
盛极一时  shèng jí yī shí








  • 以「导力器」出口而盛极一时的国家。
    governs, prospers second to none as an "Orbment" exporting country.

  • 一是分析俄罗斯文学在中国盛极一时的原因。
    Firstly, it analyses the reasons of Russian literature translations in China at that time.

  • 建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时
    Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here.

  • 产于湖州长兴的罗岕茶在明中后期盛极一时,可惜失传。
    Luoka tea grown in Changxing county of Huzhou City was extremely popular in the mid-Ming Dynasty, but it is lost now.

  • 郎木寺是藏传佛教寺院,早年曾盛极一时,后日渐萧条。
    Langmusi monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism, the early years have been very popular after becoming depressed.

  • 这两个品牌在当时可是盛极一时,可是,最终都轰然倒塌。
    The two brands at the time but very popular, but eventually came the collapse.

  • 郎木寺与四川境内的格尔底寺隔白龙江相望,早年曾盛极一时
    Langmusi Nagel and Sichuan in the Temple at the end of every Bailongjiang sea, the early years have been very popular.

  • 元代平阳杂剧盛极一时,在中国戏曲史上占有极其重要的地位。
    The Pingyang drama named ZaJu was in fashion for a time in Yuan Dynasty.

  • 过去也做过困难的抉择-袖手任由曾盛极一时的美国钢铁业大大萎缩。
    Hard choices have been made in the past – the once-powerful American steel industry was allowed to shrink to a shadow of its former self.

  • 中晚唐盛极一时的咏史诗发展到晚唐后期,逐渐形成一些固定的套路。
    Flourished in Mid-Tang and Late-Tang period, poetry on history gradually formed some stereotypes near the end of Late-Tang period.

  • 大英帝国的灭亡,只是和历史上一些曾经盛极一时的帝国遭遇同样的下场。
    The demise of the British Empire followed the same fate of the other powerful empires throughout the ages.

  • 互联网盛极一时之后的萧条给巴拉特先生接手的这份遗产投下了一片阴影。
    The slump that followed the Internet boom had cast a cloud on the legacy of Mr.

  • 进步党此次的胜利或许预示着在下次大选中,曾经盛极一时的激进党将会失势。
    The SNS victory may portend the eclipse of the once-mighty Radicals in the next general election.

  • 明初承元文人画的余波,并加以发挥,旋继南宋院画而兴起院体画,盛极一时
    Cheng Yuan-ming in the early aftermath of the literati paintings and take advantage of it, following the rotation of the Southern Song Painting Academy and the rise of house-painting, very popular.

  • 在中国历史上,曾有一支赫赫有名、盛极一时的重要社会经济力量,那就是晋商。
    In Chinese history, there have been a famous, the city's important socioeconomic forces, namely Shanxi.

  • 图1、2:「今日经济」发行已十六年,曾盛极一时,现在声誉与水准已不如昔;
    2: Today's Economy, which has been published for 16 years, flourished for a time, but then its quality and popularity diminished.

  • 在巴比伦、埃及、希腊和罗马人各自盛极一时年代里,今日的欧洲只有原始文明。
    During the ages when the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans flourished, the area now called Europe possessed a primitive civilization.

  • 佩特拉在罗马帝国时代盛极一时,但由于阿拉伯的贸易中心的转移到别处而迅速衰落。
    Petra once flourished under the Roman empire but a rapid decline began with the Arabian trade being taken elsewhere. Then an earthquake caused a lot of destruction.

  • 中国古典诗歌对20世纪初在英美诗坛盛极一时的意象派诗歌创作曾产生了深刻影响。
    The Chinese classic poems had impacted much upon the poetic composition of the imaginary school that dominated the field of poetry in both America and British in the early 20th century.

  • 佩特拉在罗马帝国时代盛极一时,但由于阿拉伯的贸易中心的转移到别处而迅速衰落。
    Petra once flourished under the Roman empire but a rapid decline began with the Arabian trade being taken elsewhere.

  • 在多种因素的综合作用下,清代大黄制夷观念不断发展强化,并在鸦片战争时期盛极一时
    Just because of coordinately functioning of many factors, the idea of controlling foreigners by rhubarb developed and was strengthened constantly, and was prevailed in the period of the Opium War.

  • 汉代和古罗马在古代都曾盛极一时,政治、经济均代表了当时的最高成就,法律文化也光辉灿烂。
    The Han Dynasty and ancient Rome had been very similar in ancient times, whose politics, economy at that time represented the highest achievements in the legal culture.

  • 台湾电影金马奖已经举行了40届,但是台湾曾经盛极一时的电影事业现在还无任何复苏的迹象。
    Taiwan has hosted the Golden Horse ceremony for 40 years, but its once-thriving movie industry has shown no signs of a revival.

  • 这或许也是高盛对他去世的消息保持低调的原因之一,至少,他那盛极一时的理念当今看来还有一点问题。
    A reason for the silence surrounding his death may be that for Goldman, at least, his legacy is at once inspiring and just a little troubling.

  • 元代(公元1271—1368年)初年,宰相廉希宪在这里修建别墅“万柳堂”,成为盛极一时的游览胜地。
    Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 AD years) in the early years, Xi Xian Lian prime minister in the construction of the villas here, "Hall Willow" and a popular tourist resort.

  • 司马迁的著作《史记》,为中国早期最伟大的历史著作之一;「赋」的诗歌形式也盛极一时,并成为后世创作的基准。
    One of the greatest of the early histories, the Shiji by Sima Qian, was composed, and the fu, a poetic form that became the norm for creative writing, began to flourish.

  • 明清时期徽州商帮盛极一时,经营范围之广、资本之雄厚,对社会产生了深远的影响,但它却在很短的时间内又迅速地衰落。
    Huizhou Merchants were the shining star of the Chinese ancient commerce world, dominating in wide business area, countless capital and so on, during the Ming and Qing Dynasty.

  • 雅典是西方文明的摇篮,西方的政府、法律、公正和自由这些理念,都起源于此。建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时
    Athens gave birth to Western culture. This is where the West's ideas of government, law, justice and liberty all began. Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here.

  • 举重是一项与人类历史一样古老的运动,是对人类力量的最直接展现。举重运动不仅在古代盛极一时,而且在21世纪成为一项现代体育运动。
    An ancient sport as old as mankind, embodying the most direct manifestation of human strength, weightlifting has notflourished, developed into a modern sporting discipline for the 21st century.

  • 举重是一项与人类历史一样古老的运动,是对人类力量的最直接展现。举重运动不仅在古代盛极一时,而且在21世纪成为一项现代体育运动。
    An ancient ort as old as mankind, embodying the most direct manifestation of human strength, weightlifting has not only flourished, but developed into a modern oring discipline for the 21st century.

  • 盛极一时造句相关
