起伏,飘飘荡荡,又像莽莽雪原的银蛇蜡像,前呼后拥,奔腾不息。
    Tumbling like the waves of the ocean, the banks of clouds heave and roll, following each other in an endless procession, sometimes giving the impression of a vast snow-and ice-bound field in motion.

  • 生活环境在不断地快速变化,我们发现自己每天都淹没在信息的汪洋大海中,需要对信息作出分析和判断。
    It is an environment in which rapid change is constant and each day we find ourselves showered with information that requires analysis and judgment.

  • 精确识别目标的中和抗体面对这种情况,仿佛陷入了人民战争的汪洋大海,由此HIV也获得了免疫逃逸的能力。
    Precisely identify the target of neutralizing antibodies to face such a situation, as if caught in the vast ocean of people's war, thus also received HIV immune escape capabilities.

  • 但是,要想让人数不够的希腊人把近东那样如此巨大的地区殖民化,希腊城市就如同点缀在亚洲汪洋大海中的小岛。
    But with an insufficient number of Greeks to colonize so large an area as the Near East, the Greek cities remained only islands in an Asian ocean.

  • 在全球化的汪洋大海中,我们法国人还只是静静地湿了湿脚:水很冷,因此我们不急于潜入水中,我们不想被淹死。
    We French are still quietly getting our feet wet in the sea of globalization:The water is chilly, so we take our time before diving in, we don't want to drown.

  • 古时的水手曾误把海牛认作美人鱼,实可说明数月在汪洋大海上豪饮朗姆,缺乏女性陪伴的生活是如何让人严重眼花。
    SAILORS of old sometimes mistook manatees for mermaids, which shows how months at sea quaffing rum and missing female company can cloud one's vision.

  • 我虽然只是一个地位卑微的人,却奉着安东尼的使命而来;不久以前,我在他的汪洋大海之中,不过等于一滴草叶上的露珠。
    Such as I am, I come from Antony:I was of late as petty to his ends As is the morn-dew on the myrtle-leaf To his grand sea.

  • 雾霭犹如一片汪洋大海弥漫于山下的洼地,但是在高地上的施拉帕尼茨村,天气十分晴朗。由数位元帅陪伴的拿破仑驻扎在这个高地上。
    The fog lay stretched in an unbroken sea over the plain, but at the village of Schlapanitz on the high ground where Napoleon was, surrounded by his marshals, it was now perfectly clear.

  • 事实上,这两个城市——温哥华和香港的童话故事应当有一个好的结局:两个城市的地平线,虽然隔着汪洋大海,却有着惊人的相似之处。
    Indeed there should be a good ending for the tale of these two cities——Vancouver and Hong Kong, whose skylines, though an ocean apart, are remarkably similar.

  • 第一个晚上,我就在这荒漠且渺无人烟的沙漠睡了一宿,这种情境,甚至比发生海难时,水手们乘坐救生艇,孤立无援在汪洋大海中漂荡还要难堪。
    The first night, then, I went to, sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean.

  • 一百年后今天,黑人的生命仍惨遭种族隔离桎梏和种族歧视枷锁的束缚。-百年后的今天,黑人仍生活在物质繁荣的汪洋大海所包围的贫穷孤岛上。
    One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.

  • 一个不需要宽大与华丽的地方,只要充满阳光与温馨;不需要有帅气的外表,只要有一颗善良的心和内涵。在汪洋大海的网海中寻觅着那属于自己的安全避风的港。
    One need not wide and luxuriant, sunny and warm, don't need handsome appearance, just you have honest, kind, honest, considerate, trust , tolerant , responsible and moral, well-educated man.

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