
大度包容  dà dù bāo róng






  • 因此我们必须宽容大度而有包容心!
    Therefore, we must be tolerant and inclusive, generous heart!

  • 爱是一种包容,是一种大度和公正。
    Love is an inclusive, is a broad and impartial.

  • 朋友:刀剑者应心胸宽广,大度包容
    Friends : Sword players should have a wide mind, and should be magnanimous.

  • 脾气好、包容性强,大度不为小事发火;
    Temper, inclusive, generous non-trivial to get angry;

  • 中国还要宽容大度包容不同的政治标准和文化标准。
    China also needs to accept that the tolerance it demands for different political and cultural standards should be reciprocal.

  • 爱,是在重要问题上,即使意见相左也赞同你的大度包容
    Love is on important issues, even if the odds also endorsed the inclusiveness of your generosity;

  • 温暖来自关心、肯定、认可、问候、理解、体贴、大度包容、呵护。
    Warms from the care, the affirmation, the approval, the regards, the understanding, sympathizes, magnanimous, containing, to protect.

  • 这充分体现了中华文化包容万物、雍容大度的和谐气氛和兼收并蓄的传统。
    This fully demonstrates the inclusive nature of Chinese culture, harmony generous traditional and eclectic.

  • 风趣、幽默、睿智的、包容大度、温和的;有责任感的、有事业心,热爱生活的先生。
    Humor and wit, humor, wise and farsighted of, forgive, big degree, gentle of; Have sense of responsibility of, occupy industry heart, have a passion for a living Sir.

  • 但是至少在这个首相的位置上,他还是有可能学会变得大度一些而且逐渐学会包容同僚的。
    But it is possible that in the top job he can at least learn to be a more generous and inclusive colleague.

  • 安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜脸上流露着温顺的忧愁和大度包容的神色,她和一个不认识的女士伫立在门旁。
    Anna Mihalovna with a countenance of meek sorrow and forgiveness stood at the door with the unknown lady.

  • CF的男人,宽容大度,面对女人有一颗包容的心,懂得尊重女性,在呵护宠爱女人的过程中分清是非和责任。
    CF men, tolerant and magnanimous, have hearts full of inclusiveness for women, know how to respect women, and can distinguish between right and wrong and the responsibility while loving women.

  • 感情专一,包容大度,要求上进,有家庭责任感…其实我也一下说不清,要看感觉吧,接触了才知道,总之不要玩感情。
    Devoted, broad-minded, tolerant, motivated, responsible, love family, but anyway, the it finally depends on the chemistry between us. In one word, don't play with me.

  • 我热爱生活,性格开朗,善良。心态好,对人真诚,包容大度。我爱每一个关心我的人。我喜欢运动,每天都练习太极拳,还喜欢摄影等。
    I deeply love the life, the personality is bright, docile, for one, sincere attitude, tolerance. I love permeates every concern me. I like sports, practicing taiji, every day is like photography etc.

  • 思维开阔,幽默,专一,真诚,有魅力,乐观,性感,有事业心,懂的享受,包容大度,自信,爱好运动,待人随和,热爱生活,居家型,友好的,给人感觉舒服,爱孩子,聪明,智商高,浪漫。
    I am a honest , tender , caring , loving and family oriented lady. I like travel , climbing and all kind of sports and cooking , easygoing and positive.

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