
烟云过眼  yān yún guò yǎn








  • 所有我的快乐已经是过眼烟云
    And all my pleasures are like yesterday.

  • 一切都是过眼烟云,惟有智慧永远伴随我们!
    Everything will pass, only wisdom will accompany us forever!

  • 鲜花与掌声都是过眼烟云,唯有亲情是永恒的。
    Flowers and applause are the solo, only kinship is eternal.

  • 梦一场,醉一场,醒来之后,一切都如过眼烟云
    You've dreamed, become drunk, and after waking up, everything is a passing scene.

  • 在岁月的流转中,人生的一切祸福都是过眼烟云
    Years rolled on, you will come full circle, and everything in the life is as transient as a fleeting cloud.

  • 归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。
    In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory .

  • 听到的,过眼烟云;看见的,铭记在心;做过的,沦肌浃髓。
    I hear , I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand.

  • 老一代记忆犹新的重大历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。
    Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history.

  • 在京城林林总总的数百家楼盘中,“百花齐放”的局面早已是过眼烟云
    many hundreds of homes in the capital market, "letting" the situation has long been perplexed.

  • 凭着一时的激情结婚,激情一过,婚姻也如过眼烟云,这是不负义务的态度。
    When the passion is gone, the marriage is over. That is an irresponsible attitude. The young people would rather separate than tolerate, so they unite easily and separate quickly.

  • 一切成败得失,终是过眼烟云,无论辉煌还是暗淡都是一份需要面对的生命。
    Success and failure are like floating smoke and passing clouds . You have to face your life whether it is splendid or dull.

  • 之前的成败都已是过眼烟云。我们必须满怀决心和希冀,以全新的面貌启程。
    We need to restart with determination and the will to re-emerge: the past is behind us now.

  • 凭着一时的激情结婚,激情一过,婚姻也如过眼烟云,这是不负责任的态度。
    When the passion is gone, the marriage is over. That is an irresponsible attitude. The young people would rather separate than tolerate, so they unite easily and separate quickly.

  • 结果,使我不但丧失了权力,到手的金钱也成过眼烟云,成为我犯罪的证据。
    As a result, I not only lost power, the money and also get 9 (Guo, BC smoke as I crime evidence.

  • 而人生长着百年,短则数十寒暑,又有何值得耀武扬威的,不过是烟云过眼矣?
    The growth of people for centuries, while dozens of short years, what should be around, but the clouds have eyes say?

  • 劳动给人的愉快和对精神的鼓舞不再因对过眼烟云似的利润的疯狂追逐而抹煞。
    The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.

  • 但倘若我错失了该把握的缘分,那么所有的偶然也便如过眼烟云,没了必然的结果。
    But if my error should grasp fate, then all accidentally also then like passing scene, does not it have the inevitable result?

  • 30年来,有的偶像,如过眼烟云,不着痕迹;有的偶像,如日薄西山,风光不再;
    Over the past 30 years, some of the idols, just like shooting stars, come out of sudden, go without any traces.

  • 这时形式已经与它的本质完全地分离了,仅仅作为一个符号,成为街上的一阵过眼烟云的流行。
    Here, form had been totally separated from its nature. Only as a symbol, Zen became brent in the street just like a fleeting cloud.

  • 其实,富贵也罢,辉煌也罢,都是短暂的,如昙花一现,世上的利禄俗欲也只不过是过眼烟云
    In fact, no matter whether rich, brilliant worth mentioning are the short-lived, such as a flash in the pan, of whom the world is no more than vulgar For .

  • 这个不幸的消息无疑是一个晴空霹雳,那个昔日美好的梦想今日已成过眼烟云,只是一个泡影。
    The bad news is undoubtedly a clear sky thunderbolt, that old dream of a beautiful solo today has become just a bubble.

  • 离别和低谷都是短暂的,当我们从整个人生道路的角度来细细咀嚼,这些只是昙花一现过眼烟云
    Parting and trough are transitory. When we chew carefully from the point of the whole life, these are last briefly and are as transient as a fleeting cloud.

  • 我觉得,面对机会,要有争取的勇气,如果连这点勇气都没有,那再好的机会也只会成为过眼烟云
    I think we should have courage when facing the changes. If there's none of such courage, the better changes will be like clouds pass your eyes without anything.

  • 历史上出现过的昙花一现的“暴利”现象,早已因市场化程度和供需关系的根本改变而成为过眼烟云
    The short history occurred in the "profiteering" phenomenon has been a degree of marketization and the relations between supply and demand as a fundamental change in schools.

  • 快乐之道其实很简单----生活顺景时,要知道福乐并非永恒;生活不遂意时,视困境为过眼烟云
    The way of happiness is simple – when life is good, know that fortunate and happiness are not eternal; when life is bad, see difficulties as passing clouds.

  • 而同样,你的希望、抱负、计划和安排也将不复存在。曾经看起来非常重要的成败得失也不过是过眼烟云
    So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will all expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

  • 微软则刚刚宣布将以200亿美元左右的价格回购其8%的股份――这意味着它曾经的高速增长时代已成过眼烟云
    Microsoft has just announced that it will buy back 8% of its shares for around $20 billion―a sign that its high-growth days are behind it.

  • 六年的时间过去了,每天太阳升起又落下,股市涨涨又跌跌,忙忙碌碌的事情这么多,谁会将这些过眼烟云的人物记住呢?
    Five or six years had lapsed before the sun to rise and fall every day, the stock market also rose up Die Die, busy so many things, who would be Guoyanyanyun people remember it?

  • 再好的理论、思想、见识,如果不能以受众喜闻乐见的形式而存世,必然行之不远,成为束之高阁的冷僻之物或者过眼烟云
    Even the best theories, ideas, knowledge, if not loved by the audience in the form of deposit and the World Bank, not far from the line is bound to become a rare thing shelved or Guoyanyanyun.

  • 当我站在古罗马斗兽场的废墟上,顿感世间的一切权势纷争、金粉豪华都不过是过眼烟云。风流总被雨打风吹去,何必让身外之物、无聊之事困扰终生?
    When I stand on the ruins of ancient Rome, the Colosseum, all power in the world disputes are nothing more luxurious Gold Merry always be the wind and rain, and why so silly things troubled life?

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