
独断独行  dú duàn dú xíng







  • 此事根本没有讨论过, 也没有通知过我, 是他独断独行
    None of this was discussed or communicated to me. He went his own way.

  • 美国选民也并不希望民主党独断独行
    Nor do American voters want the Democrats to do this alone.

  • 别看他在这儿独断独行,他妻子却可以随意摆布他。
    As self-asserted as he seems here, his wife can wind him round her finger.

  • 总的来说,我们这些写博客的是独断独行的一伙人。
    As a whole, we bloggers are a self-reliant bunch.

  • 我们的新雇员似乎是一个独断独行,我行我素的老手。
    Our new employee seems to be a self-reliant, self-starting go-getter!

  • 此事根本没有讨论过,也没有通知过我,是他独断独行
    None of this was discussed with or communicated to me. He went his own way.

  • 于是瘸子先开口,瘸子说:我独断独行,所以我是老大!
    Then gimp starts to talk first, gimp says: I am self-reliant, so I am the old!

  • 属马者常有出众的外貌,做任何事都会独断独行,不大接受别人意见。
    He always works in his own way and seldom accepts the opinion of others.

  • 但布什当初做决定时并不是独断独行,他拥有多数公众舆论、政论和国会的支持。
    But Bush was hardly alone in that decision. He had a majority of public opinion, the commentariat, and Congress with him.

  • 因为我们认为穆加贝只会独断独行,听不进他人意见。所以我们现在感到束手无策。
    Because we thought that he was going to listen to reason on his own, and now we don't know what to do.

  • 父亲们有著一个神圣的任务,就是要去教训和警戒他们的儿女,但他们不应独断独行
    Fathers have a God-given mandate to train and instruct their children. And they're not intended to do it alone!

  • 虽然豪斯是个天才,但却独断独行,总是专注医学并时常打破常规全心挽救患者的生命。
    House, albeit a genius diagnostician, is a maverick, frequently bending and sometimes breaking the norms of conventional medical practice in his endeavor to save the lives of his patients.

  • 老一套的态度,即员工听从指挥,而不能自做主张或独断独行,常常使得员工不能人尽其才。
    The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative leads to underused people.

  • 他们不是独断独行,而是具有丰富经验处理安利事业中的转变,兼且能够善用安利在世界各地所汲取的经验。
    They have a lot of experience in managing change in the Amway business and they are able to draw on the experiences that we've had around the world.

  • 但卡塔尔人如果相信特梅纳德先生为配合他雇主的脾胃,而改变他独断独行的工作方式,他们肯定被误导了。
    Yet Qataris were clearly misguided if they believed Mr Ménard would change his florid and unabashed style of operation to suit his benefactors' temperament.

  • 这个策略是清晰的 可完成的目标被伊拉克人民和 美国人民分享 伊拉克是独立自主的 稳定的独断独行的。
    This strategy is around grounded in a clear the chief share and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people. And : an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self life|self-reliant.

  • 母亲事事独断独行,虽然让咲子不快,但她还是天天前往医院照顾母亲,并因此认识了寺泽医生(大泽隆夫饰)。
    Her mother looks all right, but the doctor Terasawa Daisuke (Takao Osawa) tells Sakiko that her strong-spirited mother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

  • 性格活泼开朗,受大家欢迎。是天生的政治家,拥有带领群众的才干。独立主观,做任何事都会独断独行,不太接受别人意见。
    Optimistic and a good leader. He always works in his own way and seldom accept the opinion of others.

  • 路加福音记载基督受试探的次序,跟马太福音有少许分别,不过,撒但的目的却是一样:引诱基督独断独行,不要遵行父神的旨意。
    The order of the three temptations differs slightly in Luke from the account in Matthew but Satan's intentions remained the same - to tempt Christ to act independently of the will of the Father.

  • 独断独行造句相关
