
百孔千疮  bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng








  • 今天, 这个反动集团百孔千疮, 内外交困, 矛盾重重。
    Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds, this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.

  • 这个国家的经济被弄得百孔千疮, 一时甚至面临崩溃。
    The economy of this nation was brought into a state of disaster, and for a time even on the brink of collapse.

  • 国家经济已是百孔千疮
    The country's economy is in shreds.

  • 由于南北战争和“重建”造成的百孔千疮,举国上下被搞得筋疲力尽。
    The nation at large was exhausted from the searing effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

  • 二楼的格子窗和屋顶阁楼被大小子弹打得百孔千疮,已慢慢地在变形。
    the window on the first floor, and the attic window in the roof, riddled with buck-shot and biscuits, were slowly losing their shape.

  • 可是奥巴马总统说,政府的采购承包系统百孔千疮,太多的资金被白白浪费了。
    Mr. Obama says the contracting system is broken, and far too much money is wasted.

  • 大部分黄豆必须以卡车,沿著百孔千疮、长达一千六百多公里而且只有两线道的公路南运。
    Most of the beans are trucked south more than 1, 600 kilometers along two-lane highways full of potholes.

  • 设计方案:用百孔千疮的枯叶比作支离破碎的烟肺,罪魁祸首就会逃离并寻找下一个栖息地。
    Design criteria : Using dried leaves to represent the smoker's fragile lung. quit smoking to get rid of the killers, the killers shall get away to somewhere else.

  • 当时美国手中主要的武器就是威胁削减对英国的资金支持,而二战结束后英国的经济已是百孔千疮
    S. opposition. Washington's main weapon: its threat to slash financial support for London, whose economy had been battered by World War II.

  • 只有科林斯正面的上方遭了殃;二楼的格子窗和屋顶阁楼被大小子弹打得百孔千疮,已慢慢地在变形。
    The top alone of the Corinthe facade suffered; the window on the first floor, and the attic window in the roof, riddled with buck-shot and biscuits, were slowly losing their shape.

  • 设计方案:用百孔千疮的枯叶比作支离破碎的烟肺。罪魁祸首就会逃离并寻找下一个栖息地。为了自己和他人。请珍爱生命。
    Design: Baikongqianchuang fragmentation of the leaves to smoke than the lung. the culprit will escape and find a habitat. In order to themselves and others. cherishing life.

  • 百孔千疮造句相关
