
大势已去  dà shì yǐ qù







  • 政府的喉舌说绿色运动大势已去
    Government propagandists depict the green movement as a busted flush.

  • 眼看大势已去,厂长刘光明逃之夭夭。
    Soon general trends already went, decamp of factory director Liu Guangming.

  • 项羽眼见大势已去,慷慨自刎于乌江边。
    Seeing Xiang Yu lost, Ziwen generous in the Wujiang River Edge.

  • 如果是,应该是短暂的吧,我知道大势已去
    If so, it was brief and I know that it is largely over.

  • 各国政府对信息和资金流动的影响力大势已去
    Governments have lost much of their influence over the movement of information and capital.

  • 事实上,土星大势已去,美好的时光即将回归!
    For all practical purposes, you are done with Saturn and the good times will return!

  • 打翻牛奶,哭也没用。/覆水难收。/大势已去
    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

  • 打翻牛奶,哭也没用。/覆水难收。/大势已去
    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

  • 于是天平严重倾斜,大势已去,我的左手回天乏术。
    So the balance is clined seriously. my left hand failed.

  • 大势已去的时候,你慢慢地挥挥手,离开了最爱。
    When lost, you slowly wave, leaving the favorite.

  • 听起来,这对大势已去的拉美西斯二世也是则坏消息。
    It all sounds like bad news for poor old Rameses II.

  • 尼克森总统在被调查时,他周围的人觉得大势已去,纷纷离职。
    When President Nixon was under investigation, the rats deserted the sinking ship.

  • 我不知道她是否贞节,但她很丑,对一个女人而言,这就大势已去
    I do not know if she was virtuous, but she was ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.

  • 华北的大势已去,却对长江流域的公众隐瞒了事情的真相和严重的程度。
    The nature and the scope of the dissolution in North China, however, was at this time well concealed from the general public in the Yangtze Valley.

  • 美国认为个体需求大势已去,公共需求成了经济发展的引擎是有道理的。
    America is right to argue that private-sector demand has collapsed, leaving the public sector as the engine of the economy.

  • 在竞选活动的最后一个星期,尽管大势已去,我却经历了两件难忘的事。
    In the last week of the campaign, though all was lost, I had two memorable experiences.

  • 它会令你变成另外一个人,然而你却不知道你已经变了,直到大势已去
    It can make you into a person that you don't know you have become until it is all-wrong.

  • 公孙瓒自知穷途末路,大势已去,残忍地将家小全部缢死,然后引火自焚。
    Gong Sunzan knew a dead end, lost, cruel to all the small pads death, and then set himself on fire.

  • 他可以感觉到,战斗的尾声已经临近,而他所面对的那个西斯亦大势已去
    He could feel the end of this battle approaching, and so could the blur of Sith he faced;

  • 查理王子看到大势已去,从躺着一千二百个高地人的尸体的原野上骑马奔驰而去。
    Prince Charles saw that the day was lost and galloped from the field on which 1, 200 of the clansmen lay dead.

  • 林博士颇识时务,知道大势已去,也就乐得附和众议,目前他们在等待最后的决定。
    Lin was experienced in worldly matters. She knew the situation had become unfavorable to them and so was content to go along with the others. For the time being they awaited a final decision.

  • 在当时,柯达的管理层已经意识到沿袭“传统”似乎只有死路一条,传统胶片相机和胶片大势已去
    At the time, Carestream Health's management have realized the lineage it seems that traditional " " alley, the traditional film cameras and films has passed.

  • 第二天情报部门注意到,“虽然还没有意识到大势已去或整体投降,德国兵进行的是混乱的防御战。
    The following day intelligence noted, "The Boche, although not in any sense getting up and surrendering in mass, are fighting a disorganized defensive battle."

  • 犹太人领袖埃利埃泽.本.睚珥知道大势已去,对手下说:「很久之前,我们决定永远不作罗马人仆役。
    "Long ago, we resolved never to be servants to the Romans, " he said. "The time is now come that obliges us to make that resolution true in practice.

  • 华盛顿—白宫周日声称,萨达姆-侯赛因的被捕,向伊拉克人民表明伊前领导人确实大势已去,永不复返了。
    WASHINGTON - The White House said Sunday that Saddam Hussein's capture assures the Iraqi people that the deposed leader is gone from power for good.

  • 而当希特勒发现战局已经出现扭转、大势已去时,他的“不成功,便成仁”的命令又极大地拖累了东线战事。
    Hitler's "stand or die" orders gravely hampered the war in the east once the tide turned.

  • 在马其顿军发动猛攻之前,波斯军的阵列即已四分五裂,大流士发现大势已去,竟做出不可原谅的举动,他决定弃战逃亡。
    Their lines fall in bloody ribbons before the Macedonian onslaught. Seeing the day is lost, Darius commits the unforgivable. He deserts his post and flees.

  • 樵夫刚按好斧柄,就开始到处乱砍,森林里最高的树都砍倒了,树林现在察觉大势已去,就小声对衫树说:“第一次的让步已失去了一切。
    No sooner had the Woodman fitted the staff to his purpose , than he began laying about him on all side. felling the whole matter too late, whispered to the Cedar: "the first concession has lost all ;"

  • 樵夫刚按好斧柄,就开始到处乱砍,森林里最高的树都砍倒了,树林现在察觉大势已去,就小声对衫树说:“第一次的让步已失去了一切。
    No sooner had the Woodman fitted the staff to his purpose than he began laying about him on all side. felling the whole matter too late whispered to the Cedar: "the first concession has lost all ;"

  • 那些上演在克林顿阵营和眼下爆发在麦凯恩阵营内部的窝里斗(甚至在他们确信自己大势已去之前就发生了),都从未在奥巴马的团队中出现过。
    There has been none of the internecine warfare which riddled the Clinton campaign and is now erupting within the McCain camp even before they know for certain that they've lost.

  • 大势已去造句相关
