
盘根错节  pán gēn cuò jié








  • 地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。
    Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted.

  • 而面对盘根错节的医疗卫生改革,达施勒却是手到擒来。
    Mr Daschle was well-versed in the mind-boggling intricacies of health-care reform;

  • 山姆:地下到处都是盘根错节的树根,把我的背顶得好疼。
    Sam: Everywhere I lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back.

  • 宫前有数株榕树,盘根错节,枝繁叶茂,为游人休憩佳处。
    Before the palace are some giant banyan trees whose entangled foliage and intertwined roots provide a good resting place for visitors.

  • 各种关系盘根错节、环环紧扣,对政局发展方向形成一股合力。
    With all the relations entangled, a compound power impelled the development of Chinese politics.

  • 整个网络形成“盘根错节的一堆,以如此复杂的方式相互依赖。”
    the whole web forming "an entangled bank, dependent on each other in so complex a manner."

  • 音乐有魅力去抚慰那狂野的胸怀,软化岩石,或折弯那盘根错节的橡树。
    Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.

  • 音乐有魅力去抚慰那狂野的胸怀,软化岩石,或折弯那盘根错节的橡树。
    Music has power to soothe a avage brest, to soften rocks or bend a knot oak.

  • 古老的桉树和胡椒树在院子里遮天蔽日,盘根错节威胁着篱笆和人行道。
    aging eucalyptus and pepper trees overhung the courtyard, prehensile roots threatening fence and sidewalk.

  • 贝尔斯通也许不是因为规模太大而不能倒下,而是因为它盘根错节的关系。
    Bear Stearns may not have been too big to fail, but it was too entangled.

  • 这些因素盘根错节地长期存在,决定了权力异化和腐败生成的历史必然性。
    These factors will exist long-term and interlocked, which decided the history inevitability of power alienation and corruption existence.

  • 这些因素看起来盘根错节,影响着我们的生活质量,诸如人究竟能活多久这个问题。
    These factors seem to have an interweaving effect on what the quality of life will be || like || for however many years a person will live.

  • 本周我们将更深入了解俗称「西方文明的摇篮」盘根错节的过往和较鲜为人知的现况。
    This week, we take a closer look at the complicated past and relatively unknown present of the nation commonly referred to as the "cradle of western civilization."

  • 那么你还会因为一些盘根错节的误会生发的哀怨,甚至过激的言行而在意,或者悲伤吗?
    Then you will be because of some deep-rooted misunderstanding of the germinal sad, and even violent behavior and care, or sad it?

  • 但大部分的流失是合法避税,大国的税法盘根错节,通过其中法律漏洞,将税单最优化。
    But most leakage is actually tax avoidance—minimising your tax bill, often by finding loopholes in the thicket of tax rules in big countries.

  • 面山乔灌木盘根错节,以丁香为主的野花遍布山坡,其它杂树野草夹于其间,景色宜人。
    Mountain face deep-rooted shrubs, mainly lilac flowers to all over the hillsides, weedsza shu other folders in the meantime, the pleasant scenery.

  • 恐怖主义是一个世界性的孤儿,但恐怖事件的发生却与现实有千丝万缕、盘根错节的关系。
    Terrorism is a world-wide orphans, but the terrorist incidents and the reality is there are intricate, deep-rooted.

  • 那一年,我们到台东林务局的森林公园,看到有一种树根盘根错节,有如蛇形,甚为有趣。
    We saw some aged trees bearing entangled roots, constructing in an interesting pattern, located at Forest Park in TaiTung, the Eastern Taiwan.

  • 怪藤--粗壮的老藤顺着悬崖攀缘而上,在丛林间盘根错节,令人恍然以为进入了热带雨林。
    Strange vine - Laoteng along the rugged cliffs and Pan Yuan, in the jungle between the intertwined, it is thought that Huangran into the tropical rain forests.

  • 他认为,现在是体制出现危机,问题盘根错节相互关联,其危害程度不亚于1929年华尔街金融风暴。
    In his view, it is the institutional crisis, deep-rooted problems associated with each other, no less than its 1929 level of harm In the financial turmoil on Wall Street.

  • 大部分办公室的确都是盘根错节的丛林,很多职员的行为与我们在动物王国的远亲相比并没有多大差异。
    The fact is it's a jungle out there, and the players at most offices aren't that far removed from our distant relatives in the animal kingdom.

  • 认为那些盘根错节的专利会阻碍基础研究的顾虑,也并未真的发生,因为学术界习惯上不太遵守智慧财产权。
    A patent thicket that blocks basic research has also failed to materialize because academics tend not to respect intellectual property.

  • 这一点都不令人惊讶,当对同性恋深度防御还在澳洲法律中盘根错节,而且给到处都是的基督教主义者支持着。
    This is not surprising when the homosexual advance defence is still entrenched in Australian law and still supported by extreme Christian fundamentalists everywhere.

  • 当前危机的重大教训是,对于那些被认为过大或过于盘根错节而不能倒闭的机构,这种担保究竟能达到何种程度。
    The big lesson of the current crisis is just how far such insurance may go in the case of institutions deemed too big or interconnected to fail.

  • 他补充说,重庆的黑帮非常有名,他们“历史悠久、覆盖面广、盘根错节、成员众多、资格老到,而且影响恶劣。”
    He added that gangs in Chongqing were known for "having a long history, wide coverage, deep connections, huge membership, high quality, and vicious influence".

  • 而与宗教、伦理、哲学和诗学等诸般文化形态盘根错节在一起的印度文学和美学更像是克里特岛上的米诺斯迷宫,往往令人望而却步。
    The tangled Indian aesthetics, mixed with so many culture forms as religion, ethics, philosophy and poetry, etc, is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it.

  • 无数的文献基于这一谬论,而且,跟这类信条通常的情形一样,它已经成为盘根错节的谬论网的一部分,与网络中其他荒唐的说法相互支撑。
    An enormous literature is based on this fallacy, and, as so often happens with doctrines of this sort, it has become part of an intricate network of fallacies that mutually support each other.

  • 前年回到故乡,远远的,就看到那棵老槐树,依然是那样盘根错节,枝节遒劲,苍老的枝条在风中抖动着,无声电影一样显得那样哀婉苍凉。
    Back home two years ago, far, and on the tree to see the old tree is still as deep-rooted , old branches of the jitter in the wind, like a silent movie as it is desolate .

  • 而背景简单的梅德韦杰夫并没有属于自己的盘根错节的团队——就连他的总统竞选班子负责人索比亚宁,也是普京提拔的克里姆林宫办公厅主任。
    Medvedev's background and simply do not have their own deep-rooted the team - even his presidential campaign team responsible Suobiyaning, Putin is also promoted by the Kremlin chief of staff.

  • 在伊士坦堡﹐大巷小弄﹐沿着波士普如士海峡﹐盘根错节。那里那时候流行“火剪”,用火修剪耳耳朵周边的头发﹐理发师傅点了火柴﹐差点连我也点着了。
    In Istanbul, amid the tangled alleys lining the Bosphorus, a barber once nearly set me on fire, using a lighted match to give me the sort of "singe-trim" around the ears that was the fashion there.

  • 盘根错节造句相关
